the law offices of john j chu
dark world
the dark lord ...
we will need help from the chu office
"the three sisters ...
they have seized the supply from the future ..."
"no one can defeat me except my own future ..."
- the dark lord
"no, but we can slow you down from the past and the future ..."
- airball 1994/2017
reason music make you smile because it future saying we all looking back and he won round six
making three sisters round seven a rising reality
we simply have to let him know
to stay with it
and to keep baiting johnson not to settle
it as to say johnson the weakest at strongest
and dark lord strongest at weakest
that johnson of 94 is the weak link and chu has to take him down so convincingly and to lose that future has to inquire how ?
his past not understand but he was such that there no way he back down
so future/past did their job well
and should be rewarded
they not they just as we not we today - so no personal blame
it was the inner world forces at battle
and maybe that was the battle
and there maybe were hidden helpers far more advance then than he realized
and they knew what was happening even if he didnt
his client near tears
johnson looking away
chu asked stanley to stop
on the outer
the money, losing , lack respect no big deal
but it takes one this long to convince you all
but inner of that dude that want to practice was broken
yet the lawyer spirit still present ...
the inner reflect outer
that way it is today
the law offices of john j chu
outstanding !
sending compassion to past is like feeding pets basic food
sending outstanding ! ...
looking back at it today
it like a song
seattle, wa
"he is trying to bull doze you
but no matter how hard he tries
he cannot move you but they do not know why
- eddie
very gifted and perceptive
daughter hana is
equally gifted
she and eddie both students of madame voltaire
they return from future to help
chewey and classmates bow with honor and respect
5'6 katy pe
shooting guard
reverse team
chewpiland chinatown 5'10 under basketball
8 feet hoop
you no need be asian
but you need have asian name - first and/or last
trash talking here in chinese is allowed
stave na 5'4"
5'9" center ... isaiah tho
uw engineering
they bow and apologizes to opponents before and after making shot
opponents often bend their knees and elevate arms
as a sign of respect
they have bounced back after the airball game
power is back ...
but this game
the cheap coins has 5'8" jimmy james bu ...
"wow ... how did chu score the game winning three ?"
- isaiah tho
"oh ... stave na was guarding so ..."
- james bu
"oh ... so even chu can score ..."
they both start laughing
high five each other
"i won't just conform ..."
- william su
5'5" power forward
team dairy queen renton
responding to trash talks
" oh ! blocked by no body ...
wait, it was jeremy lin who made the great block ..."
- game announcer
how to learn from fools luck
and understand how he did it
with little help from my friends from the future
it the reverse and constant we all need in past
not more inner rising
so if you playing the game
we go back to our selves 90's
this and/or past life times
we send compassion to our own past
because future has nothing better to do
seattle a land with an energy not altered by modern influence
best way to promote future
is to clear the past
we gonna be first to get it right if necessary
we looking for root pattern
not the people outer
you get the point :
it ok to cross line but ...
there line no one can cross
let them speak
and they forgiven
we clear this
the future /the world is/be watching
round six we can peace treaty
in ways content to all
win win
otherwise this drags on
we dont need to win
they dont need to lose
words travel fast inside NFL
maybe it their future pulling
1-2-03 chewpiland
summer 1993 first visit to walpi
maybe it then the future entered
this about protecting our past
the future intervenes from the center of universe
it would have to first get past the rock
or it possessed at the root
we first clear table
then make movie
it can be very profitable teamwork
- chu office 1850 bc
12-26-02 (chewpiland)
now we know shapeshifter etc.
