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Tibetan Treasures
(part 2)

within the sphere of compassion

 it is called the ultimate medicine

like the eternal fire night lost

it is pure compassion ; "all good"


the lotus born image we see online

its vibe feel energy


the one we see in blank space

they feel different

one is middle age serious with mustache

vs. very simple and youthful and he wants nothing to do with that old heavy male vibe

looks like jeremy/hu ; images in vision can be implanted ; "you notice that too ; the real one not been here for hundreds of years" - bison

so they two different people in 6d

we not yet see that serious one in 7d

this where two paths go own ways


what is this body we see in blank space ?

it blank space

what is this city we see in blank space ?

it blank space

and so what has happened has not happened


the mandala and/or compassion

blank space begets endless space/luminosity begets creator consciousness/mandala begets the universe

that mandala is an endless space wave

it has a construct of wave movements

it has different levels/dimensions etc.

 3/4/5d vs. 3/4/5/6d  vs. 7d mandala

may appear similar/but their functions are different

the wheel of time is a blank space wave, the construct of which  cannot be altered ; but we far from optimizing the knowledge/use of it

e.g. it spins both ways but we are stuck in one way

in this realm

each has own circle/mandala/quantum place

it what is in front of us

influenced by many other circles

if we choose compassion mandala - mic's

then we more influenced by it than ...

on wave level/field

that "circle" is our own ; each person sentient has one

but it veiled by other circles - there more than one

when born it just luminosity

 baby laughs more often than adult

- the old lama


mandala below

buddha represents blank space 

it all 7d if viewed from where he sitting

but 3/4/5/6d from outside blank space


his mandala will always be somewhere

that why he is mara - that his job

but it need not have control/power over ours

he not own the quantum/endless space field 

just the energy of those he has ... "enslaved"

those who have joined him out of fear/desire/greed

they cant leave even if want to

so it comrade's matrix they want to pull others into

it at root a wave matrix

it others root wave they want to keep "magnetized"

etc etc.

we send in death trappers to entangled the vision makers at root

we would need enter as ordinary then find way into their "architect" wave 

- hanuman


fake dark/fake light

so long they battle, the endless space dark/dark one gains power and endless space light veiled

without the conflict, endless space dark  loses power once endless space light/sun is seen

mara not against good/bad morality

so long they conflict inner as fake light/dark

no matter which side wins

he gains 6d power at their expense


he was once a good angel

what happened ? bit by bit he turned to the dark spirit

he was once one of us (in blank space compassion) but can never return

- bison

so he has only blank space body but not part of the circle of 5d/6d/7d compassion he was part of

- that also affect the entire circle

it possible to create a middle

they still cant enter but like opening window

they can receive fresh air

bring compassion back into him

maybe something will simply change without us making any more effort

in that way

he be taken by compassion/guardians

"it would help set him free" - bison

dont know/not sure  what good/evil is

but do know when see compassion or no compassion

and what is over glorified vs. over demonized


some say book readers /ltbg evil but we see just as many compassion people as in church people

when they give others no middle ground to turn to - either black or white -  this also creates that shadow within themselves because it not compassion

- it also makes hard for others to have compassion with all that judgment and fear

point is :

satan is not against morality - he is against compassion - which is jesus


in buddhism, mara - satan /comrade boss- rules the lower heavens e.g. 2016 to 2022 places

people can get stuck there with self-righteousness

he is very clever ... creating these male ego heavens

e.g. god is masculin and women not equals etc.

