unconditional love
in reverse
we be female and getting younger
she be the water
in reverse
she be male and getting stronger
he be the fire

there relationship of conscious
subconscious and unconscious
there relationship of physical body (3d) mental bodies (4d) and/or energy bodies (5d) etc.
sometimes what the 3/4d believe to be important may be the least important
two people can stay silent and from distance
yet they can have relationship just by meeting of dharmakaya
it more important there relationship
words can get in the way
What takes place in the depths of one's being, in the unconscious, can neither be called forth nor prevented by the conscious mind. It is true that if we cannot be influenced ourselves, we cannot influence the outside world.
- i ching
we dont choose who we truly love
there first a relationship of yuan
inner affinity
everyone we meet we have yuan
some more than others
"no yuan is also yuan"
- dr dean tsai
there the placing the physical mental energy
conscious subconscious relationships
within compassion
for others and for ourselves
relationship is simple if it only love
otherwise it may not be
dharmakaya is an unconscious relationship
they need not be consciously related
our unconscious links to fong fei fei unconscious - same dharmakaya
her unconscious links to ours
- same compassion
as we improve she improves
"you think she knows the dharmakaya too"
la lady
she at that level
- john
mother's home
that hopi like
a mother in the spiritual world
maybe another lifetime
different form ; same being
she might even remember you
go back home
that where mother is
memory of that taiwan movie
orphan asks this lady if she recognize him
"you remind me of someone i used to know"
she politely says no
"maybe another lifetime"
he not disappointed
but he had to ask
see someone but like stranger
seeing her makes inner want to cry
but dont know why
but this a strange world
like a new lifetime
so he had to ask if she recognize him
this a home
it a good place
we make deal
let everyone continue
there a wedding party
everyone there
there a happy photo from future
it the way of a happy future
which protects our past
i've always felt when younger
that my mind be realized
and there be a companion very closed to
the primal buddha
first day spring
early lunch tacoma
dharmakaya is similar to the great spirit
but the great mystery may be better word
- bison shaman
many can feel great spirit
but great mystery is not seen nor known
- buffalo witch
you two same being
you get more work done with two
- bison and buffalo smiles
so if i just saw you and her this am
did you drive here and change shape ?
- chewey
no, if this body and place
there that body place
so i just come over here
- bison
and so the scene again has two of you
- writer bows with honor and respect
am coffee
kent nayas cafe
you and jessica same being
- john
jessica smiles
page smiles
3-20-21 noon breakfast burrito
north bend
hey you look younger
- zhu ren zhang
you and i are like benjamin button
- lane
the poop bakery lady
it good to see you
- john
2pm coffee
kent nayas
saw page
it good to see you
- john
somehow the line just slipped out
just saw her this am
and just about everyday am
chewey pauses ...
came home neighborhood
mei and claire outside playing
ran around with them outside
chatted a little
they same being
it a good day
and therefore
mom and dad and
frank and jim all same being
and it always been that way ?
they have all awakened into it
you are also part of the flow
- la mom
it is ceaseless
- la dad
the world of joy
in multiverse within compassion
the power of beauty
they have power of attraction
they have it naturally
even after all these years
she has power of beauty
that why still top actress
we like to learn
so lisa smiles at us 1985
she smiles at us 2021
parallel worlds
which one happened first ?

chewpiland productions
she time travels back to 1915 taiwan
she meets chewey
he was there for the kung fu showdown with dragon clan
scene 2
working att cafe
she meets chewey
at first she didnt know ; he wear cheap looking suit
he looks as different as she was to 1915
but when she heard the melody of the flute ...
to meet with krystal
help me remember our past life together ...
it must have been deep
then we go from there ...
"wait for her to appear"
"she not need to be same appearance
just wait for her to come to you"
- la lady
kokopelli jigong and laughing buddha
three spirits wild
three circles intermingling in world of joy
co-created a new being - a nirmanakaya
there two of them
in script
the twin spirit
if she is evil witch
then i am also
we same three spirits intertwined into two bodies
one plays the flute ; one not
genderless world this realm is
we like to learn from people here of the shapeshifting skills
once we lift the veil that is
our task to reveal the message
so w must enter it the circle
yet we also other half out
we the messenger
once we do
we be rewarded own way
and gifted part of the circle's wisdom
western yin vs. eastern yin
western yang vs. eastern yang
if you west
you have/seen 3/4
if east
you yet to seee real wild west from inside
for each side
they have to let you in
writer very fortunate to receive the dakini energy
it an extra current that compliments every current
our emptiness / her compassion
diverse gender people have stronger immunity
they are also more creative
- krystal
in script
the upside down world
travel to/in reverse
the forward world is alone and anti-social and keep distance
the reverse be opposite
male be female
54 be 24
she be living with two other roommates
into art and not writing
body and not the mind
she can shapeshift into man
so can come this world as man
her reverse world
we now learning to enter her world as she
like the show counterpart- the two worlds meet eachother's counterpart in a middle world
they each cannot enter the other world because one already there
but this is a middle field
so our story goes ...
john meets krystal
in another middle field
krystal who was john meets john who was krystal
it like her spirit overtook his body and vice versa
they switched
that can be a movie starring jennifer
the new realm is different
the being is male/female
e.g. both krystal and john same time
krystal is mic's female to match our male
we also have an inner female to match his male
she is krystal ?
ok, if put krystal and john together they be like mic
and if krystal (of john) and mic together they be someone new - chewey
that why mic said he is also chewey
this vision body does not belong to us
so it can be mixed with krystal's energy body - it a rainbow synergy
two rainbow bodies - one rainbow light
the energy which comes of this synergy is the ultimate medicine
in script
zhu ren zhang had a 15 minute nap and woke up
remember 50 years inside another world
zhu ren zhang journeyed into another world
many years ago ; they waiting his return ...
which one is it ?
the answer may be both
the 1850 bc world is eternal and magical
people relate differently than human world etc.
they dont stick together forever ; following yuan
a couple deeply in love
but they knew it time for vision quest
it only few hours etc. but they each enter another world for e.g. 50 years
when they return
they bring back the memory and wisdom
as they hug for final time before the vision quest ...
he didnt remember himself until end of 50 years
and didnt remember her until then
so when he goes back - it start over
he will have to decide whether he wants to continue /start the old/new relationship
if he choose to walk alone
the couple will separate
she also lived many years
she met and married another
he loves her and keeps her warm/comfort
when she returns ... he is also there as another person who loves her just as deeply
she can also then decide ...
like it only few hours but they each felt/remember 50 years
"it both few minutes and 50 years
she is with someone else but remembers you like yesterday"
- guide