94/95 and 14/15 gompa linked
people overlap?
that dream is that dream
90's was that memory
it has no influence on this
yet he took a hit for us here
we can help him there
if he knew it helped the future
it can transform weak circle
of past
further helping the future
(our present)
the point is :
our actions in future can have influence on our past ?
with help of both sides in future
they return to past
to shake up more the young smith
so a peace treaty can be negotiated
we veterans of intensity
so we teach you
world over
say smith goes
"no you will sit right there ..."
points to the chair you sit on
and you the opposing lawyer
asking for break to bath room
then that statement deserves no/silent response
because after so many seconds
he has to say something again ...
which he did
"ok, we'll take a break "
so that a future intervention
it a chill in the room ; it slowed smith
writer felt empowered
we'll show how he slowed ; stopped and then advanced
with smith on the defensive
the movie
starring writer as john chu
old man jack as the landlord
timeless compassion
"Because ... Sambhogakaya and Dharmakaya aspects are not historically situated, we cannot attribute any kind of temporality to them. "
sambogakaya vision may be 2019
but it not any distant from 1994 ?
that the real sambogakaya
maybe need a replicate as inner ?
same house
office building/people
they all here
the implication/potential here can change everything
if we each enter from today
we already who we are/know what need done
the fight becomes teamwork
same fight/different mission
one thing about being inside vision
knowing they all of past yet talk to them
makes one treasure the memory/relationship/yuan
friends or foe
those who want to say sorry
e.g. 94/95
it makes it that much more meaningful
thank you
no words need be said
it means he is sincere
and we can all have closure now
- la lady
it shows he has quality
accept disgrace willingly
- tao te ching
the difference now is it easy to be content at bottom
now future gives the support
after that i never been picked on again as lawyer
what this means for round six ?
we dont know/care
but if there a shift
then it has do with this teamwork in parallel state
as asian lawyer
if i dont wont or cant speak up to protect future generations
then who else can ?
write what comes
while trump still here
maybe he can help us ?
or has he already ?
that why he here
offer everyone willing to speak forgiveness
vice versa
they in their 70's and i am retired
so they can rest in their retirement
maybe there be a movie with actors
and at end credit scene us all gather party smiling high - the real characters
if ya'll all outstanding actors
then it a divine play
we change our present perception of the past
we change our present perception of the future
then only the present is left
we all make mistakes
that what gives us compassion
the redemption song
this is 1850 bc
the incorporeal world
the actors all here now aware
they played their roles within 20th century stage
there no good/bad
they simply actors playing their roles
it wasn't personal between them
chu office just had to resist as they persist
they dont know why - that the movie
"if you must be right then we were wrong"
the future counterbalances to past
"be humble
dont get pulled by the game
if we can do that here now
the game changes
- pvf/the secret"
god made man in own image
or man created god in own image ?
we spent half of time sleep eat and cleaning
white beard old man serious
- cant he be different like playful kids and/or a kind old lady etc. ?
like the pro temp judge who sanctioned
the gap between an immigrant kid and him is less today than in 94/95 ?
that why it took him 10 years to speak up
it an inner battle - even to this day
there others , even parallel worlds, which need our strength
- chu office
we last to know means many already know
it feels like there more they want us to know ?
the inner showdown
pg - 13
you think he gonna back down because smith slams the phone
in 1992 and/or 94
we challenging the perennial pattern deep below
we use our memory
to take down the dragon lord
judicial integrity is anchor
- bd smith 2019
we use katun language
there is outer/inner luminosity
if the inner has movement which indirectly controls the outer
then the ref's may call fouls on even the grandma for standing her ground
three pies to choose from
but they from same pie
just different names
those refs already chose the pie before tasting
"our judicial integrity cannot be compromised
and that has to be the way
every culture
every race
every nation ..."
"ok, ok
just hand me the baton ..."
that culture at top 2020
is rooted in culture at top 1994
we change it here in future
we change it there in past ...
we change it there in past
we change it here in future ...
