New Matrix 14
The Ultimate Medicine 201
"crossing from oregon
the scenic spot near yreka, ca
"may the future/compassion be with us"
- writer
6-12-23 early evening"
- narrator
would it really be so surprising, like it impossible ...?
that zhu ren zhang is behind this flute rendition in the 90's
let say she an old friend from 70's and liked my flute melody
of course not ... he no play flute ; but just what if ...
it just flute ; anyone can learn to play it
sound comes out and whether you feel it in the depth of your soul ...
if that not you then it not you
but there are those who can feel ...
- zhu ren zhang
the ultimate medicine
Everything on earth is subject to change. Prosperity is followed by decline: this is the eternal law on earth. Evil can indeed be held in check but not permanently abolished. It always returns. This conviction might induct melancholy, but it should not; it ought only to keep us from falling into illusion when good fortune comes to us. If we continue mindful of the danger, we remain persevering and make no mistakes.
As long as a man's inner nature remains stronger and richer than anything offered by external fortune, as long as he remains inwardly superior to fate, fortune will not desert him.
- i ching
from here
future can return to help us
we need not say much, just to listen in
the present will be future and read from it
from here
we want to be able to keep everything in balance before they take place outer
we do what we can now ...
For in the hands of a great master no material is unproductive; he can find use for everything ... It is during times of prosperity especially that we must always be ready to risk even dangerous undertakings, such as the crossing of a river, if they are necessary. So too we must not neglect what is distant but must attend scrupulously to everything
Theses are ... ways in which one can overcome the hidden danger of a gradual slackening that always lurks in any time of peace. And that is how one finds the middle way for action.
- i ching
when it good/not outer, we no go up/down inner
we see first sign of imbalance on wave level
we gather as circle to neutralize it and/or place it within compassion
"... knowing that the same experiences of suffering are being accomplished by your brethren who are in the world." (I Peter 5:9).
each person has own situation
but if we do it for the people who also going through same - inner and outer
and not just the mental body attachments
the power of ultimate medicine activates
then we rival "anything offered by external fortune"
and "fortune will not desert him"
- it cant get past us
no choice ; nothing to lose ; we gain merit effortlessly
- ultimate medicine 201
each student who can stand own ground gather to create a wave for all to share free
we may and/or not need it now
but "we must always be ready"
you get the point :
by time we can balance it on wave level
they are already ok
the above song is healing and soothing
a collective wave from future we to receive here
they using the song ?
and writing to link into common ground
the ultimate medicine/dharmakaya cannot be stained
one has had 5 years looking at it
our confidence/faith in it is becoming indomitable
e.g. that new matrix 11 cannot be moved 4d
that spirit is that too 5d
"you only need to trust it"
real music with true intenttions are 3/4/5d in nature
the flute melody have 3/4/5d
just because there is 3d sound
not mean the soul if heartfelt 4/5d
and vice versa
the melody not heard but felt
and believed ...
is the melody of the future
- zhu ren zhang
"we believe it"
"... while man sees what is before his eyes, God looks into the heart. Therefore a simple sacrifice offered with real piety holds a greater blessing than an impressive service without warmth."
- i ching
the sincerity is more powerful than intention
we ask and thank you for help
recovery going well ; he back home happy spirit
we thank all who helped
the lesson here : micro/macro
use the present to help that period of past
e.g. may 22 past asked future for help
he expected us today to be reading his words then and be sending waves from now and from future - and we are
that is another option of approaching this premise
- good teamwork
you get the point
pvf wave
if distant future were to send us a message that they not agree with way we approach our medicine ...
would we listen ?
or are we at the pinnacle of science ?
in law school the star trek generation circle were classmates
"in reality they dont look like that
they star beings"
- yomama
she was there too
they time travelers from another place/time
they have technology beyond our imagination
it similar to what we call quantum wave healing ?
that a good start
if distant future were to send us a message that they not agree with way we approach our medicine ...would we listen ?
