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 "As a gesture for the spirit, warriors bring out the best of themselves and silently offer it to the abstract."

- Don Juan Matus

"i'll be back ..."

- chewey

"and we will be here ..."

- 2002 outward bound solo

it was the first night writer spent alone there

"i'll be back ..."

- chewey

"and we will be here ..."

- the fire clan trickster

- 2005

it was the second night writer spent alone there

"i am back ..."

"and we are here ..."

june 2007

peace treaty

that last time traveled alone there

the great spirit is kind and generous

"how do i find it ...?"

"it will find you ..."

- the very old man

- 2005


"we are back ...

 ... and we are here"

- the hopi book club 2008

interview with yogi





"there is the primal imbalance

​there are secondary disharmony

if  primal is balanced

​secondary of little importance"

master lin

chewey and classmates bow with honor and respect



june 2007

fong fei fei concert

central taiwan

near zhong xiao 

interview with dakini

the power of beauty

"see others as  the compassion from their  future"

- teressa 2007

chewey and classmates bow with honor and respect

interview with dakinni

the power of beauty

its essence is empty 

its nature is radiant clarity 

and its energy is unceasing  

- lady tsogyal​​

​​at root

the source energy

then female/male

chewey and classmates bow with honor and respect

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