New matrix (12)
1850 bc
once veil lifted
the primordial ground appears
"Now that the features of the ground and path
Have been correctly comprehended,
The ultimate result will come :
The kayas and primordial wisdom"
- Jigme Lingpa

At this point, aside from that, the phenomena or appearances of sambhogakaya do not exist externally from the viewpoint of those who are to be tamed. This is the time of solitary dharmakaya
- longchenpa
it is here that adventitious stains are naturally cleansed away"
- treasury of precious qualities
next stop (1)
the final chapter
we be grateful if someone can show us the way back home base
"to go only when bidden - this is clarity"
- i ching
at first we thought we would return to old body/place - like waking up from dream
or if we had passed on from old world
the continuity with it be no more
but this is something different ?
"you may see them again"
new world emerging
"your body be similar but different
you keep the memories"\
"dont need eat sleep"
"After I have entered extinction, ... At that time I will be a buddha in another land and will be known by a different name."
- buddha
"this a transfer station"
"your consciousness transferred"
into a new body/place
- bison
"you like particles in space"
they taking you to a place
- glen
"this place you alone
it gives you chance to be independent
you no need to work for others"
- la lady
a bridge then another bridge then you there
we getting close
so there a future ...
where this present body is no more
but a new body of another kind replaces it ?
we dissolved into sambogakaya and not even knew
it just simulation which replicates our old world
looks somewhat same but feels different
but this be a new body/place
so the transition may be different ?
like taking the virtual reality goggle off
then you back at the source
don't think in terms of /sequence time
it just a simulation
it been that way since you started writing
once back
can enter any point within the past
what that place is like can deal with it when get there
- mei
"go where we can see clear
and then advise ?
we then go where that future directs
and clear out this past from that future
... yes there is a solution
- future to past"
march 2020
new matrix (8)
"to go only when bidden - this is clarity"
- i ching
maybe it this past week we entered new/natural state ?
writing points to something new
"Although those with special affiliation may actually be able to go there through their karmic connection, nevertheless it is not a physical place that we can actually find. We can only say that it is a pure land, a pure land in the human realm. And unless one has the merit and the actual karmic association, one cannot actually arrive there."
- the dalai lama on shambhalla
dream of entrance of cedar mesa
it not this cedar mesa (canyons)
but feeling of a sacred place similar
very excited but didnt yet enter
return to find mic
so once source is reached the city of the spontaneous kayas appear
like the dreams (of the city) you been having
- bison
"... the everlasting kingdom of the primordial ground ... passing swiftly beyond suffering into the city of the three spontaneously kayas, which are supreme peace"
- treasury of precious qualities
write back once in awhile to let us know you are fine
- la lady
we are fine ; at a (inner) peaceful place
waiting to enter the next stop
like waking from dream
will forget this place as time goes
- bison
"one comes ... to the primordial ground as it truly is. Thus one attains the level of the result : the kayas ... and the primordial wisdoms"
- treasury of precious qualities
"there not much going on there ; you wont want to stay long"
once the primordial ground is reached
the kayas ready to appear
it a apparitions world (since canyons)
so even your family is something else
- bison
time moves here differently than old world
saying good bye the most difficult part of journey
below song "distant love" 遥远寄相思 not just romantic love but reminisce of those distant/far away in time/space
i feel you are very close
you may need go somewhere to making crossing
this one may need a key (a door)
it useful to have a guide
people past may have passed
but this place is unique/moves in circle
you never know if they appear to you again
- calvin
mother and child bond is deep
- mei
i want to tell her i am fine and no longer feel lost - that she can let go
you have to first let her go so she can let you go
- mei
yea ...
and then we can start again ...
"you dont need a guide
you are from there
the buddhas of many now surround you as spirit guides ; you have learned/gained their qualities
you will return to this place
but if first best to drop off (the adventitious body) there
quantum is the word to describe that world
your body there is very light
almost without form
- teresa
you here to create a bridge
not for yourself because you don't need a bridge to get back
- patty
my task is complete upon writings here
after that, may take a journey
alone and/or with friends
- john
that's right, your task is complete
and you can use a break
- patty
"you will anticipate it
it happens instantly (the shift into it)
but the process (of preparing) takes awhile
- bison
it all dark energy
then likely we wont want stay too long
so from 2005 world view - we entered another world at cedar mesa
yet they cant find the body
you simply disappeared
- mei
you were born but yet to die
the hardest was that door you went through ; the rest is easy
- hu
you walked through portal into this world
the body was not left behind
- teresa
we entered world of compassion 3d/6d
just as our 04 notes says
the five element flesh/3d 2005 is no more
the body 3d/6d here is new but based on the old inner movement 6d/4d
our inner world continues - so it not death to our inner 4d/6d ; nothing moved/changed 4d/6d
same memory
the 3d body/world was replaced by 3d/6d body/place
it was done so subtle ... the 4d didnt know
the 5d felt the shift
likely you from that place too
yea, and your family
that why they your family here
my presence already there
and/or never left the place
it is here now next to us
i can feel it but not sense it
can write about it but not an image
it like other side of the wall
- mei
it a vision
"they dont need you to look after them"- frank
quantum hologram like computer screen
the vision/screen enters energy saving mode when not observed
trust no apparitions over own instinct
like show undone
anyone can disguise as the animation
simply see it as reflection of your memories
use it but not get use by it
"Crazy Horse dreamed and went into the world where there is nothing but the spirits of all things. That is the real world that is behind this one, and everything we see here is something like a shadow from that world.
He was on his horse in that world, and the horse and himself on it and the trees and the grass and the stones and everything were made of spirit, and nothing was hard, and everything seemed to float.
- online
when we return
teresa and michael putting on a seminar
maybe sedona
subject/title is...
there is a world created by the natural light
there is a worlds created by the artificial light
the world created by natural light is not of five element
the two worlds coexist here and now
think quantum
- michael
if it same it same; if it different it different
this not dharmakaya
this not not dharmakaya
it something new writer learned off the web
five sensory vs. non sensory world
"this world is five sensory
that one is not"
talking with ex-neighbor steve
he was on one side of wall
i was on one side of a different wall
there a 3 feet space between two walls
we talking through a crack/opening
like the wall is the veil between two worlds
the space between is gateway
"you probably not want to stay in that space too long"
- bison
walking down below ground parking lot driveway spiral
then all of sudden it turned all dark
i kept walking but there nothing but dark
hoping to see a light but it kept/stayed totally dark (not darker, but pure dark)
wasn't yet scared but felt anxious
then woke up
the insight upon waking was clear -
this world we see is made of light in contrast to dark
even our body is made of it
once the light vanishes
the world returns to dark space
- natural state ?
then from there a world may appear
the deepening of compassion
likely we already inside the pure darkness
the dark sea of compassion
mic is our guide
the invisible light which appears as our body/place to keep comfort
our mind is without a body
surrounded by a ball of light within pure darkness
called compassion
if you enter the black hole without anchor/basis you will be lost
so this inside black hole ?
was it august ?
not august, but recently you entered
- bison
you are deeper into the vision
this place is timeless ; there really no time
people not really age etc.
there still more to go ; the path may be zig zag
so far you have stayed on course
if you fell off, may have to start vision over
you may see light at end of tunnel
you may need to do something different
seek out/meet that wise person etc.
there a destination
we known each other since ancient time
- glen
another possibility -
that the vision exits us not us exit it
whoever/whatever creating vision is all equal within dharmakaya
maybe you playing chess with (vision maker)
- glen
that a feeling from within that there part of us not subject to the vision
but need first to get anchored within dharmakaya
dharmakaya is dharmakaya no matter which vision where we are
i think you are almost there
(anchored into dharmakaya)
- glen
if you reach destination and return here ; this vision may be different
- glen
that world we see is malleable
the vision can simply renew /change/start over etc.
so we dont have to "accept it" as unchangeable fact
follow the path
path is zig zag - glen
say if you follow chewey's path night lost
then even if it seems zig zag
and night is long cold and dark
the trail takes you to the place of that fire
so it same idea with this writing
we searching for that ultimate anchor
we feel closer each step/day
because it is already there in our future
quantum world has no limit
no population no size no distance no measurement
like humor
there no reason not to share it
there may even be a certain date we look back and say it the starting point
when you think that date be ?
months/years later
or "at an hour you do not expect ?"
the moment wee exit this vision = moment we return to that space
so there no hurry
we not just passing through to go somewhere
e.g. go to pureland after death etc.
we here to create bridge
to/from this world to/from that world to from their world
i feel you are on a circular journey and it will return again to beginning/where you started
- bison shaman
glen also spoke of "do you think you are on a different planet ?"
write back once in awhile to let us know you are fine
- 8-2-21
we are fine
deeper/more peaceful place
edge of the gate of new world
- 5-7-22