"While facing the deer, raise your arms and swinging your jacket to appear larger and more formidable."
- online
chewpi news wildlife expert
"thank you beef"
- chewpi news
chi within compassion
when it comes to 5d inner medicine, chi is the most important ; the quality/quantity of it ; there is an art to it - an ancient one ; it more compatible with certain cultures and ways of living
the chinese culture is rooted in the tao ; the art of energy/chi/5d ; at root it free flow of yin/yang
what happened ? the dharmakaya is lost because compassion not enough ; the reverse faded
the 3 circles becomes a one way circle
it not that compassion is requirement of it
it that the chi itself is compassion ; so if one is without compassion one is not compassion
the real chi/quantum compassion wave
we call it the ultimate medicine
how is taoist different from others ?
that as human still in physical body
the chi can be so refined ... that a person can become a xian (immortal) without having to first pass on - that taoism 101 wikipedia
they enter quantum compassion
also, that chi is not subject to mental body
no matter what condition the mental body should be in - e.g. certain age etc.
that chi is always present to regenerate
and so reverse old age return youth"
can become scientific
the only condition is that one must be old first
otherwise, there no old to reverse ; no youth to return to
if wave is balanced it is balanced
that chi is what is needed to balance 5d
not 3d machines
at the center of the black hole is a light
it consumes the dark as energy
at center of light is a black hole
it gives the energy to the light
it all happening as one 5d movement
no coming no going
there was time/places where humor can penetrate everything in life
it all has forward/reverse flow
as kid, he had skill to see humor in everything
as inner movement, he always thinking that way
but now ...
"oh, you think that is funny...?!"
"we need to teach him a lesson"
like they all want to teach others lesson when their inner child is offended/not allowed to ...
that also why we dont say everything that comes
but if we not teach young to be flexible and stay childlike , they get old very fast, even if outer young
especially with cultures uptight/fear shame
e.g. asian cultures
and if they want to truly bridge with other cultures
they need connect to their kid within
humor is the best way, not money/status
also, chi regenerates more when free flow in humor
the foundation of a sound business is concomitant with the integrity and dedication of its team
- funny man
the audience nods in agreement
the fong chi posture
this posture improves the chance of no laughing by 15%
- fong chi master
"was it the hotto perfume ...?
or was it william su ..."
- a deep serious voice
the hotto perfume commercial
we love our parents and would do anything to take care of them
but this is an illusion/not real
and people are actors/not parents
nothing happens when we not observing/computer generated simulation
but we to honor the sacredness of the memory
that once upon a time ...
there a purpose/benefit for coming
even if it just symbolic
but dont take it too far
we ask guardians help
people here putting on an act
once purpose is served
you not need to stay on any longer than needed - there no one here
it a vision
it fine line between duty and honoring their memory
- future guardians
upon reflection it a vision
but we still need do what need do
and attend to outer duties
but if we less pulled inner the more benefit we can influence the waves which underlie outer
one day at a time ; we yet to finish our task
when it time is ripe we will know
this past 4 years chewpi studio been productive
now that has been complete
we can move onto a new chapter
what that is we yet know
but the future may give us a pull
ultimate medicine 201 passed
we just needed to write final words and arrange chewpi studio wriiting
it just a 4d coding
helpful perhaps to help neutralize not usable inner movements
and to stay with it
the 5d/chi practice is another art
writer and studio team bow with honor and respect
past years a buddhist spirit helping us with the writings
future tells us not to do anything more or we may miss out on an insight or two
dont know if we fading into sunset or there another rising sun
"the future may give us a pull"
"This refers to a man who has come out of needy circumstances in to comfort and freedom from want. If now, in the manner of an upstart, he tries to take his ease in comfortable surroundings that do not suit his nature ... he is sure to bring disgrace upon himself."
