""For every passion
There is destiny"
- Lisa Youvella
Chewpi News
OVER 200-1
“It is like a thin veil
use it
It will never fail”
- tao te ching
“the three dimensional inner world is a range of frequency
we perceive from own reference
like day turning into dream
we wake to a reference point
believing it the same as our memory
of yesterday"
- kuyipay
2016 pow wow
olympics national park
- saying it a present moment reference
and present moment reference point can be upgraded to require compassion
how to deepen our inner lense ?"
present moment link
to what is before/after time/space
guardian of
future to past
past to future
"the body of compassion
then becomes three new energy body"
making you all look younger
for the benefit of all sentient beings"
outer can be ephemeral
- that consciousness is eternal
inner can be eternal
- that consciousness is ephemeral
and vice versa
writer's take
couldn't write a mythology today
even if one tries
comedy needs only comedy
mythology requires a deep sustained focus
missed out on this tale
and few possible extensions
the story speaks itself
and like a perennial song
chooses the writer who can best align
in tibetan culture
such story is called a treasure
and such treasure
can be best revealed
through a fun story
what is taking place
is the emergence of a new writer
with the old writers
- us
there ...
to offer their humble help
let them decide / choose
the fate of their own future ...
in old days
shamans have more power
so called medicine men
such that they can awaken the weaker flow of the weaker circle
with a simple …
these days
shamans have less power
so they rely more on holding objects
largely because the art has always been a collective teamwork
so called stories
UNTIL ..."
if it there it there
there is no wedding
and we are not at the gompa
one not the type to "marry" into families
so just
"the way we were"
we don't know
but one knows people there are here
offering help in sincere
i am not the one ...
someone new ...
will have to reveal the story
and she and/or he
may be as inexperienced as writer
was to you
at the beginning of this journey
if so
are you gonna just sit
and watch it fade ...?
until next time ...
if it is so it is so
but what if the one to come
has yet to arrive ...
emptiness and/or compassion
"trinary rotation
cannot be programmed "
as inner
between what is and what is not
there is the emptiness
between existence of 1 percent and 99 percent
there is also emptiness
between what can exist and what cannot exists
there is emptiness
"both delusion and the dimension of creative potency manifest
it is essence nature beyond duality and/or non-duality
beyond separation and/or unification
here time is exhausted, it is free from activity, like the essence of space"
-tantra of self generating presence
timeless compassion
"in the pale , windless sky,
the dimension of light and color
and the five forms of pristine awareness are self manifesting
in the lamb of the pure field of reality"
- tantra of self generating pure presence
in other words
from field of compassion
self manifested
inner density/distance/time
empty and/or relative
"manifestations are divided due to different inner/outer reference points
called bardos
but there one point
which all must pass through
at dissolution
at the corner turn
of the weak circle
it is there
at that point
according to the tibetan ancients
that liberation from samsara
- ocean of duality
is possible ..."
- humble
"and since there only the present
that third corner
is also always present ..."
how to transform this flow into compassion
and open door
for the emergence new inner dimension
maybe some tibetans
may call shambhala
we don't know
just a feeling ...
the world of compassion
the awakening of compassion
"fate may in time also bring regression ... but if an upward movement is initiated in time, this movement is strong enough to counteract fate, should the consequences of fate set in before these precautions are taken"
- the i ching
she under our protection
as for the circle behind this, they answer to humble rinpoche
make facts clear and we welcome you back
she not need that power circle anymore
she needs our circle's friendship
"more constant/less constant
no movement
more forward/less forward
more reverse/less reverse
"less reverse is same as more forward
just against the current
because it the weak current of the more reverse"
- pema lama
how to strengthen potential of less forward by using more reverse ?"