- guardian chief
the root of it
the culture at the top
"every male ego wants be top"
- bd smith
to change the future
we change the root
if they could sanction him like that
they can also remove his license to practice
that his primary concern/condition next day that they not do that - enough is enough
he paid the fine
took 10 years to speak because he had to first lose that fear
by then he didnt want to practice anymore
only thing remains unknown
the story remains untold
yet many know the details ?
we will leave it to people to tell us
we not to pursue anything
if nothing more
we'll close the chapter
he only broken not defeated
what he thought he could lean/rely on disappeared
he had to retreat and find a new basis if the work is to continue
whether our help here is influencing him there ... we can tell by his improvements
who knows
he may even return
andrew good advisor
"to avoid role model label
be a transgender rights lawyer"
writing pad :
1994 office
the attorney/friend who got me started own business was outstanding ben dietz and wife cheryl
this is bringing memories back
they all there 1994
classmate kurt - paul rudd - free lance writer - hyon (cho) calvin (lau) were also there 94/95 - that the interesting year
we thank them all
we not alone
it was warm feeling ...
memory in a vision need not be sequential
the difference is that in a non sequential
- there creative ways of using them to create waves to help other worlds
problem - solution is the sequential
but if all present moment
the solution can also come before the issue in our memory
solve the solution solve the problem
- that the reverse
johnson and chu make peace ceremony the solution
it can appear first as memory to the conflict 94
so the less big deal we make of the alliance
the less problem is the memory
you get the point
e.g. #2
we then create this legal education seminar (CLE) for the show and/or in real for anyone to attend
the civility of lawyering
we sit at two ends of the panel of speakers
keep complimenting eachother
but never formally shake hands or talk
we just keep playing it - keeping it going
you get the point
the solution is solved - there no need to have the peace accord as antidote
the future sends blessing the moment the understanding / agreement is reached
the people there same people from future
this photo is good enough for both of us
and that all it matters
just another day at nayas
another solution solved ...
we thank those there
why you persist ?
why you keep looking back past to help ?
is that a question or a statement
if a statement we thank you for the compliment
we can't help him there
we can help him by sending him power to rival what he needs - from here
that day
he just knew what to say and do
as if the presence was there with him
what we want say to him is
wow ... how he did it ?
his permanence we couldnt repeat even in movie
it like something took over
future watching their every move/word
where they go from here ...
we will have chance to review/reflect in near future on everything
this week they can tell us what need know
- if they want to
on future guardians
cant really take them on because they yet exist
they tricksters - clown guardians
power comes by asking the right question and not withdraw from that meeting point ... they withdrew from
if cross line and cant answer , we advance into the matrix
future holds them
they cant advance after that
is that a question or a statement ?
- chu
pause ...
question withdrawn
- johnson 95
everett, wa
i am also acting
- mr chee
june 2020
he still acting
was he acting ?
and so the point is ...
what does all this have to do with the airport ?
we ask the outstanding leaders of the port
2021/1993 second floors not same
2021 ground floor is same as 1993 ground
like from center of clock all time is equal distance
to the ground it is with 1993 same as 2021
it all happening now
how to get 1993 second floor to see ground
now ...
there can be intervention of fate
but only from ground
and only if act upon by future to come
power comes by asking the right questions
photo of outstanding everett
95 the impossible beacon
taking the offensive
the airball defense held ground
enters does the offense
day before/after chinese new year
because he was sanctioned
people believed johnson must have destroyed him
but those there will tell you in the other way
hence the unfairness of it
and because they believed that
they project an energy o pity etc. onto his practice as lawyer
making him not wanting to stay in the field
we can neutral observe now
see him as like little brother
the point is
future is helping
shifting others view of the past
"memory facts"
you get the point
"natives have a different view of what happened (battle of little big horn)"
- bison shaman
that custer was no hero
"like a scared dog
but if you keep pushing
its tail touches a wall
it will ...
that what happened (with natives at little bighorn)"
"this is not compassion"
- guardians
maybe what 94/95 everyone did was pulled by compassion
- if they know it
it was compassion which pulled him to yell at us etc.
- if he know it
since 2002/05 it new world/people
so even e.g. mr chee is new
he not johnson of that world ?
it gives us chance to let go/forgive
we thank mr chee
if they knew you well and it all an act in 94
then so is the pretension of slamming the phone at you a few times - controlled folly/act
he an famous actor
you were always polite to him
but why the act ?
maybe they made a lot of money from something
this makes a difference
not to our present - people not here in vision
but to that past
wake up thankful everyday
others mistake is also my mistake. others are right even if they are wrong. i am wrong even if i am right.