the 5 mega watt club/hotto club
they same way we believe everything main stream media says
"yes, we believe it ..."
it may be bit not easy to believe the front row ladies would rush stage after william sing the song "women you me hot" ? ...
now ...
imagine them to be 20 years younger ...
wow ... we believe it ...
- hotto club

Returning home base
my awareness is limited here
he is far above me that way
we are stuck in an illusory body
he is liberated in a rainbow body
he is welcoming you back
- la lady
so in that way
we look to the lotus born master as our guide
if we return to his world
we cant take this body/place with us - it be left stilled in time
we would merge with our own mind
which is also his
so in that way
we are inseparable from that being
there only one dharmakaya
one dharmakaya buddha
they all the same within the inconceivable
john chu
all the power from spirit/dharmakaya realm
but john chu has one power ...
because past has sacrificed for the future
it responded to it/took a hit following future directive e.g. 94
the future has to abide by its directive of same intensity
but past yet to ask anything of it
that john today in this vision can have a say and his future will respond
unless he exit freely this game by 6-1
chewey to exit leadership
either way
one of us sets free
win win
i cannot be a chief for two reasons
i am an immigrant
my past would not let me
likely preston took us into this vision
nothing within this vision, at least past 4 years, is real once we exit
they didnt happen
yet we take the memory / insight with us - like a dream
the ones before that is different
they all say that it a time thing
there a certain date/point inside vision we to exit the vision /enter the new realm
the future knows the last period it was here/remember of this
but it not take us back to 2018 or even 2005 etc.
but a new realm
from (a) to (b)
the a/b vision clears out that which cannot be inside circle b - like how dream body cannot be in physical realm
once we reach b
the inner body of circle a has vanished like a dream we just woke from
two rainbow bodies - one rainbow light
the energy which comes of this synergy is the ultimate medicine
"you took me into this vision in 2018?"
- writer
"yes, "
- mr chee
a bridge then another bridge - "this the second bridge (upcoming) ; it a time thing"
- mr chee
"it a time thing ; no need guide to open it "
- bison shaman
the body (dissolved) - there is not a body frozen out there
how it was done is something beyond (understanding)"
- bison shaman
that what it felt like 2018
"do you think ... you are particles floating in space"
- glen
we were born from that world - so was always a nirmanakaya but simply didnt consciously know it
"you were born rainbow light"
- bison we only need to remember/reawaken our memories of the rainbow body
we dont need to attain it again
once we know the old body is no more and this place just a vision/apparitions
we are free to let go of the past burdens
- they all not here anymore
keep going don't look back