-notes from gompa
with completion of PVF
and potential investor of
jose ...!
you may all have work to do
"not possible yet for 1 be 10 from this constant
but if constant links into deeper constant
the 10 impossible seems only 9"
- chikuen rinpoche
how to have an easy "rip off"
turn ?
fong chi is reverse
"the fong chi bad news is that they have yet to laughed ..."
for each fong chi shitty filming
the fong chi good news is that we will still pay you $20
that jose ...!'s condition for fong chi investing
how to strengthen present moment third corner
overly accept the fong chi rip off
the middle force of the old circles links with the new inner/outer circle
from the constant
no big deal
the new inner circle
through old outer objects and mantra
link back to the old inner circle
on the outer
they do best to imitate the inner of that matrix
few older circles
may have capacity to link to three new inner/outer circles
just as some outer/inner circles
have capacity to link - within compassion - to many inner old circles
how to widen the old circle ?
we gotta have something to flow in
they gotta have something we can receive
and that was our chewpiland
for their PVF
it must have been good enough
that so far away so long after
people still dancing to the beat
honor and respect ...
the objects freely shares itself with circle of distant past
like a light sabre
both a protector and/or memory
if you inner up
then you want stay down
return to underworld
if inner heaven
they want go under
if inner hell
go back up to heaven
if inner is hell and ok with it
camping out cold night
then one no need to elevate
even if others sitting at 4 insist it to the the level ground
and want to ascend to 5
we stay at 3
"This refers to the involuntary influence of a man's inner being upon persons of kindred spirit. The crane need not show itself on a high hill. It may be quite hidden when it sounds its call; yet its young will hear its not, will recognize it and give answer. Where there is a joyous mood, there a comrade will appear to share a glass of wine. This is the echo awakened in men through spiritual attraction.
Whenever a feeling is voiced with truth and frankness, whenever a deed is the clear expression of sentiment, a mysterious and far-reaching influence is exerted. At first it acts on those who are inwardly receptive. But the circle grows larger and larger. The root of all influence lies in one's own inner being: given true and vigorous expression in word and deed, its effect is great. The effect is but the reflection of something that emanates from one's own heart."
- the i ching
last wek
old friend showed
bought $1 ice cream
he and luke been back here awhile
"it nice to talk to you again"
- shaman lama
we'll call all that sincere effort
the payment gompa made to sponsor
"the hidden option"
speaking of inner protectors
demon hunters
this dude be right at top
the ship captain
"within tibet
old days
this clan/that clan
tibet culture / world
to the west
there no difference in the four schools and/or its subdivisions
so who the more constant ?
the realized beings converge onto those who can show the results
one time
talking about the hopis and tibet
hidden rinpoche proudly came to tibetan side
"yes, but do they have as many centurions as the crazy yogis ... ?"
"there only 10,000 hopis ..."
the link may not be as distant as ...
amchi be the look alike actor for the old ling rinpoche
there few left
master hu's friends
the idea of this script
is that with universal compassion
there potential to regenerate
so they have shared the potential and its wisdom with the west
"enlightenment has different stages"
- thubten gyephal
we simply the messengers
fortunate to be part of this link
chu and classmates bow with honor and respect
"with understanding
there is no conflict"
- preston
we very lucky
they have gathered
the future knows even if past covered
and if follow passion
those give passion from past
still here
links to that passion
parents helping with financing this project
great credit to them
humble rinpoche
the deathless guru as inner has no begin/end
a reflection of a deeper inner
for those who link in
kind of bridge into deeper dimensions
they not really meant to be here
but this dude no conformer
tricksters can't be dictated by fate / law of physics
the part that can is not trickster
"tricketer machine / trickter mind
that one circle
human / trickster mind
that another circle
this old dude from older world
so can play game within
she/he the constant in our circle"
- the legendary kung fu novel
would like to gather with them
but only if that their flow
of universal compassion
we have to match you in size without using the resource
proving that star wars success came from his own compassion
he also didn't need the resopurces
humble tried to , with best intention, team with writer as the actor for his power ; writer didn't take the bait but did get him to stay emerge for all to benefit ... :)
one simply a humble messenger and
we are very fortunate to be part of this link ...
little house cleaning
now one gone whole circle
look back
those who over give humble rinpoche - he will do best to reciprocate
for those who over give
the precious root guru over protects etc.