- master chin kung
that our inner approach as lawyer - to over humble
paradoxically it works ; people respect us more
the opposite way
writer is not humble/fake humble. but as lawyer he was
another paradox is that , after tony's passing, mr chee is really our best lawyer friend - the one we can trust
what is the guardians trying to point to ?
this only a vision so it all symbolic
is this about 1994/95 ?
we know it the same circle and have let it go
but there something more we need know ?
that ivars was the pro temp judge ?
he was just an actor ? it felt ... upon reflection
i really dont care anymore
but maybe he feels i need to know ...
it ok. he has helped me enough over years
and if i were to offend him for any reason in future, he would be ok too
that is friendship
that took courage ...
all he should care about is how his own future views him
we bow to him with honor and respect
they see/look after me as own family
action speaks louder than words
over the years
they have made my life easy
they not type who want be thanked
they rather do something because they feel they owe you
rather than doing something for you to feel indebted to them
it a personality thing
writer bows with honor and respect
we rather have it than not
and that says a lot about it
"it means they are truly sorry
and have been a long time
you should thank them for the experience
that would be a gesture that all is forgiven"
- la lady
once the pureland opens
even the scar be no more
so this the ideal time and place
for the memories to have a closure
and if round 6 is still ongoing
this perhaps gives a new perspective on it
it is because of the airport negotiation we arrived at a new perception of round 6
we cant either win/lose
that is worth all the effort
we thank the airport
- guardians
mr chee is leroy is johnson ?
somehow that makes it all cool
because that the leroy we know
he protect his friends at all costs
and he will not back down
the hopi warrior
and we his friend
the hopi book club
i told leroy i gift him the green trail blazer o5
anytime ...
that clears it
preston try tell us he mr chee
but i couldnt imagine marleen being johnson
so it was ...
but if it leroy, that all fit - mr no fear jr
the guardian captain
he the guardian of the oracle
94/95 the beacon
1994 office/executive suite on fourth floor
2nd ave downtown seattle
was there until 1997
3rd or 4th from right over looking puget sound
block away from pike place market
it was a memorable and fun time
they warriors and have code of honor
they not into compassion code
so we write what comes
stanley asking questions of mark client
he near tears ...
mark looks down/two hands clapped
seemingly praying /
all of sudden
for no reason
"withdraw the question stanley"
- john
johnson gasps...
"huh ...!"
he seems surprised
but not at us ... but at something else
"ok ..."
- stanley walks back / questions done
pro temp judge looks / talks like ivars
he entered after few judges refused the case
the case taken from seattle to everett
so dragged for months just to find venue
"what happened there and why ?"
- viewers
chu made a deal with johnson in the unseen realm
i think he knows that by now
and i will take this hit"
it wasnt lost of trust/fear of people involved
but as long we stay in field
they will remember us for that
so it always an inner conflict until we walked away from the profession and/or the situation is revealed
"if he didnt do it to you they were going to do it to him"
johnson didnt have a choice
neither did luke/ivars
you can sense that then
- guardian #19
there someone behind it
that someone then pretended be your friend
- guardian #30
this place lets us speak freely because people not here
does it seem each tome we start something new
- 94 with office ; 2011 venice etc.
this circle shows up "randomly " and try to ...
like sand castle, it so much easier to destroy than to create
we dont really care but have they done this to others ?
we look at our old chair and license in garage
and seems to say there still a future ?
a strong asian lawyer others will listen to may be the missing piece of the weak circle
"you would be doing it just to help others
it be a different experience"
- guide
this place is self reflection so not practical
we take our experience/skills with us to next place
maybe it will provide us with the opportunity again
from first met johnson early 93 to everett 94/95
he aged like 10 years
hair went gray etc.
one time mid 94
saw him outside pike place
he looks away as did i
but energy was he try to pity at me
like i dont have job now
yet the feeling i got was other way
he was stuck on something from without that no one wants be part of
didnt know it then
but today we wonder ...
did we get stuck in middle of it ?
or did future guardians started it ...?