"3 of the 6 hopi book club members feel they are sexy
after spraying on "hotto"
4 of the six feel sexy
which one ?
6-3 message was ...
you sign it you duty free
- guardians
we thank the airport
the events of the world requires your attention
- mara
there is no body here and my past already set me free
"will you be my god"
- mara
i am an immigrant and my past wont let me
- chewey bows
we follow compassion
otherwise, this be a challenge
we follow compassion
so even if they open another door
we can only follow compassion
even if they come to us
it compassion we follow
otherwise, we can only choose them
the 5 element body is the 5 element world
five elements have inner/outer movements
as outer it is compounded
as inner it need not be
the one element of compassion
in vision
the center of known universe/outer luminosity is where the unknown begins
the inner luminosity
it is here
- mic
this body is just a shell
this body and place / veil is just memory
if we can detach/untie from it - the real reveals
this place like dream/self appearance except you have more influence on the events
not just drifting about
like facetime is how the apparitions like us talk to you
- bison
they can be different people each time
the world of joy is within world of compassion
"the sambogakaya buddhafield is not the akanishita located above the pure levels of the form realm for it completetly transcends it
it is the dwelling place of the buddhas ...
it does not belong to any spatial dimension; it is equal to the dharmadatu
- treasury
it is the world/the mind of the circle of people which/who sees this field
*you have the option
get on and off the train
not everyone can do that
just need let them know
like a scheduled stop
- bison shaman
"this past 17 years is inside self apparition"
can be a minute to that night
"your body is not there
but you can return
that means you can go anywhere
- rainbow body
yes, you have returned home base
you created this vision
the path is to return to home base
from the vision
it not a physical body/place but spirit"
krystal may not have the capacity
but she can be a companion to help make return path more easy
you may need find a key/person
i dont believe the portal is in this state
- calvin
krystal is definitely an ally
- bison
that person is sincere
- la lady
we gathering options ...
"it was this past month (you arrived)
you should focus on the (removing veil)
you have a place (temple) there where people can come to meet you ; from there rainbow body) you can go anywhere
you can bring people in but they cant stay (for long)
- bison
you never left the ground of hopiland
- darrell
you now at 11:30
you dont need do anything
it will just (guide/take) you"
- mic
friends here indicate they coming in from another space/time ' "like facetime" - they dont exist here continuously as we do
we also do not exist continuously within chain of causation here as we think we do - it just a vision body - there only when observed
our real/dharma body is beyond this vision
- at home base
where we must go ; where the path ends

zhu ren zhang vs hanuman ; world fong chi cup
the harder you resist ; the louder you laugh
- the fong chi monster
that fong chi name of hanuman
"yes, that is the reaction of those who have felt the melody of my flute ..."
- zhu ren zhang
pauses ... "huh ... ? what melody ...?"
- hanuman
"the melody you have always felt in the depth of your soul ... the stillness of the melody presence within the music ... but perhaps yet to have seen nor heard nor sensed of it ..."
- zhu ren zhang
pauses ... looking fooled "huh ... what melody ?"
- hanuman
dont know if it a new place - e.g. hopi inner sanctum ? but a new inner state opened
a state/dimension of non body consciousness
this is new - we just looking at it
8-2 / 6 pm
it all happened at rainier (7-8-22)
gradually (the illusion) will disappear
- bison
we felt the subconscious shift at rainer
this place hopis have a word for it
me darrell preston lisa are here
leroy is another world
- mic
write back once in awhile to let us know you are fine - la lady
we are fine ; we see the light at end of tunnel
- john
Our personal reality of pure and impure vision (snang ba) dissolves into Reality ...our physical body also dissolves because it is just one manifestation of our impure karmic vision
this inner body does not exists there
without its interfering signal/wave
there exists a different "body" - dharmakaya
thus the clear vision/perception
like rising above clouds to see clear perception
but it not just a glimpse where it just memory
- part of us is seeing it continuously
the inner body ; semi pure/semi impure vision we see now - all of it is not real relative to that
it a complete different dimension
there similarities but it
without seeing that state
there no "other reality" / substratum to compare with
someone coming from non body/natural state into body consciousness
- there a gap between them and students
someone start over from non body - then climb back to non body/pure perception state
- they go through same as students
for those future/present going through same
this reason we go to master hu and bison
to get that aura of the non body state - there a certainty that it real when talk to them
so it very useful to have guide
otherwise the inner body wave pulls us
the point is
once we enter circle a
the foundation of the adventitious wave/inner body vision of circle b is seen from beyond /natural state
the rest takes care of itself
it an inner certainty that there exists a state which this inner body is not needed to exists
we not in circle c anymore
so that outer body and world is no more
what if left is our mental/memory of that body and world
upon reflection, it is not needed
but since we yet to find a replacement
we simply stay attached to it
knowing it just vision body/world and waiting to be replaced
once we gain clear view of circle a/ground
the old mental body and world is seeing as what it is
"as inner, no body no world"
- no body
if this mental world/vision as not the old world
then there a world underneath it
"all grasping at the inner cognizing mind as something truly existent dissolves into the ultimate expanse, and the illusions of the relative level disappear"
- treasury
like lucid dream
the hidden world begins to be seen
it has always been here
the family duties requires you to attend to meeting relatives
- mara
there is no body here and my brothers and family already set me free
- chewey bows
the gift of compassion
"you dont need to take care of them "
- frank
no one needs you to look after here"
- jim (2020)
"but even if this a vision
who would help them if needed ?"
- john
"even if necessary, we canlook after them
you can let go"
- frank (2019)
"keep going, dont look back"
we are lucky to have them as brothers
you can relax now
dont have to be curious/seek anymore
- la lady
it was always that simple
but without seeing it - it inconceivable
- john
to forget/start over is another experience
you were curious
- la lady
a new inner state opened
a state/dimension of non body consciousness
this is new - we just looking at it
8-2 / 6 pm
write back once in awhile to let us know you are fine
- la lady
we are fine
we see the light at end of tunnel
- john
we would say the body/mind here is completely different from the body/mind of him 20 years ago
yet we retain his memories
and link with those we connected
if he said/did something then
it really not of us
if he experienced something then
it also not of us
that was another body and world
the antecedent link is no more that way
in other words
the wave of his circle b is no more
the memory display of his circle c also no more
we a new person
yet able to use his memories to return and help others
that is why if we do return
much of our relationships wont be the same
we only need to acknowledge the past
dont need to take that seat again
then we can move on
we done our task as messenger
and enjoyed the learning
but no want too much religion or leadership
it not our interest/future pull
if we bound to all those past lives
we wouldnt be able to move forward with our present
if they understand that and have compassion
they/he will let us go