- all we have to ask is : does that feel like compassion ?


it looks like there rules even mara has to follow

he cant force choice on people - only to tempt them

"he will not force people" - mr doan

if not choose judgment fear etc. - he has to let through


again, comrade boss very tricky

designs it in inverse way etc. to make it look righteous etc. - it'll take an entire guardians page to explain them - but it not our task ; we already taken viewers through much of it


even if take people into lower heavens etc. - then if they think that the heaven/jesus etc. - they play into comrade boss's game plan etc.


we dont know

write what comes

the issue may be that jesus and army cannot come down through mara's domaines /defense to ...

maybe because we not holding our ground on earth ?

pulled too easily by comrades' 4d/5d


if dharmakaya  is veiled 

then casual space/endless space is seen as ultimate

in same way, people may see a bright shining glorious light in heaven ... but if it cannot  shine inside deeper darkness etc.

it'll feel not compassion ; just a high


we can share our experience along with many others ; the mistakes we made etc.

if comrade boss controls the earth, he not gonna give any easy formula to get out ; but that not mean there no answer from other sources

- that why mara is against jesus

buddhas/jesus very generous ; they make their 7d luminosity/light available to all - but it veiled in the 6d to the 3/4/5d by comrade's boss designs

so they see a dull light - the miracle not really there


like if they rely on jeremy' energy as light

it'll feel not compassion ; like something missing


it was only after we met mic that something opened 

before that, we keep looking for it everywhere

the sphere/world of compassion

that faith in our future also had to hold ground


if over glorified, the past will eventually catch up

how to neutralized the inner imbalance 


if over humble and even more content

then past also will catch up

how to accumulate inner over humble 


If Buddhahood is brought about by antecedent causes it is not an unconditioned state. It is not permanent.

- tenzin namdak

if "brought about by antecedent causes"

it not blank space


whether it elemental/endless body and/or

even no appearance/formless is not blank space



write a script

mr doan as preacher worldwide

he knows jesus and should be sharing

get bison to talk about the native culture of past

he lived the time ...


like a seminar/workshop - it a scriptfor the chewpiland production

mr doan ancestry vietnam - he born here

he brings rise to all

eastern buddhists tend to under-estimate western buddhists ; west buddhists tend to over-estimate themselves 

the two balances out

elemental space chi 


quantum space chi/wuchi


blank space chi/one chi


it is  not yin/yang ; not a thing

also involves the mind

- ben chi

on the immortal chi

he 75 with no/little wrinkle and rosy aura

his teacher william chen is 90's and still teaching

his other teachers live past 100 and "exited peacefully"

it a lineage thing - last of the mohicans


a year ago, it a vision within endless space

there was time and other dimensions/localities as antecedent cause

we dont see it until observed

but the antecedent cause was present


everything/one we see is blank space

vision and/or no vision, it blank space

a spontaneous appearance without antecedent cause

 it just there

e.g. bush cut 2023 still has light scar

but we know it didnt happen to this blank space vision

 there no past as cause in blank space

even the idea of a cause is blank space


if we see vision as blank space in blank space

it is what it actually is

and if we conquer that wave by seeing it blank space

something may happen to the middle circle wave in endless space ?



stay with it

as we all deepen, it also influence others 

deepening of ultimate medicine

seeing the  4d patterns as blank space

a 4d pattern is just patterns e.g. i ching has a code to it

it the 5d emotions which makes it good/bad

if 7d introduces a reverse pattern

and if 4d/6d patterns all flow freely/allows it through

then maybe it can speak to our 3/4/5/6d etc.


wu wei wu bu wei

that the highest in taoism and chi

it the result ; we call it reverse

the highest tai chi state is movement within stillness


they stay with it

as they deepen, it also influence others

   deepening of ultimate medicine​


our 4d cant be trapped because it neither left/right up/down right/wrong east/west etc.

they cant trap it on just one side


our 5d we still have attachments 

but  just part not yet within blank space

 just stay with blank space and it'll naturally adjust

dont have to deal with it old way

detachment without compassion

vs. detachment within compassion

this takes one deeper into compassion


with 3d - our perception still adjusting to blank space

form is fixed energy pattern 

density is relative ; not even steel is absolute dense

matter is waves in motion


diamond is also wave in motion

 wave/luminosity and space forms the diamond

diamond wave is relative in density


it only seems minute/very dense/small if looking at penny from $100

but get down to $1 to see penny

that penny/diamond wave may seem less dense

- hanuman

At the same time that our visions dissolve our physical body also dissolves because it is just one manifestation of our impure karmic vision. -

from quantum 6d view

the 6d/3d vision is pulled back into the 6d wave field

"no need to be in blank space to do that" - bison

from blank space view

the quantum 6d wave as 3d shifts into quantum wave without appearance 3d - nothing happens​​

to 3/4/5d - 3d is solid 

to 3d/6d - 3d is also energy in motion

to 6d/3d - 3d is like a vision

to 3d/7d - 3d is a vision and also empty/blank

this 3d vision is not blank space

7d is the full blank space

"Our personal reality of pure and impure vision (snang ba) dissolves into Reality (bon nyid) which is the Natural State"