- i ching
"this world is fading "
which future you want to direct your inner attention toward ?
that why not wanting to ride that carriage and instead walk our own way
- but that been a lonely path
our future wont give fuel to that mental body stream/wave
"where is it going ?"
we trust that future which has guided us
the mainstream future which is also pulling us - all those companies making up one hollywood
it easy to follow ; just ride the carriage
not all are going that way
that why we still visit venice beach
it under siege from that inner one way .
we cant choose for them
but we can present them with options
- chewpiland headquarter CA
the way into counterbalancing an inner world emerging from storm/over serious
is to move into it with even more seriousness the pvf way
e.g. zhu ren zhang flute performance is getting even more serious
people's belief in the flute melody's rising seriousness is rising in accordance with the seriousness of the heartfelt melody
-fong chi analyst #5
the hotto perfume is rising as serious business brand
we gonna talk to funny mann about it - serious business woman is gonna get serious about this serious business brand
- funny womann
if 80 pound flying chickens do exist, there nothing we can do to convince you otherwise unless you decide to take the idea seriously
- the fong chi professor
if you not serious about not laughing in the fong chi contest
you not gonna going to make it in the fong chi world
- fong chi instructor
“是 william su ……”
it was william su ...
(google translate)
"we believe it ...
because no perfume can inspire a woman's passion like that ...
or can it ..."
- a deep authoritative voice
- the hotto perfume commercial
during time of rise, even what seem negative turns into a good thing
within compassion, even counter flow is compassion
mental body traps fixation in its cycle by using the oldest trick in the book - the inner either or option
either you agree with us
or you must be this
it wont let them out of the merry go around
maybe the only way to slow the one way wheel enough to stop the hotto perfume one way momentum ...
is by the 49/51 counter-balance ...
"it was william su ..."
- heyoka captain #6
heyoka guardians nod /listen attentively
you get the point - not "neither one", not "it was something else," not "both" etc.
but by ...
"it must be william su"
- heyoka instructor #2
the william su movie commercial
no music can inspire a women's heart that way ... so it must be the perfume ...
or is there such musician ...
william su's upcoming movie
"woman you me hot"
"The Spirit of valley is said to be immortal, she is called the Mysterious One.
The Mysterious One is typical of the source of heaven and earth.
It is continually and endlessly issuing and without effort."
-tao te ching
that night lost
the spirit was not taken
it may be the other way
what happened not easy to understand
trickster spirit comfortable in that land
that was chewey taking over
he can travel many worlds
become many things
it is chewey's home we want to return
deathless compassion
chewey the canyon spirit/unborn luminosity
that the 5/6d - our spiritual home
chewey the chief of that spirit/place
3d display may change/shift to another 3/4/5d body/place/worlds
but the canyon spirit remains same
what we needed was just 4d knowledge/coding of a new paradigm
this we have now
our 4d cannot be taken
nor can chewey's canyon spirit
we still in hopiland - the inner earth one
this presence is permanent
it the protector of inner earth/wave field
"i heard it on oprah"
oct 2002
we are our wave ; not our age
if our wave is not old not young
our age is still what it is
- luna
late evening canyon campfire
the circle reflects
nods ....
chewey ... pauses ...
that how we like to remember it
they idiots
that writer the most gentle and kind
did all for free and ask only not be deceived
just that they reveal themselves
they took it for granted
so he took the hidden option
replaced by new 6d spirit
in same 3/4/5d
this one they may not like as much
"finish tasks agreed to here then free to go"
7-3 8pm
venice beach
the great sage was here july 2020 to july 2023 - he from realm beyond inconceivable
someone we honor and respect
the time here, he chose to live simple and humble ; as one of the ordinary
we thank and honor the sage
he likely wandering freely the universe
we thank and wish him joy
that writer a 4d manifestation of the dharmakaya/spirit
we in transition/writer spirit still linked
maybe has few parting words ?