heyokas reverse so response be different
the events of the world requires your attention
- mara
that is why i want to play in the NBA so can give them attention to the events of the world
- no body
"will you be my god"
- mara
if you want to celebrate me the way fans do to NBA players, i will not try to stop you
- no body
we feel more linked to this ancient tibetan tradition
not so much the modern one
the name olmo lung ring also resonate more than e.g. shambhalla or copper mountain
like that dream where we in dalai lama realm (shambhalla) but there another older realm right above that one we longing for
they all want come in but they cant
- darrell
looking above at sky
it felt we inside a spherical dome
i see it as spherical
you can bring people in to visit but they cant stay
- bison
"you think ... you inside a ship ; they taking you place to place"
- glen
we inside a ship ; asleep in a dream/vision adjusting to the non body consciousness
omol lung ring "takes the shape of a spaceship or of a mandala; ideal means to disappear in the blink of an eye. Therein lies it’s beauty."
- online
"it dome shaped ; size is as universe"
- yolanda
3-7-05 am
we begin to think of exiting the canyon
go west, away from sunrise - there eventually be a road
we got over 12 hours to find it once sun rises
these ideas he thinking/also what we at present is sending to him
he confident he will find it
this confidence also coming from future
but nothing is certain until that dirt road (the new world) appears (reveals)
so he is getting ready/focused
there another 30 minutes before light clear enough to walk and to put out fire - he is just waiting
3-7-05 northern canyon dawn
as he waits for sun to rise fully
he plans his route and anticipations
the hike to the road from fire
hike from sunset to fire
this one is easier and filled with hope
like he can see/feel the light at end of tunnel
he is rested
not bit hungry nor tired
the more/longer they play this game
the more he wants to leave them
the present has say over future
he already left any leadership
maybe he'll leave as protector too
that prophecy etc. can be a trap/deceptive
designed deepen their second floor illusion
we simply follow compassion
and it telling us now to free of that duty even as guardian
since they wont tell us anything
this a good time to begin walk away from future duties
- guardians
august 15 we relieved of future guardian duties
"they playing a game
we out of leadership
we not that seat anymore
we can gather at times
like hopiland
to do something together
we protect whoever we want to protect
- guardians
but that seat is no more
there art / drawing is their art
it got nothing to do with us
we no need be of its way forever
e.g. all serious and looking wise
we free of guardians duty
- chewey

once sunrise
he clear campfire
something tells him he will remember it
the smoke no more yet it feels the fire still there
so he turned back again to put more dirt on it
yet the feel of fire/life force still strong
he heads west, away from the rising sun ...
there a dry small creek zig zag westward

williams su's bodyguards in 90's concert
one got knocked over by one of the ladies rushing the stage
which one ?

writer did his part blocking
nfl fong chi
offensive lineman coaching tip
see the defense linemen as ladies rushing stage to get to william su
then they seem softer ...
yes ...
- offense linemen nods pensively
back in may we felt part of us arrived at gate but rest need time to catch up
now we feel we crossed into it in july yet rest of us also need time to catch up
dream of people teleporting in/out
like a flash they appear in front
maybe you entered it and walked out
"a minute there can be year here"
likely in 2002 they took you across into the parallel dimension
you now know them all as time travelers
but it was at the night of the eternal fire you were shown the mystery
that world stays with you always
it always here/next to you
the feeling of joy and clown spirits
but your illusion body and its senses cannot see it
maybe your task to find your way/create a bridge back
went to rainier ; it pulled us again - we been waiting
there a shift
this will take little time
like lucid dream
this is like a dream ; brain stem root of the vision
if see beyond it, there the waking world
"brain stem (he points to his own) is the hardest / longest to open"
- hu
if cross into it, the dream "this place will just vanish"
/stilled in time
when we return to same dream
"it wont be the same"
- mei
if you return to old world
your existence there not continuous the same way
not many people can do that
it a special gift only few has
- bison
would it be same scenario as past or different environment
you would remember
and scenario not need be same
- bison
my task not to show the field
but just the code of it
- writer
not many can access this dimension
you just need to write them
they will find the writing when they need it
- bison
land of compassion appears
"and they have have karmic fortune equal to those who reach the ground of realization, for whom the nirmanakaya fields ... appear ...
this land of natural light comes from the source
"these fields are the appearance of the ground ... manifests, through ... spontaneous presence, as an array of beams of light ... "
- treasury
woke up 5 am turn on internet listen
then enter dream
in dream, teressa/michael at house visiting
try to turn off the internet sound/voice by turning off each computer but it still there
then woke up and realize the sound is coming from the ipad next to me here
- that i was hearing the sound of the computer here while in that dream
in such dreams
there no outer antecedent cause
the body is here one moment and not next
the outer world is far east one moment and west next
maybe it telling
we in between two worlds now
am dream of mic answering my question
we alone back of canyon
it like he right next to me
then woke up
like teresa/michael dream
these dreams and places seem real
maybe even more so than this vision state
maybe we getting close to it and/or waking from this
another dream this am ...
back at the far east city with fancy modern hallways
walking with bud to airport ; flight leaves in 10 minutes - he leaves but i wasnt ready because luggage at hotel
so to wait until next day flight ; the airport closes
walk outside, sees the entire mall/city inside this huge ancient stupa shaped mile long
it past midnight yet light outside
enter old taxi bus to go hotel
a dude friendly inside taxi bus told me i am his teacher
then woke up
the airport was like 8-8-21
we still had baggage/antecedent cause/things to learn and do here - so not ready
but this time we have a ticket home and seen the portal
we have our hotel key with name on it - unlike the past dreams we didnt know its name
currency in pocket was us currency mixed with foreign
it a nice place filled with people traveling through
we ready to go home but not as anxious like past to leave the place