​so ... to 7d/3d - 3d is the rainbow body ?

"Returning to the ultimate source then the potentiality of the Natural State manifests as a Rainbow Body, the real Rupakaya."

rainbow body is blank waves in motion

this diamond wave/vision is also blank space



jesus 7d/5d the love reached ever lasting

that why 2000 years later still alive

universal compassion springs out like rainbow body

if jesus had the 7d/3d ?

he be still living today going in/out from 7d

he would have the rainbow body of compassion



buddha's 7d/4d insight into void is perennial

2500 years still no rival 4d

we just building on it - what he discovered

had buddha gained insight into 7d/3d ?

he can appear anytime anytown

the rainbow body of wisdom

that 7d/4d likely the source of fong chi

and some blank space ideas


the ultimate medicine school we learning here

they have rainbow body of medicine - it earthly chi

the hopi book club all have 7d



above just terminology /division of perception

many layers we had to traverse through

but at end it all blank space


either right or wrong etc.

"when wisdom and intelligence are born, the great pretense begins"

- tao te ching

6d is wave ; 6d/5d is wave as energy ; 6d/4d is wave as thought pattern ; 6d/3d is wave as form

3/4/5d aware of 6d is 3/4/5/6d etc.

6d without compassion vs. within compassion sphere

so ... there 3d/6d compassion (hopis / taichi etc.) vs. 3d/6d no compassion (scientist) etc.

one has compassion body one not

one can have 6d/3d compassion but not 6d/5d etc.

6d/5d without compassion - there no feeling of love but one is aware of the energy/wave etc.


7d/4d not held by 6d/4d 

if  7d says go east and 6d insist it hold onto it west

7d will still go east but not take them with it

while 6d/4d will hold onto then a 4d that not useful

they cant trap 7d with their 6d mind


the point is :

we need to have a friendly relationship to that 7d/5d spirit if it to allow us in


comrade boss/saton

tricks same today as ancient

he no care if one behaves/misbehaves

he not want the flesh but the 6d 


he wants those stuck in the 6d cycle 

keep them in with the good/evil cycle

he wants them to judge - self and/or others

e.g. book readers ; transgender people

because so long they playing the game

he can keep them entertained


he not care good/bad win/lose dem/rep etc.

so long they judge self/others

egg, 94/95 he not care who wins so long they fight


it be inside the 6d cycle he created

they creating within themselves 5d guilt/shame  cycle they have no exit out of if keep that way


they be stuck inside the

either/or cycle of fear/desire


the light which shines in the most abyss

stays there ...

it can only be seen in the dark

deepen compassion into dark

dakness/light got nothing to do with compassion

grandmother no care

but they dont want us to focus on that

we like to learn from mother teresa


"either win or lose

either ccp comrades or ltbg comrades

either right or wrong

either william su or the hotto perfume


a vaccinated republican would rather put on a dress than join the communist but a wise one would seek a third option ..."