and for those ... beyond the line ... of compassion
wrathful side of guru rinpoche is not for the petty and the weak minded
exorcism 101 is for beginners
some won't change that simple
vooodoooland rock is exorcism 201
they speak truth about what they know at venice beach or it 301 for the little circle in the room ; that something darker of it which , future to past - video already watching
so longer round 6 wait ; the more their future to past de link
maybe they all interlinked and this their chance at third corner turn - just speaking truth of something we all know
- then you are liberated from it all - it that easy
it like writer reading book or even trying out foreign fashion - there nothing to hide and they really don't care if you do and/or don't - and that can save the world from many unnecessary anger because we are all role models for someone - and then you will all thank us for making it easy :)
"you gotta debase yourself and let it out ...!"
- judge darrell
as inner exorcism, there reason humble rinpoche practice it at different level depth ;
the protectors are of deeper dimension
the change comes in at deeper imprint beneath ; that what the items he tried to pass on was for - exorcism of deeper dimensions
the vooodoooland rock binds their middle circle until released ...
imagine scarecrow midnight over open field that has no farm
why would the ... place them there
next to the rock
if we don't get tough on the inner now ...
that why
-the reverse i ching
visualize sword reuniting with rock
and/or it chains to the rhythm
that rock is also our protector
vs. deeper reptilian intelligence ...
the human protector
it was a companion to the law office
past to future - it sits there
future to their past
they'll have to enter first the gatekeeper
it the energy - if it can't be moved and it our friend , then it keep us constant even if it seems we descending
gompa notes
by denying access to share the sword
as agreed
we will have to find a new keeper
there reason it called trickster sword
when trickster wisdom lacking
it seeks to return
to earn it back to and/or from
deeper patience kindness and humility
that a best buddhist practice
first thing about friendship with trickster power is that ... can't grasp it so don't even try
but if we let it go
then it can't grasp us but may still return
because the friendship is real
and then so is its protection
wherever it is
herukas the protectors
they real in way that they can protect and nurture our inner circles
and they have been real friends in past
especially to certain yogis
they follow the inner circle , not its outer claimants
so as inner - we can't divide and label them the way they don't - e.g. black and white ; good/bad ; wrathful/peaceful etc.
when it comes to cleaning up the deeper dimensions of ancient past
that when ancient yogis at their full value
this a collective silence effort
it the results
"Question: “Then Guru Rinpoche must have become 800 years old.”
Lama Namse Rinpoche: Not only that, but it is said that Guru Rinpoche stayed in Tibet for 300 years before he continued his journey. He is not an ordinary human being - he is beyond time and age as we know it. It is said that he is with us today, which means he would be more than 1200 years old. Age, as we know it, does not apply to him.
Same student: “So he doesn’t have different names when reborn and isn’t recognized like His Holiness the Karmapa.”
Lama Namse: That is not the case. Guru Rinpoche never passed away as we perceive death and therefore was never reborn. "
"praise the lord ..."
in our script
master hu is the other grandpa
also known as lu shen yuan
before that - Dudjom Jigdral Yeshe Dorje
before that - Dudjom Lingpa (1835–1904) etc.
- movie script
and that is all you need to know :)
in our script - the legendary kung fu novel
there a circle which is guru rinpoche
self sufficient light which chose to remain within this matrix to share
then there a small circle
also self sufficient but learn it from root teacher
then there circle which live long, very long
relying on the compassion of the small circle
then there circle, even larger, which receives benefit of longer and stronger life and also easy option when exit , relying on power of that circle etc.
here one was to share with gompa
there a practice where you fong chi fight the herukas for the purpose of strengthening the energy body because they are protectors and friends
the story teller of these maybe still here but wanting to add extra element - that their silliness more power than their roar - the trickster wisdom of the clown buddhas
if your inner chi can overtake ms buddha butt jr in round 9 of fong chi showdown ...
then they may pass their no laugh siddhis onto you ...