1850 bc tales
as inner
just as there a world/program current which believe humans evolved from ape
there one where humans believe they will evolve into an ape
in our script
highly evolved beings from future time traveled to present to teach us the theory of evolution
it a love story ...
"wow ... so romantic ..."

we to send message to past beacons
and friends who have the gifts of vision
they will begin pulling us back to where we started
this feels like seeing that dirt road that morning
there an excitement/pull from future
the path opens
"that all in the past have scattered
you dont have the past burden anymore
you are ready"
- guide
I miss the air, I miss my friends
I miss my mother, I miss it when ...
it was 2019
just like that, they tell us all of it/past is gone ...
strangers come/go
and where this is /going ... we dont know
when inner/outer both change
"then compassion only anchor"
- reverse i ching
we ask for guidance from compassion
non going/non coming
if you realize dharmakaya
it not matter where you are
"non going non coming"
- korey
i am not needing to go there
just writing/learning the journey
you know my personality
we follow yuan
if it time to return/go back
it time to go back
- john
that place requires your cultivation be of certain height
they waiting for your cultivation to ripen
- korey
if it my yuan i be there
if not, i move on
not trying to be buddha/enlightened etc.
- john
yes, you can go back to places /stations you came from
or just stay put where you are
- korey
chewey bows with honor and respect
maybe you playing chess game with them
- glen
we follow compassion
to us, it is superior to buddhahood
if compassion calls for it vs. entering natural state
we follow compassion
we dont need go that way
maybe we be among the few to have turned around
- chewey
we had to first explore options
and try what ordinary path try to go
then we look to our past writings
it says we need not follow the conventional path
they all want go pureland vs. fire at abyss of hell
And where we had thought to find an abomination, we shall find a god
and vice versa
are you certain it is what they say it is
are you certain at center of that light ...
is same what we found center of darkness ?
we yet to enter any agreement
we have never have yuan with conventional path
but we have to first explore it
it not working out
we follow compassion
you always been independent
but this path it make you look like you allowing others to tell you where/when to go
- la lady
like career
i had to first follow conventional path
but once it ... not flow
i move on
if you had wanted to enter it
you would have entered it long ago
you dont care about all that promises of the place
- la lady
yea, maybe it time we look another direction
just have to write into it
- john
"just like that
chewey smiles and alters direction"
while it nice to take tour of that vision city
it not the essential purpose of our journey
we already inseparable from dharmakaya
what different does a pureland vision make
we not pulled by any visions
dharmakaya is not subject to outer causes
it got nothing to do with the vision/places
dharmakaya there same as dharmakaya here and anywhere
and if it dharmakaya you want see
then this place here now is most ideal
this then the destination
we can now turn around our attention
we are always here
our writing reached final beacon of journey
"are you certain you have a body ?"
we now have our station here
we to send message to past beacons
and friends who have the gifts of vision
they will begin pulling us back
this feels like seeing that dirt road that morning
there an excitement/pull from future
the path opens
am dream
two ladies entering space craft to go somewhere
i initially didnt go on it
but start walking out to maybe join them
we already within world of compassion
the only world remaining we want go is world of joy
so all this pureland / rainbow body world stuff
it can wait until later
we honored to have chance to learn/share this ancient wisdom
it a great addition to the world of compassion
whether it going back /somewhere ...
we dont care
wherever it may take us
it now has feeling of compassion
"you dont like to feel reliant on them
so you should just make it known you have interest and then leave it for them to decide"
- guide
on the city of kaya etc.
we dont want to rely on others
and have made reasonable effort
at same time, .
we come this far, and people like to see it written/ it furthers compassion
so if anyone wants to guide us
we be open /thankful
otherwise, if it not within our yuan/we lack the qualification
then perhaps in a future journey ...
as inner, we not pull by it no more
it just a vision
we to follow compassion
we the clown leader
joy spirit follows us
from view of dharmakaya - a vision of heaven is just a vision - if it there it there
otherwise, as inner, we no need get pulled by it
like airport
with extension of time
it begins to appear smaller ...
and not as ... great or real of authority
dharmakaya cannot come from antecedent cause ... there is no way"
with deepening of dharmakaya ...
if we need outer as inner refuge
if we need outer place as permanent inner refuge
e.g. heaven
the heaven not self spring
it comes from "outer"
dharmakaya not need outer as inner refuge
dharmakaya/ultimate medicine self springs
few dreams
first one again wandering far east city lost
came to a store
told me he will take me across
told me to sit down and turn on tv using remote
woke up
few dream later
again told to sit at seat
someone says we switching realm
woke up
interesting dreams
if this year ago
it was our inner body wanted/needed to get away
and we also thought maybe going there would be real dharmakaya etc.
we had to first follow conventional path
it just another outer vision
a refuge, perhaps, for the deserving
but dharmakaya not of outer
compassion is our refuge
we have our own dharmakaya knowledge here
if it can work/strengthen in midst of all this ...
then it may be what they need ?
last year we thought all those who can shapeshift/time travel etc. must have more knowledge of dharmakaya
but now we know it is not so
"this a simulation
see it as aliens technology
they are so far advanced you cant even imagine it
once you get used to it it no bog deal
then you can come back here freely
there no time here
it part of you that world is - cant take it away
- yolanda
another dream pattern past months is attending college like place - meeting new people
so long we inside this loop
we do what we can to help
we promised our past 2020 ..
we keep sending reinforcement
this place continues without time
they helping you create this personal space
no one can harm you here
you have your own real estate"
- guide
"you have entered the "inner luminosity"
it recent
there no returning to same past
it would not be the same past
but there is future we can go to in that same world
past (20 years since canyon) nothing happened
before that ... it one of questions buddha refuses to answer (whether it happened/not happened)
once you stepped into parallel world
they cant see your body anymore (it disappeared)
in vision or anywhere
body we experience is of the mind"
- guide (daniel)
"at first when you entered
it useful to follow tradition/conventional path
but once you have own anchor
buddha says there are 84,000 ways (symbolic of no limit) to approach the unknown
the "non body world" is just one of the options
you dont need to seek/follow future/past
the possibilities are endless
- guide (daniel)
the road opens
chewey bows with honor and respect
once they feel you are ready will let you through
this place is no place/time
it useful to adjust to that world
otherwise it too much (to take in)
your body there is very light
the dimensions are endless once crossed into
there time before time etc.
- yolanda
"you can return using your writing"
this chewpiland script is our return
if it meet others expectation, it meets it
if not, it not
we got nothing to prove
multiverse within compassion
once out there, communication is telepathic
everyone knows each other
the high tech - artificial intelligence, simulation beyond imagination
- yolanda
without dharmakaya/anchor in non consciousness
the infinite reference points can create consciousness that pulls us in/out etc.
with realization of emptiness, they are just visions
in other words, dont leave home without it
"before entering, you want to go through this (dharmakaya teaching/tunnel) first "
no one yet verify he left that world
only that he stepped into another
if he cant return
then chewey passed on
otherwise, something else ...?
two dreams this past week
1. people sliding down the hill/cliff
plunging into below
2. drove a car with several friends into what she says her house - but realized it someone elses house - she says it ok because this vacation home so they not here
realize we shouldn't be there so left in the car
then woke up
if we can continue with the path while returning to help - that be ideal
e.g. entering a pureland/rainbow world then return etc.
otherwise, if not and/or we not yet qualified etc.
that is fine - we didnt applied for it
our priority coming here is to gather support/power/knowledge to return to battle station
when you reach that "cannot no laugh" state ...
"i cant take it no more"
and you burst out laughing at mrs chow
the lady who knocked down the guards and tackled william su
in that laughter you inside their world