'the sphere of compassion links into you
one cannot force oneself upon it
it is more profound than the quantum world yet so simple
it links in when there is readiness and above all - merit'
- writer
it time for you to move on to more interesting/fun things
we will always remain as guide
- writer
writing published/downloaded so will find its way to those with yuan ; your task is complete
would have liked to see old friends again that old place ; you can send them our warm wishes
- writer
sorry we are for taking you off the grid
such that you are far removed from income streams
- writer
i'm glad you came ; "that john chu is ingenious"; he will find way back
this quantum world
-it all vision and emptiness ; how and what is each subjective
how each vision works is unique to each perception but underlying it same emptiness-
no one can explain to you except from own experience
the events here CA is also your own perceptionif you not perceive it, it not have happened
-hopi friends may be of different form - e.g. katchinas but your perceptions only allows seeing them for what you can accept
- shapeshifting here is also your own perception ; to them, they are what they are. they may not be bound by one percption as yours so able to shift for others to see, but to themselves, they remain the same
here may or may not be a state of emptiness body - only you yourself can know if experienced
the age of people here also your own perception
if you not see it that way
we dont need be that age
the rules of reality of that world you from need not apply this world
- la lady
that the hidden option we looking for
that they need not age further linearly in our own vision ?
this is not real (49/51)
"The hedge opens; there is no entanglement."
- i ching
we no need of going anywhere
it all a vision
not really matter if we stay on or return to past and/or go to a non body state
- to dharmakaya, it makes no difference
the wanting to exit was from that writer
his task was done
now it more clear to us
in vision, None of them exist prior to my arriving here to observe
the apparitions have no antecedent cause
- tourist
in vision, if we in/observing venice beach
then seattle dont exist at this time
- venice beach lady
neither does everything outside of this scene/view
- venice beach dude
sambogakaya is inner vision
anything everything can be changed
it just own simulation ; there no limitations
that the sphere of compassion/akanishita
eventually everyone here
sambogakaya retinue of xians to be
stays not young not old
that the real nature of the wave here
if old now, will gravitate into that chi
if young now, will also gravitate to that chi
this the programming place
we learn together to master this wave field within sphere of compassion
what is uneven within evenness
what is not yet within compassion within compassion
e.g. say parents in 3031 looks same difference to 2023 as we in 2023 look same difference to 215
that would be same possible
then their circle friends want to follow that current ; then circles and circles
100 years from now
we/they say it changed in 2023 when writer came down to help them in LA
the future waited that journey to pass back the needed knowledge
micro/macro like when turn 35
the tide must turn
the pvf wave
our body is a wave (49/51)
wave can be influenced, not commanded
e.g. a short story or joke can influence it more beneficial than mental body repeated commands/wants etc.
chi returning to the source where it springs vs.
scattered throughout
why present moment memory seem so real ?
it is because we cant yet see it as inner movement
why upon reflection it easier to see it as illusion/vision vs. if it just 10 minutes ago ?
both are inner movements
pvf wave
saying hey you look younger is a way to activate that alternative current
the ones that is here now is ...
it been rising in puget sound, the spirit of it
but here in la, people not as responsive ...
so one saying it less
but worth trying
we bow with honor and respect
if wave is pvf
pvf is wave is pvf
"and the moon and the stars are the same ones we see it the same old sun up in the sky"
the moon/stars/sun not same today as 1990 ?
it the same dharmakaya
sprained right knee a little
wonder what it means in vision ?
dad is fine ; only pain little his right knee
- maybe a connection there ?
we ask for guidance
"...since it is the time of increase, even this misfortune, which is not accidental but comes upon one from inner causes, must serve to good ends" - i ching
that is has an inner cause and a compassion purpose to it
that knee sensation is energy
because in vision, there no body
it a 5d negative energy we no want ; that is all
there a mental body ; it has a 5d knee sensation which has 4d antecedent cause
and to those within that inner cycle 4d
they believe body being just 3d - that as inner, there a cause and so it real and cause cannot be changed etc..