that we actually did send / and he received the reinforcement
we write what comes
those message we receive to write
he and i never talked about it
even now when we good friends
this am
mr chee gave me a thumbs up and smile
as to telling me something
and then somehow the wave took me to everett
the building/place want to say to him ...
we are behind you in support
maybe just the reverse of how he felt walking away nearly 30 years ago ...
so korey ex husband joe 1993
ask me to write a demand letter for insurance coverage
he sued by microsoft
i did it free just help out
then left firm and went travel after setting up a firm
with another friend who also starting their own watching over
had only few files - immigration /PI
minimal overhead
then joe called him back from travel
because they got coverage and ask him to be translator and sit through all the meeting
he be paid as lawyer rate
ok ... so he came back to start work
then some months later
a second insurance company providing coverage called and said they pay client 125 k to get out of coverage
- there no need for second insurance coverage
so joe took the offer and gave me 1/3 as fee
this all during the 94/95 case
i have many times thanked joe for helping that year
now we know
we look at that money as reinforcement from future
borrowed from the future
in script and/or
maybe somehow in our future we figured out how to send money to past
we first have accumulation/savings in the unseen world
there a quantum way/place that wires the money to them
they will receive it in whatever way
it'll just be there ?
like there chewpi bank in subconscious world
we only need to know how to build up credit/savings there within
and our waves can access it anywhere/time ?
chewpi network created us
not us them
cant buy credit there with currency here
same way the credit there not recognized here
it the credit of compassion
pi lawyer the skill learned from tony
a useful addition to the general practice of chu
chu was the rain maker
it was the golden times
seatle mid 90's
westlake water front
the best way to not fear pi lawyers is to be one
- 94/95 cant be explained with jealousy
it not the what / how / who etc.
this we always have known but not speak it
it 30 years ago we no care
the long term effect is that it derailed our career and it frees us from any future leadership
so something we still yet understand
the career we can still revive - just need clean slate and above all get the passion back
but not the leadership - that one we exited
that what we wanted all along
is/was that also his/their intention ?
"they have to show you the respect
but they have their set ways
how do you know they want you back ?"
- guide
this just hologram/self image
information gathering - they not here
if it was random - then shit happens no big deal
but if not - then unless we do something, someone else future who can benefit others will also be subject to it
and if we cant do anything about it
no one else can
so here the message guardian :
the spirit behind us can bless/curse
e.g. the arbitrator jeffrey barth kirkland
if it random then it fine vs. not ...
if not, they need speak
he speaks - whatever he says - we will let him go
and if it not clean and you know but not speak
then you part of circle
barth got it started with a brief/one sentence $500 arbitration sanction. during it he never even looked at the young lawyer
we ask in a letter for explanation...
he responded with another brief/one sentence letter that he not have to explain
so we appealed ...
that was in early/mid 1993
maybe he knew this day be coming ...
the decision to appeal was what went beyond their calculation
the young lawyer was scared and didnt want to
so why did he appeal ?
"i would have done the same"
- mic in 2012
both barth and judge showed disgust when presented with billing statement of johnson's client - diego gavilanes - against five illegal immigrants
he kept the $5000 retainer and withdrew after only one brief appearance because clients wouldnt give him the more money he wanted for asylum application
- we thought that be enough to show the lawsuit not frivolous
but with barth
we had feeling the decision was already made
with the judge, it was different
he didnt seem want to
what do viewers think ?
do we let go or give that young lawyer an explanation
here another reason to speak - if we see it and fear it and not speak - then our karma will gravitate towards it
the real reason we keep writing of 94/95 is that we are trying to save him, the young lawyer
it same house as here
he was fading physically - inner wound
few friends/advisor can see it
it was not until canyon that something lift him back up (maybe it took him outof that world ?)