- fong chi 301 

audience nods in agreement

taking notes​

not easy to explain yet simple

seems simple yet not

in blank space vision

if car has 30k miles on it

we neither drove it / not drove it in past

all we certain is there a present 3/4/5d vision with 4d memory of buying/driving the past miles and 3d display of the car/miles and 5d sensation that it happened etc.

there nothing in blank space that has relationship to it

the 3/4/5d vision just appears

vs. endless space there an imprint cause/effect

there not a 29k mile to a spontaneous self-reflection of 30k car etc.

we cannot say it either happened or not happened

even though logic says the car must have existed 

why this important ?

if go deep enough

it cuts off current of antecedent cause/6d karma

without severing ties to past​

it be like stepping to the bank of the river vs. caught in its current 

we still with the river but not of it​


snoqualmie river side

the power of silence 301 finals​


maybe endless space like movie slides creating a vision

there time/movement in the wave field

it not zero however subtle


blank space there no/zero slide behind the vision

and/or the slide has zero/no cause/effect ?


it similar to 7d/4d where ideas/insight just spontaneously ... there no reference point/cause 

and/or the 7d/5d joy that just there for no reason

e.g. baby's laughter

the wheel of time  loses its effect as causation

one is truly free of it when can be within its current and be not of it

time is endless space current - many currents and directions and programs

say it 100 megawatt - anything 3/4/5d less inside cant go beyond both space and speed of that current

but can be taken out of the current  by another 6d 

wave current  and/or  influenced

the point is

stay with compassion sphere


if someone from 200 megawatt current enters earth 100 maga watt current - maybe the time current wont have same effect on that 3/4/5/6d

e.g. they may not age the same etc. and/or may be invisible to our senses etc.


3/4/5/6d shifting into a different/same 3/4/5/6d

it same 6d vision even if it seems different/same


3/4/5/6d shifting into 3/4/5/7d

it a new space field even if same vision


blank space 3d is non reference point space

everyone shares same non referenced space as body

but all have unique 4d/5d


6d/4d can also be inside 7d/3d but it'll have a reference point


7d/4d is non referenced intelligence just flowing within that space etc.


ideally for us - the laughing and compassion current within blank space


so a blank space body is without reference point

it similar to space yet it a body

7d filled with paradox if one's 4d takes any one side



Jesus said to them, "When you make the two one, and when you make the inside like the outside and the outside like the inside, and the above like the below, and when you make the male and the female one and the same, so that the male not be male nor the female female  ... then will you enter the kingdom."
- gospel of thomas (Saying 22)



chewpiland has 3d/6d (outer) and 6d/3d (inner)

  7d/3d is the secret/ancient village

created by a circle of 7d beings from blank space

so its foundation is ab wave

the evenness underlying the surface

because it ab wave/inseparable from 7d

that part of chewpiland cannot be destroyed

ab wave/luminosity always here

so long the universe/b circle is here


to enter that 7d/3d

we'll need to first arrive here 3d/7d

then like taking off show before enter temple

we leave behind what not align with 7d/3d 


4d to  deepen the discriminating wisdom

while 5d to deepen into compassion

transform the emotions into within compassion



innocence is the main criteria for entering from 3d to 3d/6d of this pureland/outer chewpiland

past morality/history and devotion etc. not essential

"mic place will take only certain people but yours accepts a wide range" - guide


maybe karma is 6d wave imprint that cannot be changed with same level of intelligence 

3/4/5d are 6d wave as 3/4/5d so it "pre-destined" 

but maybe 6d/7d can influence it ?


and why "they dont have even an approach to it"

cant go from conditioned  to unconditioned

"there is just no way" 


those practice illusion body may reach advance 6d/3d

imitating/visualization cannot get them to enter 7d

"there is just no way" ; "cant skip steps"

analogy is want to enter a college

but instead of working on get good grades/credentials 

he/she just stand in campus ;  trying to force way in

attending all the classes etc.

but they wont receive the degree they need to graduate


endless space dark/light conflict

fake light/dark


blank space light not conflict with blank space dark

their original nature

and so there cannot be a mental body in 7d


3/4/5d (C)

that 3d is limited to elemental space field

4d limited to binary reference points e.g. me/you

the 5d love is limited to 3/4/5d

how to play its game without being played by it


3/4/5/6d (B)