yes, she also has choice
and if she chooses this way
then we'll deal with it then
for now, our intent is to journey on alone
we beginning to remember
and if we were the chief
we be it no more
it a mutual decision
they could have blocked it but didnt
krystal and james
she must picked that place/area because we have been there before ?
he followed the yuan ...
we in future wouldnt do that to our good friend
we look at it as lesson of detachment
but sometimes it easier to just walk away
keep going dont look back
the above song he kept playing driving back ...
he didnt really understand everything then
but now we know
he let it go ...
it was his loss ; he has been lost since
maybe he didnt ask what would compassion do ?
instead thinking the little compassion ...
that she did it not for him
but was following her compassion ...
we dont know
we werent mature enough then
same with romi and mic
and krystal venice beach
future wants us to get close as possible
but not to make any approach
and if they make one
we will need to take step back
that was the feeling from the house and we simply flowed with it
now we understand why
krystal has a partner who is very forgiving and detached
there be places where future talks to past
the past would go there to align with that future feeling
it would know/feel if future agrees with it or not
so long future not give opposing feeling
it is ok
the home base is here this home
we give/pass on what we receive to the benefit of our past here
we give him the feeling to welcome krystal into this home to stay long as she want when you want
but get only as close as a friend can ...
at least until you know enough
that still our feeling from future
it same 3/4/5d but different 6d
before 2002 it was a traveler/explorer male spirit 6d
2002-2014 it was like mic 6d - hippie native
after meet krystal - it felt like a 6d female ...
the 5d is more female but the 4d same empty
maybe there be time when that 90's spirit return to this body ? - then our traveling/exploring spirit returns
hanuman world same as manjushri world same as buddha butt world crazy horse spirit world jigong
they all same being
different 3/4/5d
so if john chu arrives, zhu ren zhang is his guide
this one moves in reverse
if it wants to
if entered, then everyone we see is them
not the five buddhas before this
it was when returned to seattle
they let you go
in script
the person who is marilyn monrow lives in this sambogakaya
she a classmate/power of beauty instructor
goddess of beauty
it an emptiness/compassion very few has
there link to the source
it an another path to same point
lotus born luminosity
manifests male and female
as luminosity
it can be viewed as union of two
as reflection
there two people

when get this deep
gender is only a display
the 5d is neutral and 4d not of binary
if without sufficient emptiness
desire is like time - it sucks them into the flame
if without sufficient passion
emptiness without energy also takes over
this drawing below is more than just resisting temptation - that any old people can do - but mastering the passion
passion transforms into compassion
emptiness and compassion becomes
the ultimate medicine
fear/desire ; emptiness/possession
same either or one way cycle
not within compassion
"Often a man finds himself weighing the choice between various kinds of pleasures, and so long as he has not decided which kind he will choose, the higher or the lower, he has no inner peace. Only when he clearly recognizes that passion brings suffering, can he make up his mind to turn away from the lower pleasures and to strive for the higher. Once this decision is sealed, he finds true joy and peace, and inner conflict is overcome."
- i ching
"to strive for the higher (pleasure)"
same inner ; different outer
vs. same outer ; different inner
it not about outer
but whether as inner it be within compassion
that middle circle is what gives life
and regeneration
it would explain why the jennifer and perry and taylor we met not the ones we later met at cafe
"dakinis will come to you "- dalai lama
krystal the queen dakini
the way dominique 2005 is krystal but not 2010 after ; 2010 venice beach but not after
the krystal 2014 but not one after ; la lady 2021
there still the marilyn and eternal spring - part of us we yet to comprehend