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new matrix 15  supplement

Blank Space Compassion



9. Reaching the Source
Too many steps have been taken
returning to the root and the source.
Better to have been blind and deaf
from the beginning!
Dwelling in one's true abode,
unconcerned with and without -
The river flows tranquilly on
and the flowers are red.

we follow compassion

explore first the conventional

e.g. blank space



what is this body we see in blank space ?

it blank space

what is this city we see in blank space ?

it blank space

and so what has happened has not happened


when wake the question will ask is

did it happen to the dream person ?

did any of the friends after 2002 exist ?

did it also exist the way/time sequence  he believed ?

yet wisdom/knowledge/power increased​​


moments are intermittent in blank space

not continuous or sequential

it can simply appear then reappear


"the secret aspect of the body is similar to space in that it pervades everything, is permanent, and appears in various shapes and so on, and yet does not exist as form"


sphere of compassion 

two people with compassion sphere

they live in same inner world even if world apart


just blank space vs.

blank space which is within compassion

they different result/flowers 


so when you make the east into west  and west into east  and when you make here into there there into here and  past into future and future into past

something new may emerge  ...

they see an immigrant from taiwan

yet they in west feel the native spirit they seek

that is hopi book club

they see western lawyer

yet they in east see the tao they remember

when with the hopi book club outside reservation

they inside america looking out

they outside looking in at us ...

it blank space compassion


then where we go from here ?

maybe return to full blank space​ ?

"the outer glowing radiance sinks back into the inner space ; From which no radiance emerges...

The ever-youthful body closed within a vase."

- longchenpa


it good to keep challenging this place

you have a light body 

there may be small up/down in this vision

but they get settled quickly by this place

- mic



same way our quantum 4d cannot force its way into blank space 4d - it comes to us

our quantum space has no say over blank space

- so can only wait​



blank space not tempted by power

 it is the one power ; but we not tempted by it 

so no need to obtain blank space



look into baby eyes when laughing - that is blank space emotion 5d - return to innocence

Sunset Romance

when you make east like west ; west like east and when you make here like there ; there like here

and when you make perfume like fart ; fart like perfume ; then you know you are in love

- mr and mrs fong chi

on wave level/field

that "circle" is our own ; each person sentient has one

but it veiled by other circles -  when born it just luminosity -  baby laughs more often


If Buddhahood is brought about by antecedent causes it is not an unconditioned state. It is not permanent.

- tenzin namdak

if "brought about by antecedent causes"

it not blank space


whether it elemental/endless body and/or

even no appearance/formless is not blank space



if that is blank space and this also blank space

does it mean that did not happen ?

no, just that we never left blank space


a year ago, it a vision within endless space

there was time and other dimensions/localities as antecedent cause

we dont see it until observed

but the antecedent cause was present


everything/one we see is blank space

vision and/or no vision, it blank space

a spontaneous appearance without antecedent cause

 it just there

e.g. bush cut 2023 still has light scar

but we know it didnt happen to this blank space vision

 there no past as cause in blank space

even the idea of a cause is blank space


if we see vision as blank space in blank space

it is what it actually is

and if we conquer that wave by seeing it blank space

something may happen to the middle circle wave in endless space ?



whether we are in light body/place and/or here

it the same blank space

there a junction ; can go anywhere from there

you'll know when get there

- yolanda



in vision if see suffering it own reflection

"do it for yourself not them ; they not exist here"

but if can learn/gain skill to transform its wave, it  can also help others in wave field


"you also gave them many surprises"

we simply follow blank space compassion  - it a feel

it the result - we'll somehow get there by doing that

the how we cant explain


you said good bye to that world in 2002

everything after that a simulation

but some people you will see again

- guide

otherwise, time moved so fast ...

he exists because his memory holds meaning - the family is the pillar of that 3/4/5d vision


in vision, memory real only to the 3/4/5d character

"are you certain it happened" - our past 50 years 


started brand new game five minutes ago

one is 20 years old vs. 50 years old 

each has memory/ the present installed memory 


in vision, no one working until we see them

if built a new house , no one worked unless we see them/participate

if moved house, no one worked to move anything unless we there 

if see storm, no one else experienced storm or the power outage until we see them


in vision, if watch movie/listen to song made in 2012

vs. a movie/song made in 2024

they both created now/here

are you certain it happened ?

these beings have mastered compltely entire 3d/physical dimensions

from elemental to blank space

so they eternals just playing all day

but one thing they fear most ...