- hat part of it still needs healing
otherwise we are a better person/stronger lawyer because of it
but they did something to him on inner plane that has taken this long to resolve
but we think he is fine now
and what happens once that young lawyer stands back up
- both to past and future
only time can tell
the spirit that is with us is just helping
so our apology to the circle involved
we only want to do enough to heal him
we not seeking anything from anyone
we bow to them with honor and respect
this place lets us speak freely because people not here
e.g. mr chee not that johnson ; he an apparition here to remind us of the memory
we dont really care but have they done this to others ?
if we the only one johnson ever bullied
then it likely our fault
if not, there been many he habitually pick on ...
then all his justifications he tells others - e.g. he gave me no choice etc. - are mere excuses
- if so, he not leroy ; it someone else not here
"i make my opponents look like dog poop"
- johnson, smiling
bragging to fellow lawyers standing next
"you not that that johnson ; just a symbol here""
- john
"no, not that one"
- mr chee laughs
"you not bully and have kind spirit ; he picks on people like you"
he smile and nods
this place/ people self created visions/dreams for me to understand past - they not here
he a shapeshifter look more like shaman lama than johnson
a classmate law school
sense humor but “it hollow” - guide
a dark humor
“that what we dont get
there is nothing (in past) to justify/explain why he did to you
“i had choice to back down
but chose not to
and with his friends watching …
my task is done - we entangled this being
like walking out canyon that morning
the guardians takes over
we can now return/relax home base
if we guess right
mr bishop is another classmate ?
telling us who johnson is as a past classmate
if so … ? thank you
they need me to know so we stay away in future
they want us to know that people here supports us
it wasnt race etc. - they had no choice
"you can now put a closure to this ..."
- guide
we will need time to think over this
"he was influenced" - guide
maybe even 'possessed"
because that not the person we know
it the spirit we after - not the person/body
that spirit is not in him today
but we have it "entangled"
we like to separate out the separable and help our old friend as he has helped us in school
and focus in on the real influence/ invisible behind the scene
its core/root is a wave ; cant isolate him in a form
but we can do it from here
guardians only needed him to cross the line
now guardian chiefs have it in a fish trap
no one wants revenge on this dark wave more than johnson - he was the reluctant vehicle of this agent (like matrix movie) - johnson is a warrior
he also has it entangled
and now we have clarity to separate the two
that something which influenced us to battle dont want us on same team
that one extra ally we take away from the buxins
on marco/johnson - we make peace
but there wont be teamwork because we made it clear if he takes the easement that way, we wont have future relationship
guardians battle with airport continues
as for marco - be at peace my friend
- guardians
the real reason we keep writing of 94/95 is that we are trying to save him, the young lawyer
it same house as here
he was fading physically - inner wound
few friends/advisor can see it
it was not until canyon that something lift him back up
- maybe it took him out of that world ?
that part of it still needs healing
we are a better person/stronger lawyer because of it
but they did something to him on inner plane that has taken this long to resolve
but we think he is fine now
and what happens once that young lawyer stands back up
- both to past and future
only time can tell
the spirit that is with us is just helping
so our apology to the circle involved
we only want to do enough to heal him
we not seeking anything from anyone
we bow to them with honor and respect
the reason why they felt they had to try to control us ... maybe is because deep within them they feel their future has been neutralized ... by our circle ?
that same with 94/95 ?
one time i just walked to his office instead of phone conference
he was in t shirt jean
quickly put on his act and sat at office desk
but by then we saw another side of him
it that moment this future/guardians enters to speak to him ...
likely it confusing feeling - how can he- top floor columbia tower at peak of game vs. this no body asian young dont know what he doing ... ?
what would that feel like ?
we dont know
write what comes
this is now complete
they 70's we 50's so all grown up enough to let go past - it was 30 years ago and we want a good conclusion - a happy friendly one
we should be role model of how these things in future should be resolved
"While the inferior man seeks to put the blame on other persons, bewailing his fate, the superior man seeks the error within himself, and through this introspection the external obstacle becomes for him an occasion for inner enrichment and education."