point is - they believe mental body past cannot be altered by present
so first need see it for what it is
a present inner movement
a negative energy which needs removing
not something which has an actual past/antecedent cause
are you certain it happened ? this just a vision
without this knowledge, we be purifying while leaking/allowing negative energy as antecedent cause to get back on first base
with this knowing/understanding
we may have bush cut scar, but what does that have to do with present mental body 4d memory ?
then as inner ... we no need inner future effect
we no need inner past cause
you get the point
we only need to remove that negative energy 5d
which is there in present
we are fortunate to deal with it this way
like the bush cut 5-12 - it compassion
that we see clear now
how to remove that negative energy
is micro/macro
e.g. hanuman mantra removing negative energy
this 3/4/5d has yuan with him so we listen to it
everyone different ; we still researching 5d art
it is important to discriminate between mental body's mind, which is just a small part of inner movement vs. the inner movement
reveal its source and neutralize/turn it off
that guardians task to hold ground - be here yet not of them, while let future guardians find their way to us and through them
if say knee is fine we give reinforcement to reality of mental body
vs. say negative energy is neutralized - the sensation is not there but yet immune from that energy ; so caution and perseverance
in vision, there no body ; so if get pulled by mental body as real/outer , then it already uneveness as foundation - then next inner circle pulled from it : even if it fine it still within uneveness
you get the point
how to place that energy within compassion
in vision, there no organs because there no body
what is inner ground seen as outer
e.g. if lucid in dream, this earth we see is vision/dream
if there knee sprain, there no body underlying it
it just negative energy felt within mental body
once we can 4d stop it, we lessen the leak/antecedent cause, and if we can also find the optimal way to remove 5d negative energy
then doing both may lead to reversal of state where leak/purification is greater/lesser than increase/decrease ... into a state where
leak/purification is lesser/greater than increase/decrease
this takes work and collective gathering
yet begins within each individual's inner
because we see this inner LA as outer
we allow outer forces to entangle and install its own movement into our root mind
thus an illusion can be created ; but in our situation, maybe the creator of it is trying to help us see the illusion so can be free of it once and for all, and then help others do same
the 4d of compassion
then that "outer" LA keep wants to pull our inner chi into its matrix ; whether its energy is what one wants as own inner is for each to decide
e.g. if not pulled by it but by dharmakaya
then we pull it ; not it us
the deeper the duty, the deeper the emptiness
cant go forward nor retreat, but can inner detach
there may come a time when chewpi studio ripens
it anchors into dharmakaya is deep enough ...
the illusion gets pulled down
gently and gradually allowing the increase to become more than the decrease
illusion may/may not still be there but it is within compassion
if we look at the many dreams written e.g. in new matrix 12 - they just present memories and never happened and/or not of antecedent cause
writings that talks of events outside dream
Why they seem real when they just inner movement ?
Why same present memory has more antecedent cause over the present inner movement ?
"... through movement and the awakening within of the requisite insight, one frees oneself from oppression."
- i ching
light scar remains from may bush cut ; remember the sensations etc., but we not certain it happened
the display is there not only because of the memory of past event ; in vision//dream, the memory and the cut are concomitant present 4/5d and 3d
within endless space, there only what is in front
then where why really caused the display ?
if you also lost and drifting for 8 hours in darkness of canyon
and you suddenly see trace of our fire and chewey sitting by it
you would not care of his name race age nationality fashion or believes
you get the point
the kindred spirits of inner free
sambogakaya appeared to us july 2020
we walked in from a vision within their field
so the time/place of it is not important
this the permanent place ; nowhere to go beyond - it dharmadatu
the years before the guardian realms
part sambogakaya/part nirmanakaya
it all a vision, including your dad and events
- la lady
these fields are ... luminosity of self-experience. If such things are examined, none of their individuating characteristics exist."
- longchenpa
each step/day we get closer
removing the veil
it helpful parents give guidance that they in 21st century not here and nothing here influences them there
- otherwise, we cant be sure
that we free to move forward
"you definitely want to go deeper"
it a closure
a part of us already there
what that place is we no need know
the part of us yet there is secondary
like the tail
this CA vision another step
return to innocence/ home
Sambhogakāya is a "subtle body of limitless form".