you dont have to return to where you entered (canyon) ; you can manipulated where/when you go back to ; the scenario may be different
- bison shaman
"full circle"
means we end where we began
if it sambogakaya we from
then we will wake back to it
like waking from dream
"this mind/body (past 20 years) will seem not have happened"
- guide/daniel
the mind/body/memory along with this place, will "like dream waking, you will forget as time goes on"
it that same being who is mirror of this reflection
"he welcomes you back"
you can return in segments then come back
relive a past in different way
what has happened in that time line cannot be changed
but you can experience a new past
- bison
by changing how we experienced the past
we also change future/present
you can return to relive life before 35 (canyon)
but it be different
you cannot go after 35
that be impossible
- guide
they have all moved on
there funeral etc. ?
- writer
of course
last year you still holding on
now i say you are ready
- guide (LA)
if he returns to after 02/05
there no "past" to relive
the body is no more there ; even if it never found
the stream in that bodily consciousness was separated - there no parallel life there
we not fully convinced past is over
we believe there still the fight in past/night lost
it still happening
turn on switch of hologram
the city of light appears
it the role model place/code
"it is equal to the dharmadatu"
one with the spirit
the book titled "so powerful i cant talk"
one with the spirit
- mic
this involves "high tech star beings hopi ancestors artificial intelligence etc."
ships that travel inter dimensions / passengers adjust to the new 3/4/5 d waves through simulations and visions
When there are three people together, jealousy arises. One of them will have to go. Avery close bond is possible only between two people. But when one man is lonely, he is certain to find a companion who complements him.
- i ching
at first we thought the two were same person
"there are two of them"
- guide (LA)
we now know krystal has companion
he a good friend and a person of great knowledge/compassion
it was good to see an old companion
but we to journey on alone
the gift is our memory of past
keep it
that once upon a time ...
we always have home in dharmadatu
as inner, it very different than last year
treasury of precious qualities talks many things
only thing we yet to perceive :
"... the sambogakaya akanishita ... self arisen from within dharmadatu. It appears in the form of palaces of light ... completely transcends it ... only buddhas themselves can perceive ... it is equal to the dharmadatu ... unchanging at all times"
the family are from circle a
so when he gets there they also there
as will be many friends
so it not farewell as much as "see you at the other end"
best way to help past is follow compassion
time to go means our study/meditation retreat
maybe march suppose to conclude but we stretch it 6 months more
we wrote down the codes
the practice may take generations
but we have the code
writer not enlightened so may never get there
but many will
and we have seen master hu and mic etc. show us it can be done
chewey and classmates bow to them with honor and respect
we yet convinced the past is lost
that there still the fight in past/night lost
it still happening
but that is for the guardian page
this page we write about multiverse