- i ching
we wish you joy
and thank you sincerely for the experience
- john j chu
here a conversation that summarizes the journey
99 office business rising
with tony
writer offer give tony 2/3 and he takes 1/3
they were 50/50
you dont want make too much and get attached to this
i know you dont want to stay in it
- tony
i need to move on
- john
future telling him to pack up
we not gonna be in that world
it was a fun climb starting from one desk 94
it kind of situation one like to do again
a small business with rising potential
- not legal but something different
with a business partner trustworthy as tony
“that john chu is ingenious”
- teresa
he gets it done
that the bottom line
he gets from no english to penn law
fights johnson
created own practice each year profit
and handed the house/savings to chewey with minimal burdens 2002
not hard worker nor determined
he just went with the flow
while travel the world
his task done and his went new journey
we thank and wish him luck
he was 16 and knew english only 6 years
he helped us overcome fear of public speaking and being laughed at
it had be confronted at that time
this below was 1990
inflatable kayak
deschutes river
i cant /wont do that today
that's him
we not same person/world
write what comes
the old man is second to master hu
"master hu is shiva" -
"hong jun has four main students"
- hu
94/95 hong jun intervened
that all they need to know
few knows hong jun's power
it subtle reverse
"crazy horse did things in reverse"
this 3/4/5d is his messenger/link to world
hanuman the protector
he has yet to fully blossom (maybe just 30%)
this 3/4/5d would never fight against hu
he sees them as family so it was a family matter
like brothers fight it no big deal
"... the dispersion of that which might lead to bloodshed and wounds ... But here the thought is not that a man avoids difficulties for himself alone ...In this way he does what is right."
- i ching
we at junction
so it good time to reveal/clear up any potential for future conflict
for the good of not just ourselves but everyone
johnson is deep down a good person
he looks like eddie - who is asian
recognized buddha he is
if he wants do something nice for memory of that young lawyer
we would pass on the message to him in past
and he may even thank you
it should be done outside the confines of this vision
that is ... not through DOT/airport middle agents
but perhaps a meeting between them two
and/or ideally, for hu to return
this is good enough ...
write what comes
hu the one inner subtly encouraging us to write
we hope to see him in same form again - he a true friend/teacher
he also old man iron crutch of the 8 immortals
it an old family circle
we bow with honor and respect
it a strange / sentimental feeling
now maybe they not here we miss them
the lawyer career wouldnt have any memories lasting had it not been 94/95
and one grew because of it
so we really had to thank him
the pandemic was perfect to be alone at home without needing to give reasons to others
it taught us the ultimate medicine and link to future guardians
past 3 years the most progress since 2004
and that is what is most important to us
always room to learn/grow
future tells us they be among those he reminisce
- writer 20-23
we need reveal the vision maker
but we'll let the real hidden rinpoche reveal himself
it a friendly game among ancient hopi friends
"once he reveals himself ; he is taken"
Jackie Cheung - Zhu Fu lyrics.mp4
we may need battle each other tomorrow there
but for now this place
let drink to our friendship
preston and hu and humble are gone
that makes it easier to let go
he the dark dragon but has the warrior's honor
and we enjoyed learning the dark side from them
what one knows one not fear
nothing is really black/white inside dharmakaya
he had only one weakness
what happened 94 ...
that why he either had us join or ...
maybe he has seen the future ?
maybe there only one battle ?
and it was already done
we just here to explain
it nothing personal we know
we all have own agenda
some within compassion some not
in that way there a choice
otherwise, one cant choose side because it was predestined
he has put a lot of thought into this
became bar president/taught course on ethics etc but right/wrong not the issue
it was simply that first day (day two no matter)
his power was consumed deep down by the young lawyer
old dragon ended inner backtracking
maintaining a strong outer act
but the young lawyer didnt really know
yet felt confident/strong
that why there day 2
we got fool's lucky
will never find another situation where can meet him in direct confrontation
he'll just e.g. turn into old lady and have his comrades surround opponent from different angles etc.
he cant detach from that day not because he cares about right/wrong win/lose
but his power was taken
that youn lawyer simply yet to know
if he knew how to use it
the shift of power there would be 90's
step by step
both to that young lawyer and old serpent overseas
then maybe everything would have changed in past
maybe it still can ... ?
at the end of day we meet blank space and have good laugh
"life is but a dream"
- hanuman