- wikipedia
"it comes down to whether you can master the simulation
the potential is there ; others have done so
it just your own vision"
- frank
on whether can make parents stronger when 90 than today
i would need to re-activate that wave in this place"
- john
first thing to do
remove/take over anyone trying to project their control/crossing line into our inner
e.g. airport vision makers
- hanuman
it like kung fu world movies
the clans want to pull/take others energy
energy is power
some try to take ; some gives
but you need to first have the defense against those trying to take
or it not possible to have the power to master your own reality
it is potentially possible to change the dna and rules of physics if you can overcome the energy that makes up it
it your own vision
- frank
if can learn to master this wave field
can go to / change of vision places and do same - like Q of star trek
but we will first need play defense - not have our energy taken by these inner vampires
otherwise we wont have the power/energy/strength to make the necessary transformation of energy
guardians working overtime to clear the path for world of joy to emerge
"there is only next hour"
what we see as outer body is really subtle 5d inner movement/sensations
it not other's fears/but own reflection
the best way to help them is to neutralize/see them as inner movement
"If a man remains at the mercy of moods of hope or fear aroused by the outer world, he loses his inner consistency of character..."
- i ching
no need go to heaven
nor for anyone to reveal
medicine of wisdom
because mental body is inner movement
mental body brain is also inner movement
in vision, it all energy
in other words
energy which makes up the brain is an inner movement - a luminosity
the point is :
inner movement can regenerate
to have power of wisdom increase faster than mental body one way energy ...
once get pulled in
the best can do is to be the best brain energy among your peers/age group
if one is 80, why cant be smarter at 90 ?
reactivates the dna with the ultimate medicine
the chi of compassion
a pattern of though beyond the mental body brain
there a energy of brain which is different from mental body's brain
it not of mental body's brain energy
kind like buddhas not part of it
it the energy/chi of brain within compassion
if one is free of mental body brain - an inner movement
then there the power of intelligence - it an energy of the compassion body's brain
that what the dharmakaya circle link together with - it same chi of compassion
inner body is a wave
zhu ren zhang's flute playing wave is indestructible
the confidence cannot be shaken
imagine inner body wave to be same
it just own inner movement
vajra 3d is reflection of vajra 4/5d
dharmakaya cannot be stained
ideally, the 64 i ching hexagrams freely move in/out of eachother. otherwise, the wave is blocked ; after awhile, if only few patterns are allowed at root/brain wave, then it may feel like a blank state with no movement vs. if it all free flowing, it a root field with creative movement
if we can re-activate it at root level
get it flowing again so it can again regenerate
how that is done is less through words/actions than it is through understanding
something/one would need to introduce the power of wisdom into the wave field
we ask for guidance
you get the point : the potential is there ; need be done from 4d/5d field
hanuman has many nicknames
e.g. cheerful ; lord of monkeys ; reliever of all ailments - he has the power
we ask him to look after parents
shi wei chu is the best
sho mei chu is the best
frank chu is the best
recovery going well
regaining strength, weight and clarity
each week improving
we thank all helped 3/4/5d
future simply tell us to keep writing what comes
they are all watching/reading this from future
sending waves of compassion/pvf
his latest scan "encouraging signs"
- frank
our task in LA complete
when first arrived 6-14 wasnt sure if could complete it
we trust hanuman now ; it was his power ...
"A time of blessing and enrichment has such powerful effects that even events ordinarily unfortunate must turn out to the advantage of those affected by them ..."