3d/6d is quantum space

4d/6d is wuchi / non polar luminosity

5d/6d not limited by 5d 

the world of compassion we coded 04 notes


7d (C)

there no 3d polarity / reference point in 7d

no center no periphery

no 4d polarity /reference point in 7d

spontaneous wisdom/non reference point

5d/7d not conflict with anything/itself

without conflict,  no ripple on water


7d/3d is a moment reflection of 7d

 reflection of emptiness

there no endless space cause/effect

are you certain it happened


what does reflection mean ? it just there 

like mirror image - it there because of you

but it not created by you​


everything is wave then it wave/particle ; wave/energy

it upmost important to perceive wave as compassion


based on this paradigm

we enter non reference 3d every night sleep ?

the return to 3d reference points when wake

that why refreshed feeling

the difference here is  can do it consciously because even as 6d/3d pillars drop off

we still have the 7d as home base


discriminating wisdom is ability 

to see 7d as 7d ; 6d as 6d

the buddha symbolizes blank space/7d

monkey king represents the sambogakaya/ab wave

mr doan gave us permission to paraphrase his meaning - he master of giving half answer while answering the rest from within

- not word by word but close

certain angle , if he has einstien's hair

they look same eyes

"yea, there a (connection)

he didnt have the environment ; missing something

so couldnt (arrive at it)

he had the blank space intelligence"

- bison

"that mr doan, oh ... i tell you ... he is very smart"

- su the outstanding neighbor

he th eone behind the quantum intelligence

writer just learning

"you learned your i ching from pastor shen"


"we arrived at observation that your intelligence comes from study of i ching"

- calvin and korey


he is very humble

top of angels

he say no he no know

but also say he can travel back to 19th century instant


so maybe idea of retro-viewing the cause/effect is  from his circle ?

they ETs with mr doan's intelligence high tech

and within sphere of compassion


 "who are you to judge another ..."

"like how chickens farmers treat  to chickens - with little/no compassion

chicken would call it ruthless/evil etc. 

but chicken are us would call it a chicken sandwich

- mr doan, on non - judgment

tacoma dome

jesus fong chi team and mighty chicken warriors rise

nods/applauds  in understanding then sits back down


Matthew 7:1 says, "Judge not, that ye be not judged"

if we not judge the chickens

the chickens wont judge us

but people these days are hypnocrites

they want to judge others but me "not be judged"

- mr doan

audience nods in understanding

we are here not to judge nor to be judged

we are here to practice and perceive compassion

- mr doan

tacoma dome

audience nods/appauads in understanding then sits back down


bison is lord michael and Avalokiteshvara 

 born inside 7d

he and mic sometimes not easy to distinguish

"mic is more a natural leader" - bison

more natural with people/social


comrade boss was never in 7d

hu  was but is no more 

it happened shortly after you left"

- bison

that explains why he seems to know it

but somehow is trying to follow me into it

- chewey

they will never let him back in

- bison

not yet

he was in once and has the wisdom and skills

was suppose to use that gift to enlighten others

but maybe he got influence by the comrade boss

once his old friend left

- john

the comrade boss has way of making everyone more (not within compassion)

- michael

he would need to earn back the trust

do something/sacrifice substantial enough to show intent/repent etc.

it a vote by committee

the flip side of him losing the power

is that he cant use it to bring to fruition students from worldwide loyal to him

compassion would leave door of possibility open

giving him chance to return to compassion

- the old lazy lama

the deepening of compassion and love of christ are both same 7d but different style

one more eastern reflective 

they complimentary


in same way

ultimately it can become ...

"what happened to that event 94/95 ?"

"we dont care/know"

that it lost its antecedent cause to present

then ... without the 4d/5d certainty

are you certain it happened?


what interesting be once we neutralized 6d of the 3/4/5d event in the timeless 6d/7d

what then happens to ... ?

"we dont know/care"



so when you make the east into west  and west into east  and when you make space into luminosity and luminosity into same as space and when you make past into future and future into past

something new may emerge  ...