there no ruless against sending joy to the protectors
parallel reflection
if we walk in dark world with sword
why wouldn't they have one too
there those who master of awareness
that they handle energy
quality of which does not die
e.g. preston
there those who master emptiness
the quality
e.g. master hu
deep down we looking for better quality - a feeling of more anchored happiness
- pastor tien
in our script, the pastor lives :)
John 3:16 says, “For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life.”
just our script, but there may be .. who still believe
"it a matter of faith"
exorcism 301 is similar to humble rinpoche silently imprinting spells into subconscious her/his inner circle - their past compassion/no compassion magic bounced back - anything out of them has first go through rock via la pooba or it like karma gravity wall that bounces it back
add on the coding powers of the lawyer that blocks their middle to flow other way ...
he humble and kind, but there also a wrathful crazy side, and writer has met him in that form also - he #1 crazy - in script : free lance staff for our office - we send him on assignment , wherever the sword is
when it comes to black magic
the top power is top power
when it comes to realiazation
the buddha who has tamed the darkest power with emptiness is the top buddha -
"emptiness is deeper than energy"
- writer teacher buddha butt
no mind is deeper than empty mind
"my teacher is the lord of death"
- humble rinpoche
if there inner demons
hunt them at root before ...
but first there must be a link
and that la pooba
taking care of business its own way
honor and respect
"the problem is not enjoyment
the problem is attachment"
- tilopa
darkness lightened when it meets deeper darkness
- master hu on the circles rotation
"- the elite deathhunters
trained for years they have under the great teacher
for this mission ...
they must imitate and pretend they are under the wizard's spell
then then assimilate into the wizard's inner circles ...
- dark world
chewey, teaching ms t jr how to act
"you must pretend you are fighting your worse enemy so the chicken farmer wizard will think you have fallen for his spell ; and when he sits there laughing at watching you fighting with yourself
you must keep pretending on fighting with yourself even if he laughts out loud , otherwise the chicken farmers wizard will think you are not under the genghis khan spell"
ms t jr nods as she wipes away tears
"i will not laugh ! ..."
- chewpiland.asia
the chewpi inc. satellite descrambler neutralize the wizards spell ... but you must play along ..."
"Inferior people who have risen to power illegitimately do not feel equal to the responsibility they have taken upon themselves. In their hearts they begin to be ashamed, although at first they do not show it outwardly. This marks a turn for the better."
i ching
"i've known chu many years
and he can be as empty as mirror
if you walk up innocent ; then he returns same
if you act only innocent ; then he same
vice versa
if you believe you tricked him from past
he plays the other circle of what you expect
aware that - from future to past
there is another circle that is emptiness
and when it rotates like the sun
we can still be of any corner
but if those not equal to the responsibility ...
you cannot possess the sword without it possessing you ; and if you cannot rotate three corners
both you and circle then clogged in a corner you can't get out
without help from andrew ...
she is protected and remain entitled to borrow the sword even if she has lost right be its keeper
but her dark praying circle - unless they receive forgiveness from andrew
then they remain bound to the third corner rock
unless you have inner strength to move that rock - third corner strength
one wouldn't want be with its weight/responsibility ...
- The Hopi Gandhi
after three years, the intent of the circle is more clear
gather 25 shareholders of the sword
e.g. deliberately paid humble $1 less
"you still own a piece of it "
it is linked to its past the way it is linked to its future
those who try to get in way would first make us believe they were clever so they would believe same ...
but what we viewers waiting to find out from future seat is
"how did the sword returned to the writer when he passed it to her
not want it back as keeper
praying to let her keep it ... ?"
but if ... gompa somehow gets a donation
and the ancient ... then the script moves to new chapter - the redemption of a death hunter
over bowing is chu expertise
he believes it strengthens inner muscle
accumulating reverse rising credit
the type of credit which can be used to influence the three circles
"vooodoooland is between chewpiland and hopiland
rocks the link
guarding three dimension from one land"
"The Reverse Circle
(the three way circle)
three circle
one clockwise only
one counter only
both ways
to the clockwise which sees itself as constant
the middle seem counter clockwise
and counter seem clockwise
to the middle
clockwise is clockwise
counter is counter
both moving same different directions and/or one circle moving two directions etc.