- i ching
this and peace the two messages from i ching
didnt understand it then ; it saying maybe because of this, future may get even better
"you are free to go"
we can use a break
if you to take on new project
there should be a high threshold because ... (there no one here)
if i were you, would just stay put
- frank
only if it comes to you and it so ... amazing
- mic
only if there a purpose
"Love is a magic word, ooh, yeah, few ever find in a lifetime"
remember eddie 90's wisely said love is very rare and my parents "they found each other"
people under-estimate the importance of such synergy has on the community at large
- in a subconsciously way
e.g. geraldine/tino the center of village
it what "holds the world together"
protectors/guardians of 3d 4d and 5d are needed during this ... inner uneven time
if one is not big 3d ; one can still be strong 4d
vice versa
"we all need to step up"
zhu tai ming !
guardians captain 3/4/5d
zhong xiao inner kung fu clan
jason visiting grandparents this week
we welcome him
LA chewpiland rise to cheer
- chewpiland headquarter LA
oakland motel
tacoma 1977
"welcome ...
may the force be with you"
- 1977 chewpiland
chewpiland chateu cupertino 2023
pg - 13
"welcome ; you are fine"
- chewpiland 2026
"one who can wield the fong chi sword can make anyone laugh"
it has been two months since mom and dad moved into chateau cupertino ; just minutes from frank/mindy (above photo 11-24)
it is working out well ; they have dining hall for all ; so no need cook ; people are very nice ; they socializing ; dad recovery going well
we thank all who helped
akanishita sambogakaya
The inner luminosity of Compassion
so far there not much to do here
- purpose/direction ; like we just waiting
the pull of home base is the direction
"this place is brief"
the messages from bison
- "the ship may come around again"
- "the old man is not here'
"this place no good/evil ; it neutral"
like we got on a ride/transport at gompa
they let us off somewhere new ?
if so ... it was 7-19 tow truck driver ?
calm ocean 5d is how describe this place
people past feel not here anymore
"i would stay put ; this a middle stop ; if you need to go somewhere, you'll get a feeling"
- bison
no pull from future to do anything
we yet at the quantum realm they speak of
"you getting close (to that realm) ; may have to make another trip"
- yolanda
to stay put for now until there more clarity
we still settling down
"A man who halts at the beginning ... finds the right way." - i ching
the 3d now feel more like a layer the more deepen into compassion vs. past where it is more stationary/immovable
the energy neutralizing on its own
"it is here that adventitious stains are naturally cleansed away"
this place makes us reminisce
it easy to forget we not in past world anymore
if john of past able to see our path now
what would he advise us ?
"once make peace with your past then let go.
because they not there
what important to us here is the feeling you are fine and have arrived where you want to go
so keep going and dont look back
we all cheering for you"
quantum compassion
dream of city looking for car/dont know where
Then idea emerged to focus on the car and the scene shifted to inside my car driving at a another place
"in the quantum realm, even your own body would effectively scatter across all of existence until you actually looked down to view it ... Believe you can walk through a wall, and you will."
- online
it all our inner movement in present moment
there need not be antecedent cause to create the limit
"You, like all the particles around yoo, now exist in all possible places at once… So, if you close your eyes and picture yourself on a desert island, you’d feasibly end up there."
- online
the particles /places not there until observed
all places exists as potential right in front of us
like dream shifting to another place driving
it the same moment / dream
quality vs. quantity
it not the outer display details most important
but the quality of the wave/within compassion
e.g. if power to create fancy car house etc but without inner quality - inner still lacking
point is : dont seek it but if it there it there
the sphere of compassion can exist inside quantum or newton ; people both sides equal within it
if compassion but without quantum knowledge
the quantum people within compassion will share
advise of i ching to stay humble
dont let that power replace what needed done within
that be riding the power carriage
this place the inner 21st century vision/spell not reinforced/given fuel 4/5d like before
making it easier to neutralize ; the veil begins to clear
Mental body mind’s money energy pulls everyone because an option not shown to work just as effectively to reflect same outer money ;
how to become immune to mental body's money energy is also how deep capacity one has of power of abundance
"after one spray
they started dancing inside ..."
- deep serious voice
"after two ... dancing outside
seeking the attention of the hottoed ..."
the hotto perfume commercial ...