12-10-96 chewpi

we entering blank space

vs. vision fading from blank space

vs. blank space becoming us etc.


we exiting blank space/vision appearing from blank space/we becoming the vision etc.


it all blank space

nothing happened


it not matter where we are

if need antecedent cause to ... it not blank space

blank space is blank space 

some beings advanced can see all movements as one

to our view

it only matters it is within compassion

ignorance within compassion superior to wisdom without it


sphere of compassion

always same yet always transforming

always transforming yet always same


sphere of compassion

all 64 patterns moves within 6d compassion

like sister hood


without the compassion

they try avoid/seek those patterns not want/desire

yet the wheel continues to turn 

so two people same 3/4/5d yet one within 6d sphere vs. one not - they live in different inner world 

vs. two 3/4/5d with 6d compassion sphere

they live in same inner world even if world apart



within sphere of compassion 6d

power of compassion is power accumulated

no need to focus on expand/contract win/lose etc.

so no pressure of competition 


discriminating wisdom is ability 

to see 7d as 7d ; 6d as 6d

dakinis are many levels

the blank space dakini is the energy needed to enter blank space ; "black dakini canot be seen"

"it is easier to enter with (two way flow)" - guide


they all know he pg - 13 as 3/4/5d

but at traditional tibetan buddhist sanctuary/professional white man comedy club

they dont know what he gonna do to their inner 6d

they feel he humble polite 3/4/5d visiting gompa

but as 6d ... not like them ...


our past already told us to "it best to stay clear" of that responsibility/resources

shambhalla not our destination

but it can be a visited place in future ?



we moving into 7d field

our vision shifting/changing into blank space field

- our 6d/3d view


the 3d/7d vision will fade like the sun

it still there but no longer our view

then full blank space view​


in 6d vision

past not there until observed

are you certain it happened ?

in 6d vision

thoughts not there until observed

memory not there until observed

forms not there until observed

emotions not there until observed

are you certain it need be there/happen ?


it all blank space

discriminate between blank space and quantum reality



close eyes and see only 4d/5d

thoughts and energy not there until observed

that is scientific to modern quantum scientists

and maybe future too ?


every culture, without exception, needs certain circle of people to play the counter clock role

otherwise, their be no superior/inferior

e.g. we immigrated to tacoma so of course we play the other circle willingly

but if one is a e.g. taiwanese living under japan rule

william su may not make it to their top ten sexy list

they may want to compete for forward flow too because it gives competitive advantage

but the flip side of getting stuck in inner one way flow is one becomes not in touch with the reverse current

you get the point

is there a third option ?

e.g. the over humble club is one of chewpiland's reverse circle

and so is the poop burrito club

everyone is encouraged to be part of a forward and reverse circles


no attainment no non-attainment​

​"... suppose one asks a magically produced person, ‘would you not say you have attained sainthood?’ What will be his reply?”

- manjushri

The Buddha answered Manjusri, “One cannot speak of the attainment or non-attainment of a magically produced person.”
Manjusri asked, “Has the Buddha not said that all things are like illusions?”
The Buddha answered, “So I have, so I have.”

- Prajnaparamita Sutra

vision within blank space is like magically produced person/place

no antecedent cause so no attainment



In blank space vision it own memory playing tricks
Making us believe that it had happened /has antecedent cause
So this body/place must be real/had a cause etc.


in blank space there no before/after

are you certain it happened ?

"two people both inside blank space

one having a dream/vision ; one not-

the vision didnt happen"

e.g. if mic is next and lucid but we having a dream

then nothing happened

12-29-96 chewpi


As inner we need discriminate ; so can choose :
6d money vs. blank space
6d time vs. blank space

6d emotions vs. blank space
6d body vs. blank space
6d endless space vs. 7d blank space


3d atomic crossing into 6d quantum

elemental space not fit into quantum

if it within compassion, we may not even know it

same way, blank space so dark that even wave/particles cant relate to it

from outside, it seem everything disappears into dark

from inside, see another vision not made of quantum

it may look the same - we may not even know it


so when you make the east into west ; west into east

something new may emerge

not just a new style

but a new potential ...?