attending a fong chi contest

they may have total control of space/time/matter

but they dont have much control over their own urges to laugh

- pork

fong chi news

chewey #3

they wont open the door because our arrival would shift the balance of fong chi league

- chewey #2

12-18-96 chewpi

two people in room - a fart smell - no need to debate who farted ...


that is my perfume you smelling


they embrace

wow ... so romantic

- hotto perfume club

seeing the  4d patterns as blank space

a 4d pattern is just patterns e.g. i ching has a code to it

it the 5d emotions which makes it good/bad


wu wei wu bu wei

that the highest in taoism and chi

it the result ; we call it reverse

the highest tai chi state is movement within stillness


they stay with it

as they deepen, it also influence others

   deepening of ultimate medicine​


our 4d cant be trapped because it neither left/right up/down right/wrong east/west etc.

they cant trap it on just one side


our 5d we still have attachments 

but  just part not yet within blank space

 just stay with blank space and it'll naturally adjust

dont have to deal with it old way


with 3d - our perception still adjusting to blank space

form is fixed energy pattern 

density is relative ; not even steel is absolute dense

matter is waves in motion​​



At the same time that our visions dissolve our physical body also dissolves because it is just one manifestation of our impure karmic vision. -

from quantum view - the quantum 3d vision is pulled back into the quantum wave field

"no need to be in blank space to do that" - bison

from blank space view

the quantum wave as form/3d shifts into quantum/6d wave without form - nothing happens


many layers we had to traverse through

but at the end it all blank space



blank space is non reference point space

everyone shares same non referenced space as body

but all have unique 4d/5d


blank space body is without reference point

it similar to space yet it a body ; blank space filled with paradox if one's 4d takes any one side


when we departed some years ago

we left it

"in good hands ; she a kind heart"

- bison


we came out to create/experience something new

not to take and/or expand on what we had built


there many layers to this construct

and we have taken you from near ordinary - 1975 zhong xiao - to the extra ordinary - akanishita



the writings here will eventually reach them outside

- guide


The realm of buddhahood and the buddhas' enlightenment,
The buddha qualities and buddha activities,
Are unthinkable even to the purest sentient beings.
This is a realm belonging only to the leaders.

- uttara tantra

only blank space can see blank space


each moment we inner choose blank space vs. old vision - there no relationship between the two

like letting go office years ago, we take two step forward and a step back

"discriminating wisdom is supreme"


if able to master perception of it

blank space offers many hidden options


before completion means the exhaustion of the masculine - i ching

3d/7d becomes full blank space


the future is sending us blank space

both the code and the space

but who is the we in that future ?

there a big circle united smiling


in the quantum 6d world - people live long and may not even age so a marriage may not have same forever meaning  -  we follow compassion


in blank space, everyone is together

so if someone from same blank space circle splits up 

they still together and so no difference

we here now

fong chi matrix/mandala

the fong chi cup 

"let the no laughing contest begin"

- pork

"thank you pork"

- fong chi news

in blank space vision

if car has 30k miles on it

we neither drove it / not drove it in past

all we certain is there a present 3/4/5d vision with 4d memory of buying/driving the past miles and 3d display of the car/miles and 5d sensation that it happened etc.

there nothing in blank space that has relationship to it

the 3/4/5d vision just appears

vs. endless space there an imprint cause/effect

there not a 29k mile to a spontaneous self-reflection of 30k car etc.

we cannot say it either happened or not happened

even though logic says the car must have existed 

why this important ?

if go deep enough

it cuts off current of antecedent cause/6d karma

without severing ties to past​

it be like stepping to the bank of the river vs. caught in its current 

we still with the river but not of it​


snoqualmie river side

the power of silence 301 finals​


maybe endless space like movie slides creating a vision

there time/movement in the wave field

it not zero however subtle


blank space there no/zero slide behind the vision

and/or the slide has zero/no cause/effect ?


it similar to 7d/4d where ideas/insight just spontaneously ... there no reference point/cause 


the wheel of time  loses its effect as causation

one is truly free of it when can be within its current and be not of it

chewpiland has outer 3d/6d (physical) and 6d/3d (light body) ; blank space 7d the secret dimension

so its foundation is ab wave

the evenness underlying the surface

that part of chewpiland cannot be destroyed


4d to  deepen the discriminating wisdom

while 5d to deepen into compassion

transform the emotions into within compassion



maybe karma is quantum 6d wave imprint that cannot be changed with same level of intelligence 

3/4/5d are 6d wave as 3/4/5d so it "pre-destined" 

but maybe blank space can influence it ?


each quantum 6d vision is like a thread to blank space


"it best to be able to enter/exit"

once free of physical/3d reference points"it wont be the same" once we return to same thread


the door of perception is opening

but still need play defense so not take step back

"​The way opens  ... But danger still threatens, ...  he must acquire skill ... what will take him forward, and ... what will protect him ...  It is good in such a pass to have a goal toward which to strive."