the point is
if we are stuck in one way flow
believing clockwise to be constant
then heaven/earth circle is independently outside
if we know our place
within the rotation
that there other circles also linking
then maybe we know when we are not in control and so
they also know when they are not in control
If a clockwise only circle come across such three way circle
but believing itself to be the constant
then the three way circle may seem reverse to the one way
to the three way
the clockwise can also appear as one circle moving three ways
by itself becoming the one way
the one way flow is reversed"
The Hidden Option
in our script
pasmashambhava /buddha walking earth today
non earth human
leads a circle of ancient ones
earth humans
including jesus and mary
if there been deepening
past 4-5 months
it because writer is writing
the big brother has returned
spiritually everyone's superior
at another level
if use he and/or she
would be limiting it within our mind
writer intelligence may rival
but beauty abundance silent far behind
mickey beauty may rival
the ultimate medicine
this our script
there level they alter position ; rotate seats
- master hu
then there level where standing still
they twik (adjust) the inner rotation
- pastor shen
to stay tuned into the channel
then there the channel
the one who can stay in no matter what
is the one who has th medicine we need to learn from - humble rinpoche
few has skill to "translate" it into modern understanding - that the writer
and to share / present the earth side - mickey
the channel is compassion
it like a river ; some have merged into it
compassion of/for the physical
it the result
the rest details
"so padmashambhava is of past ...?"
"that would not be correct ..."
- gyaphel
"so massawu a legend ...?"
"people have seen him ..."
- lewis
"you my teacher
i like to learn"
writer said to many
body gaya 90's
old kind wise man
orphanage coordinator known to many
"i have met ... two (perfected beings) in my life
one was the teacher of gandhi (vinoba) and the other an old french ... over 100 years old ... who lives in a cave ..."
writer no understand then
but he person of few words
and mentioned twice
it also time when writer met gyaphel
he told us he a young monk and gave tour of few tibetan temples
yet the young not recognize him but the old monks were very aware ... the way they greet ...
he would always bow even more
"they my teachers ..."
- gyaphel
the rickshaw teacher must have been someone they know ...
his emptiness remains deeper than writer ...
nothing new
it the conviction
there reason it made visible
writer simply messenger
they have asked to link
we not yet have their knowledge power and humility
one of the original circle
buddhist community may recognize ...
met 20 years ago - this photo two weeks ago
he step ahead of even master hu
... that the understanding is ancient and need no high tech - if attained realization of it, one side too far
use other side
how old he is "they don't have to know"
"so you've seen gray hair returns dark ...?"
he smiles
"you've seen people levitate ?"
"yes ..."
"how ...?"
"it cannot be explained in words ..."
writer bows with honor and respect
future to past
la pooba belong to her and it from her circle
"give it to her ..."
and not expect it to return
writer is thankful
she partnered with writer on the hidden option
so we'll wait until ... to publish it here
"hopis are like tibetans
there inner division/fighting among the lineages
and it is their powers which is ..."
- master hu
"so you are the leader of ..."
"the black hat lineage"
- master hu
"what just said write down"
"in the future
tibet is tibet
there is no free or not free tibet
tibet is tibet"
- master hu
Season 2
we've passed on both phurbas
three sisters and la pooba
we not of the religion
so it best they have it
they hold our blessing/protection
from past/present/future
the destination is when i am next to him
"the way you talking about hong jun
that means you getting close"
- hu
vajra body is same whether rupakaya is strong and/or weak ; old and/or young
he/they staying seattle for time being
we pray for their good health and they remain to help us
we bow with honor and respect
in script
"we not know if he will return"
- bison shaman
i dont think he intends to
paemashabhava left his body/place
evn as he found himself again
he not to return old seat
maybe a visit to remember what it like
there too much politics and power games
as gompa visits reminds him
they can follow him through the writings
he created the old place
he can create anew
invite only those who not play games
the pureland western new will not be eastern old
we not of the culture nor can we be part of it that way anymore
east/west of the west/east
it easy to miss it if overgo
so follow compassion
not the destination
sphere of compassion arises from compassion
knows how to cut through the dark energy
he simply needs someone to transcribe the compassion
and the wrathful energy to the west
funny yogis ?