it is all blank space - inner/outer east/west here/there yesterday/tomorrow​

blank space is just a word ; it what the word points to

e.g. compassion​ ; that why we want to point to it

in a more 3d/5d way

you know how buddha gave predictions on who will enter buddha hood in future

it is done by seeing the seed of their self in blank space

without that blank space "quality"

there nothing in blank space to pull them in

even if we give them a push from endless space

maybe that "quality" is created through accumulation of merits and/or they created with it ?

 we dont know the why/how

but even if quality is a gift and it ripens in blank space

they would still need to match that quality in 3/4/5/6d for it to integrate with them

otherwise, they'll get pulled right back

and blank space compassion remains just a potential

12-21-96 chewpi



the old man lost his power in second half of 80's

we dont know what happened

- bison

marleen also mentioned same

"it was the 90's but started in 80's

i am not attached to the money

but with power, give me the courage to let go 

- phil

you dont need to let it go outer

but a new approach and understanding 

then your blank space can open to you

otherwise, that power binds you to quantum space field and even if can see yourself in blank space

it'll pull you right back

like immigrating to tacoma from taiwan

i had only one suit case

- john


that wasnt the oldman of 6d but likely mickey ?

but the idea the same - the old man does have the potential here 

as for jeremy/hu, he has like a ghost of past here

like once here but no more ? 

he needs to cultivate the compassion to lighten up that "quality" vs. trying to follow others into like that, which actually sets him apart more from blank space of compassion


they the two closest to blank space we know

they can be in but are not

the dark side of endless space is possessive

the same mind they have to cling on/not let go same as the mind that wont let them go


as for others e.g. boss - they dont have any trace here we see so can follow not follow etc. it makes no diference

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what will happen has happened

but what has happened did not happen

and what did not happen will happen


what will not happen has not happened

but what has not happened did happen

and what did happen will not happen

it a heated debate between the two fong chi philosophies

audience nods pensively ...

buddha of compassion / buddha of blank space compassion and/or blank space compassion ?

- writer

the wisdom of two way circle within compassion

that the blank space wisdom here

it like if one side over saint because want to set best example - the other side is darrell

he is spectacular in reversing the other way - chewey

; "he is not evil" - bison

he plays the role of the reverse flow

it part of their culture


so long there forward flow

the reverse will flow no matter what

only question is if can be within compassion and if the forward flow not be so one way intense

in other words

darrell has the impossible task of keeping the reverse flow linked in - compassion and/or no compassion


the reverse flow becomes veiled to the culture

and they all start to follow ...

"the one way man flow"

they categorized themselves as "native americans"

(which makes them counter clock flow)

as if the earth sees anyone differently

"already buying into their game"

- darrell​

preston and colleen knows the importance to 6d field

so they also protectors of the ancient flow

they dont want us to join them but they also dont want to join the one way flow either

each has role to play

chewey to their help to code that reverse flow they show us into ... what it truly is ...

blank space compassion


the fong chi army of root wave field

its task is to keep the reverse flow at root 

the two way flow within compassion at root field is what keeps ... the earth green

they have each accumulated enough male and/or female ego to sacrifice it for the cause

we all within blank space but not see it

when form is no more, we see only the luminosity 

vs. buddha is someone who sees blank space

luminosity is just there, form and/or no form

it same blank space


in our script, if entering black hole

forms become non forms/waves

even energy is wiped out at event horizon

only the wave part of energy/luminosity remains

it the natural radiance of blank space

and then there nothing beyond that unless one is taken into a deeper space - "dharmakaya has 35 levels"

without it, it like someone who can swim but not live in water "they cant stay for long"​


there different fields in quantum space ; but just one blank space with many depth to understand - guide


if it within sphere of compassion

the guide more likely to  help and we trust ​


maybe at the same time he is walking away

it may even be the best way to help them

it all blank space to them

there is no time/space ; not even a now

it something else


quantum 4d necessitates binary

even if it is wuchi - harmony

what has luminosity must have space

and so time is necessary movement at root

even if it can go both ways within compassion

space and light ; thinker and thought are distinct

even if they may seem same at times


so as 4d movement, if there is something light/form), there must be nothing (space)

cant dispute that if in same space field

from blank space, it one blank space

it just a different space field 

not just a tricky way of applying words


"when you make past like the future

and the future like the past and the here like there

and when you make warrior like a chicken and chickens like them warriors

and when you make william su and japan top ten sexy one and the same ...