- i ching


3/4/5d money vs. endless space money v. blank space

as outer it what it is

as inner, the quality of flow different

e.g. discriminate between quantum/blank space


chewpiland filming : so the 3/4/5d money said yes

quantum 6d money says it created the current/power

but blank space 7d intervened and we all followed



the fong chi avatars are those past winners

they wont compete again

VIP seating observer

- fong chi news

people will come up to pay their respect

"they have earned it ..." -

but inside sources say they are hired actors to sit

and look all serious thanking people honoring their championship experience

7d/3d is a moment reflection of 7d

 reflection of emptiness

there no endless space cause/effect

are you certain it happened


everything is wave then it wave/particle ; wave/energy

it upmost important to perceive wave as compassion​​


we entering blank space

vs. vision fading from blank space

vs. blank space becoming us etc.


we exiting blank space/vision appearing from blank space/we becoming the vision etc.


it all blank space ; nothing happened


it not matter where we are

if need antecedent cause to ... it not blank space

blank space is blank space 

some beings advanced can see all movements as one

to our view, it only matters it is within compassion

ignorance within compassion superior to wisdom without it


by the time we see it,

it has already happened in the wave field

hence the importance of cultivating compassion 


whether we have the yuan it not matter

we follow compassion

we ready to turn around anytime if compassion calls

even if ... it right there ...

that is pvf


we started/end this journey from full blank space

that the home base

all others are vision

e.g. light body ; far east city etc.

waves becoming form/energy then return to wave


"your mind already in it so will just return to it"

we have seen/been fully in it in 93


this kind of  a breakthrough of perception 

we woke morning and realized full blank space is our home base - it our permanent refuge

"there another place only you can go"



dream we again lost in city but we have a car a map and a receipt for the hotel ; it becoming night time

so we ready to return 



since april we sleep/eat less yet still feel refreshed and same energy


we dont need to complete the blank space journey 

the extra option changes the quality of the path


to enter 7d they need see the space field - but that between themselves and blank space spirit

otherwise, they just be following their projection into our quantum 6d memory


we dont know how blank space is entered





todaji temple (the great eastern temple)

with the grand entrance and large buddha statute

that like what we saw in our dream of far eastern city

 it side of a large ancient circular plaza with shops

maybe in dream we were suppose to enter the temple

the inner temple inside it ?

entering the unknown

our vision shifting/changing into blank space field


the vision will fade like the sun

it still there but no longer our view

then full blank space view


discriminating wisdom is ability 

quantum space as quantum space
to see blank space as blank space


in quantum 6d vision

past not there until observed

are you certain it happened ?

in quantum 6d vision

thoughts not there until observed

memory not there until observed

forms not there until observed

emotions not there until observed

are you certain it need be there/happen ?


it all blank space

discriminate between blank space and quantum reality



if see house in dream,

it is still home to the dream body

dream body feels more ephemeral/intermittent ​


the wheel of time is 6d

either time goes forward or time goes backward


the wheel of compassion also 6d but also 7d

the third option not need not get pulled by neither directions


blank space the ground floor

quantum reality second floor



buddha of compassion / buddha of blank space compassion and/or blank space compassion ?


buddha is someone who sees blank space

luminosity is just there

family/friends not here ; i ching advise to not attach anymore based on personal 3/4/5d - small/personal love vs big/impersonal love

had they been real  it may be different 


for family gathering

"do it only for your self, not them"

 because they dont exist unless we see them

"yea" lady smiles​

it a vision, they only there when you see them

so why put them to work



- yolanda 

in vision seeing them on computer similar in effect/no closer as in person 

it nice to have someone who cares about you

 "if only in my dreams"


dream of inside same far east hotel / same room

then eating breakfast ; the flight leaving later that day or next ; thinking one should have tour the city more

saw aj and his little brother ; we took taxi out to town

saying to them in past couldnt find this hotel

then woke up



manjushri has a pureland called vimala (which means clean country)​ - the light body/place sambogakaya



that fire is penny still within compassion

reason why there need to enter $100 is often because dont have penny within compassion