fong chi world finals
"the hotto club", the team name, has reached the finals
they have up its odds of winning to from 200-5 to 50-1
the mighty chicken warriors and poop royalties are among favorites to win the fong chi cup
- fong chi analyst
the event horizon
the event :
the universal fong chi cup
where two side meets
"the line at which the earth's surface and the sky appear to meet."
the place :
the poop city ...
the city of elegance and pride
see light at end of tunnel
no see light nor tunnel no more
like seeing that road
we still dont know where
but we not see/inside lost no more
"it not that we dont want to tell you ; it is that we cant"
- hu
we follow compassion
what if compassion want us to turn back/exit ?
is there a choice ?
"those (who falls off track) will need start vision over"
what if they not want to start vision over nor go there
is there an option ?
what if we didnt come here to go there
but just to ask that question ?
that wouldnt be unlike our personality
we wouldnt dare ask this question last year because we didnt have the anchor
just spoke to them
mic not mic
la lady not andrew
mei not mei etc.
that this place now
yet we still enjoy speaking to them
appreciate the companionship
thank you
we not to rely on others for answers
- not over our feeling
there a deeper version of the sambogakaya you have yet reached
- guide
it been past few months (since rainier)
you going through a process
- bison
may compassion be with us
physical/astral/casual realms and then the beyond
real sambogakaya is beyond
"according to the scriptures, the sambhogakaya place transcend the three realms..."
- online
Is a common believe that the akanistha of the sambhogakaya og min is not the same as the akanistha of the suddhavasa that is still in samsara.
- online
maybe that where we are / entering now ?
wherever we are there is only what is in front of us
multiverse within compassion
it seems dream state is intermittent while waking is continuous - and so waking is real etc.
ramana maharshi says they same
that within each dream we each believe there is past - that we are continuous etc.
only upon waking do we know it was implanted memory
in dream where plane leaves 10 minute
we somehow knew plane to leave 10 minutes
- no one told us
it was all implanted memory
like each web page is a parallel world we in
Its not a perishable realm, its beyond time or space and its not created by ishvara (mahesvara). Mahesvara is said to be the ruler of ordinary akanistha. This realm is supposed to be even beyond. There are various akanisthas
- online
"this place is ruled by certain kind of demon"
- hu in 2020
but not the deeper realms here
"there was someone above you back then (2019/20)"
- guide 2022
once you get hold of this world
you can come/go anywhere and back
- yolanada
we'll just let writing guide us
the event horizon - black hole /eternal spring
what if as inner, it cant pull/push manjushri in ?
he be riding the reverse
as inner, want that darkness to shine from within - compassion
want get closer to peak of light - away from dark
a simple shift of perception can change everything
we stepping out dharma school into multiverse school/class
we stepping out dharma school into multiverse school/class
looking for a fresh start
wherever we are there is only what is in front of us
multiverse within compassion
part of every creation of form
there is a foundation / space
there is energy
inner earth and its multiverse
energy is wave
every form is energy
they say it 99% empty space
so earth can be seen by some as just luminosity in constant movement
and the outer earth the reflection of the luminosity
there is the pure/original luminosity of earth
then from it many multiverses of earth
ones - the earth worlds - which can stay link with this source regenerates
at the center of that original/spontaneous luminosity
is a black hole that from which everything springs/returns
earth has outer/inner/secret realms
the inner luminosity has a wisdom
we call it primordial wisdom
we most interested in staying with core of that inner luminosity
the ultimate medicine
multiverse within compassion (3)
this multiverse only looks same as old world
i dont need fly plane to get to taiwan from here
- hu
i can travel here to japan just by visualizing
- raja
you can go anywhere in an instant
this place allows you to get (anchored)
- yolanda
i can be there in seattle without traveling
not everyone here is aware
- bison
they can just appear right in front of you as cashier when you go to store
- guide
as shapeshifters, you dont know who they are
your old friends you dont know where they are now
if there yuan you see them again
- guide
we like to learn
you would need people to show you
- bison (on that type of travel)
does the simply screen change or you go there ?
you go there
- bison
perhaps there also a view - beyond going/coming where only the screen changes ?- to let it come
wherever we are there is only what is in front of us
transcendence is going beyond the limit/boundary
as outer/inner it is beyond the conventional appearance/program
what/where not as important as quality
to know where go next we only need look to now
focus on the luminosity (source of it) and not the reflected (fruit of it)
return to innocence
we like to thank those who looked after us these past four years - when he most needed help
especially mom and dad
the spirits behind them
we owe them a debt
we will repay them for their kindness
"dont take it seriously ; it just a game they playing"
- andrew
what work we do if enter new field ?
we open ; we can always return here and/or if return to starting point then he doing what he was doing ?
multiverse/quantum time travel
vs. sphere of compassion
the two not same

wuchi is non polarity
the primal luminosity/consciousness
everything is non differentiated
the stratum beneath the body consciousness
the natural state
close your eye and what you see is inner body
close your eyes and tell us when you see outer body
"are you certain you have a body ?"
the original luminosity/body/world
the original purity cannot be stained
and has purifying effect root level
stay with it
the ultimate medicine
multiverse within compassion
time before time / earth beneath earth
mind beyond mind etc.
without ground as anchor, it easy to get lost
the return to innocence
zhu ren zhang had a 15 minute nap and woke up
remember 50 years inside another world
"it both few minutes and 50 years
she is with someone else (in the 50 years) but remembers you like yesterday"
- guide
some have their own world
within it, everyone feels like same person
you see me in your world like your own dream
but it may be my spirit you speaking to
- yolanda
in past you had own world/sambogakaya
once you left it, people began to scatter
there no one there now
- guide (la)
write back once while to let us know you are fine
- la lady
we are fine
feels like out of tunnel and
the city of golden light approaches
we not pulled to go anywhere
but if it comes our way ...
this the place to gain knowledge of the body/earth - the original luminosity
massauw/bud the caretaker
"he just keeps the lights on ; not hands on"
- bison

mic's compassion is another level
it easier to follow him than to try to realize the inconceivable within
same effect ; different path
the effect/result same - we are inside sphere free of that wheel of antecedent cause/inner movement
like merry go around
someone has to pull you out/let you in
stay with it
it called the underworld
- chris/bison apprentice
there few hundred hopi people here
- bison
it would explain why they not allowed to talk of it
"you may not be comfortable with it"
- bison
(b/c they look like katchinas/star beings ?)
it their inner sanctum/secret and we respect it and thankful it was shown to us
- john
"there is no end but you will return to where you started ; non body/energy body ;
this body/place you see does not exist
(just a simulation to adjust into that sphere)
- yolanda
"mic protects/looks after you here"
they all star beings in different shape
as friends/neighbors etc.
if and when they reveal themselves
the tales of this place will change
people past have all scattered/no more
we waiting for them to show us the way of this place
it would then be the end of an era ...
we can return here
but it will never be the same once veil lifted
like high school to college
it a whole new world
we would have closure to something which is already not here anymore
- 21st century / the system/ people and identity
the way it was done was compassion
"allowing you to slowly ease into it"
this nice place ; we not eager/seeking to exit
but we also know "this place is not place to stay long so it good to have a plan"
in mean time, we to enjoy the time here
"... waits for conditions to change before it undertakes anything ... the new situation begins only after the present cycle of events has come to an end"
- i ching
this vision house is made from luminosity
not the other way ; so it own creation
a middle station with the physical