- chewey
they are yogis who are also funny
very advanced they are
they hide their humor from outsiders
- gyaphal
you mean they pretend to be not funny when funny ?
- chewey
and vice versa
- gyaphal
early/mid 20th century
tibetan lama had a vision
while meditating
looking out at lake
it a future world next century
in the west - early summer
they all wearing masks in public
and it felt like the entire world was also same
many looking at a photo of him
the one he took recently
from each their own machine
they ask him to send help to the west ...
this dude the top so didnt need to disappear to appear
spontaneously appear/disappear
as five elements
to our ordinary vision
so if hu still around
so is he
but in different form
he can do that
because he knows how to use his own sambogakaya
it his own real estate/world
nothing second floor can overtake it
not death nor life
coming nor going
it is inseparable from the ground/dharmadatu
like kiva
padmashambhava is a sambkogakaya
that current/wave world/form
the entire space belongs to padmashambhava
within the sacred space
the inner sambogakaya
is where he lives
it not center as physical center
no one can see it
nor grasp it
yet from within it
the samboagakaya that is padmashambhava effortlessly shines out compassion
as energy and/or form
to other worlds linked
1850 bc
dharmakaya of all buddhas is considered to be of one and the same essence ...
sambogakaya is considered to be one and the same
nirmanakaya is considered as being of different kind
- buddha nature
same void/light
ability to use it different for each being
"high and low rise together"
earth/heaven same spirit
heaven is spirit
earth is not
earth has inner/outer
as inner it intertwined with human
if shift into sphere of compassion
then there hope
"this world is fading"
so how one go / see past the duality (vision) ?
- john
i will send (text) you a mantra
- raja buffet
The (gayatri) mantra and its associated metric form was known by the Buddha, and in one sutra the Buddha is described as "expressing their appreciation" for the mantra
- wikipedia
Om Bhur Bhuva Swah
om - primordial/essence/compassion
"nothing whatever but everything arises from it"
bhur - creator is self existing/independent
- dharmadatu
bhuva - "self conscious as well as being conscious of all else ... thus able to control and govern the universe"
- the big mind /inner movement
swah - pervasive/onipresent
"without form ... able to manifest ... through medium of the physical world, and is thus present in each and every physical entity"
- there nowhere compassion sphere is not
*this place really no ruler here
this yet that place
but it part of it
- bison shaman
it not really have boundary
- bison
padmashambhva's copper moiuntain
they say it of earth/terrestrial
yet of non dual world
that an unique combo
nonmaterial physical reality
so this place is part of padmashambhava pureland
how does one enter
portal or by waking into it ?
by waking to it
- jessica
in dream/vision
body is the place
if body change so does the place
if our body is compassion
so is the place
padmashambhava home
(top floor)
for the dharmakaya/buddhas as one
(second floor)
the buddhasatva of compassion
is a spiritual body
and the zangdok palri inner realm is one of the matching places
- sambkogakaya is same difference
(first floor)
for samboagakaya buddha
padmashambhava is a non physical body (rainbow body) and outer zangdok palri is the matching place
- nirmanakaya /pureland
for buddha of compassion
chewey is a sambogakaya body
and outer cedar mesa the matching place
for the visitors like us
zangdok palri is the physical non place
we become the matching body
we become non physical body
the place becomes the matching
- sambogakaya
portal can take them to first floor
from there
vision can take them to second floor
from there
the formlesss world of compassion
there the body based thought
e.g. age is body based thought
non body based thought
- no body no age
just what here
three realms of desire/form/formless
three realms of desire/form/formless within compassion sphere
within compassion sphere
desire realm same compassion as form and/or formless
buddhism it organized as desire realm at bottom
formless realm at top of the wheel of life
they inside samsara
in our script
then beyond highest formless it just simple compassion sphere
the compassion sphere is bit reverse
the formless realms consider the most basic
the entry level for those new to quantum compassion sphere/ world
the form world within compassion is next more advanced
the desire realm within compassion is funny wisdom
emptiness and/or passion same time
the rainbow body
and/or the fong chi mind
forever is forever even if don’t think it is
quantum perception can alter our subconscious programming
quantum compassion perception can transform
quantum compassion
compassion at most micro level
the smallest seed
moksha is when we are within compassion in both worlds
quantum (wuchi) and/or newton/samsara
"Akanistha heaven ... do not represent real Buddhahood
If knowledge of the Dharmakaya were brought about by antecedent causes it would be something that is impermanent.