then will you enter the fong chi kingdom"

- hanuman chicken yoga sutra

audience agrees /looks on so inspired

12-25 chewpi

again, we far from "enlightenment"

just a scholar who collects ideas from internet/books

we are of the academics

it better to go to established lineages/teachers

- writer prefers the independence​

but this is entertaining to read​


by the time we see it

the 6d wave of e.g. coyote which became the 3d  has already happened in quantum field 6d

by time we think the 4d though, e.g. "in vision, coyotes are sacred" the wave which formed the though has already happened in quantum field 6d

same with emotions

but our feelings can go deeper to influence the present moment  ; maybe to the quantum field which is here now ; hence the importance of cultivating compassion


so if old sun is no more

we would still see the lights/warmth coming at us for years until the final light reaches our view

and vice versa

e.g. things may seem bottom but the new sun is emerging

vs. vice versa


chewpiland future

does it have a feeling of compassion to it ?

what does your future self tell us ?


eventually, they say, the outer will also become all energy, including the body ;  whether it compassion energy or not is what distinguish them

we'll need and ask for guidance


"once in blank space, nothing is certain"

at present i have memory of frank ; beyond that i cant say" - identity ; place ;  past time sequence etc.


blank space makes the weirdness of quantum reality look ordinary

e.g. people close to us may appear to look younger/stronger than last year, yet in blank space there no past/future​ 

maybe it just our habitual way of perception in quantum space to view it as one way ?


you get the point

time moves only one way/i am the body/five elemental consciousness etc.

12-2-96 chewpi


it like the abundance , we'll gain/lose something and content with the penny within compassion

there is no temptation to enter full blank space​


the system is outdated

the world's inner is outdated

but it need not be an either/or ...

the changes can come without much outer movements 


compassion can ceaselessly transform 

but only if they allow the new to enter this journey

like SIMS game, the space is a platform made of same substance as characters/world inside ; 

it has density and seems empty only to those inside

 yet they may believe it the same space we are in

in same way, the space we are in also a platform

it contains elements etc. and can expand/contract etc.

- maybe like matrix the wall is like honey

the elements/luminosity and space are distinct


pure space is all pervasive and has no movement

it is made of same substance as its elements

so it both pure empty and "solid not hollow"

blank space is a paradox


there also space fields made of compassion substance 

- the sphere of compassion

where the polarities are within compassion

- 12-2-96 chewpi

snoqualmie riverside​



blank space like the sky ; luminosity/sambogakaya like the sun ; the light rays is what makes form

impure vision like the clouds

the more purified it gets, the easier to see the sun

we now can see the sky and the sun

just waiting for clouds to clear away


whether it sambogakaya pure vision body and/or physical body visions etc. - they are shells/rupakaya to pure space  ;  two distinct space fields moving/interacting within pure space - trikaya  


whether we see it simply as clouds vanishing and new 6/5/4/3/d clouds forming and/or we inside one vision changing into another dream

the full blank space is the matrix hub


the 7d/6d vs. 3/4/5d mind

the 6d is empty/mirror like  - has way of speaking/mirroring what others 6d ...

that how we write/speak

the source works kind like that

mirror like reflection of the 6d accumulations

it can be perceived within compassion

that also why we keep talking 4d compassion

as a reflection of others and to practice

"what you perceive you receive"

11-22-96 chewpi

10. Return to Society
Barefooted and naked of breast,
I mingle with the people of the world.
My clothes are ragged and dust-laden,
and I am ever blissful.
I use no magic to extend my life;
Now, before me, the dead trees
become alive.

- ten ox herding

zen poem

Oxherding_pictures,_No._10 (2).jpg

people wee see are blank space yet they here

they here yet empty/blank space

- mr/mrs buddha butt

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