future to present to to past :
we are still here
let go of the mental / memory body
follow the river
watch it move ...
"the rules here are not imposed
because people are different here
they have quality
- guide
you can just relax here
this place belongs to hopis
"you are a ball of energy"
- yomama
on the non sensory body/world
i feel you will return to where you started
like sims game they see from outside this 3d
we cant see what they see
there "a point they focus on" to enter - mei
they only appear when we perceive the illusion
it’ll wither away like ice melting upon warmth
once reach certain the depth of dharmakaya
the inner duality of mental body is withdrawn into ground and/or
return to innocence
only small part of our consciousness is still in this simulation
fine tuning the weak circle
this place they cannot enter
- guide
holidays bring back memories
"there a (family) you have there
there one you have here"
we remember them fondly and wish them all the very best
we protect them from wherever we are
we wonder how they are now ...
this transition station
since 8-8 others all fell off
we thank kindness of our guide
this place give us time to understand few past things
nothing need done ; we to keep going
we leave the situations to the future guardians
it their own future ; "have faith in their abilities to solve their problems on their own" - traveler/star trek
our task is complete
we added a new dimension to the old paradigm
giving it more potential to keep improving
"an upgrade"
so i return first back to my sambogakaya
“there no one can reach you”
but wont stay long, just to recharge
then we meet up at the entrance
we will be a station or two after that entrance - that where we will join you
- teresa
this house has a luminosity
that luminosity has manifested many house in many worlds/times
the inner luminosity
like 2019 reunion family
we miss our old family very much
we like to go but future gently holds us back
we still dont know if it right/the why
just the feeling is that one day when we have clarity
we would understand
we ask for guidance
it will just come to you
no need seek it
- future
that if we meant be there
it be easy flow
this is not what it seems
- future
dont do it for them (they dont exists here that way)
just for yourslef"
- mei
write home once an awhile to let us know you fine
- la lady
we are fine
at a peaceful place
we crossing into it ; it crossing into us
a state without mental body
that new matrix 8
like the mental body wanting go somewhere but just keep cycling/melting within a timeless compassion
as the ground body watches
our 4d gets pulled back forth until it learns to separate out the separable and stay with the ground
- the ultimate medicine
we to send him help from this future
do our present need anything ?
only what our future needs
does our future need anything ?
- future
so this eternal fire became lit this evening
a deeper/central view ; base camp
we dont know ; something new
was listening to ramana with eyes closed
and then
like a flash ... it appeared a split second and has been here with us since
we just watching it
"god created us, here now looking at us through me and through you"
to cross into it
like waking from dream, just there
you wont see the crossing
- guide teresa
you would first anticipate it
then it takes few minutes
- bison
on the non body world/circle a
there are realms from which you can travel to future/past; to distant places in an instant
you want to get ready ; it can happen anytime
i feel like you are close
a time will come, which may be soon, they will reveal themselves to you and explain this place, how it works
they are waiting for the acceptance
they will come to you ; you need not do anything
- yolanda
there signs emerging
the arrivals of guardians
and fading of the gompa circle/subtle control
it may indicate we getting close to home base
from there, a 3/4/d world of different quality
we can travel/speak freely
teleportation/technology is how they travel from one place to another
there so much more - like star trek ships etc. - except they look not like that but star beings
- yomama
went to rainier ; pulled us again
this one was interesting - will take little time to observe
didnt hike long ; there still snow ground ; just enough to connect with it
on way back through orting, the above song started playing within
it was a good day
the center of the universe
we started from original ground
we are returning to it
"you were one of us"
- mic
the trips you made to hopiland past
you shifted into parallel worlds while traveling
and then returned again once left walpi
we are within it now
but inside a simulation
"you are ready now"
- mic
we may still need to go "back to walpi"
open the door ; but we dont know ; need meet in person to know it "that" dominic we trust

there a really funny and gentle joke from orting
the big foot experts capital of the world
people here all heard of it
- outstanding local #10
a big foot expert certification trainer
if we tell you
you would laugh
- outstanding local #5
a certified big foot expert
We not Taiwan / 21st century anymore
We already left that world
Yet the memories of 21st century remains as if it still here because the new has yet to be seen
As plane/ship lands/docks seatac 2-5-78/chewpiland 3-7-23, we know we arrived home, even if the 3d display is of a plane/ship
Once that door /veil opens/lifts
The last of that Zhong Xiao /21st century …
We may return but it never the same again
And so I am taking it slow
See what more I can gain out of this unique view
You the type who reminisce
So you still think of the old people and places
- Guide
how ever long you want
- guide
what would your family in 21st century want you to do ?
"dont get deceived by the illusion, they not us"
if that body is physical ?
it still be sometime in 20/21st century ?
e.g. family/friends all still there
if that body is non-physical ?
we started sambogakaya realm long long ago ...
the (non-physical)
but you can go anywhere
- yolanda
she and bison and misu circle and fong fei fei
they from same origin
how we 4d link to that "Original Ground" is by listening/reading the wriitngs
we future be reading this the way we are now/were reading writings of 2020
it why fong chi/middle zone is useful
they may get tired of other writings
but not the fong chi
"it is because of ... the hotto perfume ..."
- robert
i knew it
- kristin
"wow ... so romantic ..."
- hotto club
the hotto perfume commercial
dream of far east city
saw an old friend we met travel far east
she in room ; said we have connection
walked out lost looking for hotel ; someone points to it
felt like we are leaving to go home next after that
like we can just long drive there ; then woke up
write back once in awhile to let us know how you are
- la lady
we are fine ; inside a new sphere
that being here has greeted us - hanuman
- 5-9-23
we miss la lady of 2020/21 and bison shaman of 21/22
the new ones are just as outstanding
we thank them and hope to see them again
when it time, they will come to you
"mic called ; we just chatted"
"maybe he has an opportunity"
- la lady
dream we inside back of airplane
as the plane landed home ; packing bags
remember the ride in which we were at places; thinking to self that this was one of easiest flight taken