We cannot proceed from our conditioned existence to an unconditioned state. There is no way."
- Lopon Tenzin Namdak
moksha cannot be dependent on where we are/antecedent causes
like couple in love
it not because of what outside
but it helps to have it - the sunrise
like akanisita
moksha means freedom from samsara
the wheel of second floor
no matter where you are
which realm
there an extra layer of energy
- raja
compassion sphere stays with us no matter where we are
we not looking go anywhere
wherever compassion is we are
without it
there is no "outer" place which is superior
without (inner/energy) boundary
there (can be) no (energy) leak
"dharmakaya is a body"
power of silence
"do not follow (inner movement) ... do not invite them ...
if do not waver from natural state
all qualities of the refined sense powers are gained"
"in great expanse of awareness - and this a great wonder - they (defilements) collapse all by themselves"
- jigme lingpa
in vision/dream
there is no antecedent cause, not in that way
e.g. if dream begin hotel
it not caused by us checking in even if memory of it
if vision
then memory of ourselves didnt come from the vision body, it just there
it need not be the past e.g. age
relationship in formless
there no body
union is something else
the unborn/unceasing
something which not of 64 hexagram cause
but springs from wuchi
in vision
inner authority
are you certain it is real ?
are you certain it happened ?
once the inner authority/shadow is neutralized
the ground is easier to see
the two veils in buddhism :
1) emotional veil - once inner shadow is neutralized the passion becomes clear
there less fear
2) veil/barrier of perception - like hologram/dream
there a fourth dimension watching us
it our own self - the compassion one
the 3/4/5 d preset
master hu very humble
practices the medicine buddha
the indestructible vajrakaya
synergy of dragon/phoenix
as life force
the dark energy is inexhaustible
nothing happens in rupakaya registers to dharmakaya
yet it remembers memory
one body many minds and/or one mind many bodies
if one mind many bodies then each mind has no center / empty mind
if one body many minds then each body no center/ no body
*Within that space appears dharmakaya. From that sambhogakaya is produced, appearing from the viewpoint of those who are to be tamed, always abiding with neither increase or decrease like the moon in space.
Apparent variety, kaya of light rays of Holy Dharma ...
Variety is real, but the nature of it is not.
Such forms, ...
Always abide here in the element of space,
As if they really were of the element of form.
- longchenpa
sunlight different source from artificial
"it is something else"
The three kayas of the space of the dhatu are of one taste with the solitary space of dharmakaya. Within that, they exist as the subtle wisdom of that space. From the blessing of that, and from the aspirations of those who are to be tamed, appear the two rupakayas .
Here the pure buddha activity of wisdom arises as the appearance of an external other. These are like the moon in the sky and the moon in water.
- longchenpa
"the form not made of five elements"
"they can't see this place"
the white island
"oldest and still operational"
These days, when some proclaim trikaya as totally one, it follows that all the buddha qualities of the space of the dhatu would also be appearances for those who are to be tamed. That is because rupakayas of one nature with them would appear for those who are to be tamed. Having maintained trikaya as one, that is how the pure realm of the Buddha and so forth would have to be elucidated. Therefore, knowing these two as separate is very important.
- lonchenpa