- the fong chi narrator
(this one is fong chi 301)
there no one from past here
"even the guardians are not linked to this place"
- bison
This is the time of solitary dharmakaya
- longchenpa
manjushri was "that" writer
we thank that writer and look forward to seeing him again
the quality of that dharmakaya writing came from him and later will be more evident of its depth
writer was filled with joy upon each gifts of insight - but not competent to relay its meaning
- but we have written the code
this place is a place to stop and reflect
let what is still behind catch up
to first 5d "settle down"
gompa task was to transport
"you dont need return there again"
walpi may be a place to return to that home
"but you dont have to go from there"
- la lady
many currents, especially strong ones, will pull "comrades" to inner move into its inner current
"... the comrade, is forced by the situation to move, hence cannot understand why ... stays calm...the difference of behavior is the result of the difference in place. Therefore one must be wholly independent in one's actions"
- i ching
if pulled by this teaching instead
one is in a different inner place
and therefore "one must be wholly independent in one's action" - "they cannot understand why"
it took us little time to settle down
this place now free of that pressure/control one feels within old man's matrix
we thank all who helped
dream far east hotel/dorm looking for passport early am ; "there is still time"
waiting go 6pm airport flight home
writing to la lady before 8-8-21 vs. since aug - it feels we different sphere ; it not/less link ?
they not here anymore
like backpack lifted
"they are not at this place" - bison
like 12 hour stop over hawaii flight tokyo to seattle at sunrise - they are not here ; there nothing to do ; future has no pull
rent a car and go beach to eat and sleep
no coming no going ...
"when heaven and earth close, the able man withdraws into the dark"
"this naturally brings about a certain isolation, but it frees one of obligations."
- i ching
deepening of compassion
5d compassion is not just non-binary/wuchi/energy beyond etc.
but a medicine/purifying effect ; otherwise, it may be powerful but it not of this sphere
- 8-15-23(5-15-98 chewpiland)
inner fragile city human body vs. inner strong natural primate body ; both are waves which underlies the 3d body - it new every moment
that how describe hanuman 5d/inner body
5d within compassion
now looking at 5-12 bush cut - it seems more as "just inner/did it happen ?" vs. just days after it seems outer/did happen. why ?
we know that future be reading matrix 13/14
e.g. we today telling him june they are fine
to focus on this future and not others
we tend gravitate to direction of antecedent cause ; but if can neutralize its pull then we can make a better choice
e.g. we see parents as healthy and happy at 90 even stronger than they are today
similarly, age little matter here ; there only present waves/no past ; one is what one observes oneself ; "hey you look younger" is 49/51 to how we are programmed to observe ourself
so long we see body as outer movement
we yet immune to that mental knee/body energy, even if it neutralized ; in vision. there is no knee/brain/body beyond inner movement
pay less attention to form and more to content
inner moved outer stationary ; outer moved inner stationary ; nothing moved yet everything changed ; nothing changed yet everything moved
so if close eyes the 3d we see is inner 4d
if open eyes the 3d we see is ripening of inner/luminosity ; already happened inner/wave field ; point is : realization of this means conquering the 3 ; we just havent mastered 4/5d
in an illusion/dream/vision
what is real/not real may not be as important as
what has antecedent cause
how to be free of mental body antecedent cause
we went to CA vs. CA shifted into our view
we are 3d moving vs. 3d moving relative to us
same moment experiencing different vision
vs. vision of seattle/ca different moments ; to the two different grounds, they are distinct moments vs. to that same moment, nothing happened
to endless space, there only what is here
past/future we not certain it happened
same different digital like places on same screen
by first returning to endless space
we can travel to any relative space fields
"resistance is futile
you will laugh"
- the big foot clan
"the fong chi monsters"
arriving at fong chi
From within the space of inner luminosity, dharmata, comes the appearance of sambhogakaya... the external luminosity of self-appearance.
- longchenpa
how "comes the appearance of sambogakaya" and how this 3d appearance transforms is what is interesting