1-29 we entered blank space

after that it all same blank space

if we not enter fully blank space

it also same blank space

like once in america, we in america even if 4d still in taiwan and/or not speak language

and vice versa - it a different space field


feels like quantum 6d body is traveling ; jet lagged feel

like adjusting to new energy field etc.

while 3/4/5d remain same



the dharmakaya home village 家鄉

abugee be there ...

easier to see how a coyote just appears in a vision

without antecedent outer cause/past

vs. how the house also appeared same way


no antecedent cause so no attainment



the inner physical body/world is not blank space

but the outer physical body/world is

In blank space vision it own memory playing tricks
Making us believe that it had happened /has antecedent cause
So this body/place must be real/had a cause etc.


in blank space there no before/after

are you certain it happened ?​

e.g. if mic is next and lucid but we having a dream 

then nothing happened​


if you make past like future and future like past

and if you make the future place to be like here and here to be like future place then you make past place to be like future place etc.

 it is all blank space 

​12-25-96 chewpi

snoqualmie riverside


​As inner we need discriminate ; so can choose :
quantum 6d money vs. blank space
quantum time vs. blank space

quantum emotions vs. blank space
quantum body vs. blank space
quantum endless space vs. 7d blank space


3d atomic crossing into 6d quantum

elemental space not fit into quantum

if it within compassion, we may not even know it 

same way, blank space so dark that even wave/particles cant relate to it

from outside, it seem everything disappears into dark

from inside, see another vision not made of quantum

it may look the same - we may not even know it

12-21-96 chewpi​

manjushri is vimala chewey is chewpiland​

"it the light body place ; not many there"

- bison​



chewpiland is creation of all three circles

mic and krystal's power and compassion 

and chu's humor​


our blank soace body

that co-existed from beginning with us 

it always been here, not just as a potential ​



dream of the ocean side resort place

the ocean side is affluent vs. far east city is mixed

so maybe two different places ?



it the middle between ocean/land ; graduation and new start etc. - that has most potential for pvf​




the dharmakaya village up next ?

"there several hundred there"

it the original ground/primal place


it has been a long journey for you

- bison

so long i am learning it fine

- writer



we entering full blank space

that been the direction ​​

how we go from circle a - the ancient village 

into this ba vision vs. 

how this ba wave returns to the ab village

12-29-96 chewpi


days near 12-25-24 much energy/inner shifts

like quantum body traveling etc.

maybe future will look back and see something ?


people wee see are blank space yet they here

they here yet empty/blank space

what will happen has happened

but what has happened did not happen

and what did not happen will happen


what will not happen has not happened

but what has not happened did happen

and what did happen will not happen

it a heated debate between the two fong chi philosophies

audience nods pensively ...

Romantic Couple Enjoying View

"your perfume smells stellarly aromatic"


pauses, speaks proudly

"yes ..."


they embrace

wow ... so romantic

- the poop burrito club

reverse within compassion another name fong chi


the stillness of fong chi

does it exist as a new space field and/or mind field ?

"no, of course not"- comrade scout

we call it the world of joy


we though it be like movies where go from one place to another in quantum space


now the inner body seems intermittent /without solid inner to feel continuous ; like ice melting from shape to just ice, there less inner body boundary - just space​​


past/present/future is quantum time vs.

blank space is something else


people wee see are blank space yet they here

they here yet empty/blank space


space and light ; thinker and thought are distinct

even if they may seem same at times

 as 4d movement, if there is something light/form), there must be nothing (space)

from blank space, it one blank space

12-12-96 chewpi

we entering deeper into blank space


we already been inside full blank space

just waiting for the vision lights to fade/change

this how we feel now


it is all blank space - inner/outer east/west here/there yesterday/tomorrow


in script

to those  watching, our quantum space 6d disappeared into black hole - they can only see 6d quantum field


to us, we didnt notice anything changed

because we with blank space field

by time we do,  we have adjusted to the new space field


so maybe june 2023 was they sending us into event horizon of black hole and jan 2024 was entry ?​



eventually, they say, the outer will also become all energy, including the body ;  whether it compassion energy or not is what distinguish them

we'll need and ask for guidance



it is all blank space - inner/outer east/west here/there yesterday/tomorrow​

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