Chewpi Cinema
1850 B.C.
where memory is but
a dream
body does not exists inside three dimensional space ; mind does not exists outside of it
- the reverse i ching
from the ground of compassion
the source of great qualities
we can make changes to energy body/world
energy body within compassion
once deepens to a point ...
enters sambogakaya/chewpiland
a spontaneous presence
new vision/field which contains different possibilities
- the story teller

"It is said that the Sambhogakaya manifests not in any kind of spatial or physical location but in a place that is not really a place; a place of nowhere called Akanishtha
chewpi studio completes
we thank all those who helped
"keep going
dont look back"
The year is 1975, place is zhong xiao elementary school
ah-joun?! wakes up from afternoon nap
Start telling classmates of a dream he just had about 21st century, an old lady, an old Indian, attending a gathering and getting lost in the canyon…
But no one would believe such story and all started laughing at him like crazy

“hey!” one of the classmates yelled “fong fei fei is outside signing autographs!”
the classmates quickly ran out to get in line
to meet their favorite singer

homeward bound
there point where they first cross
there point where they separated
there point where we cross again ...
that point comes closer once we separate
it speaks to us from our future
we to follow it
The Great Compassion
- compassion is the essence/energy/form of deeper nature
- it is not of the false programming elements yet can appear as elements within it
- it is unchanging pure and cannot be tainted by false programming
- like the sun, it is pervasive as being everywhere at all times so not something which need to seek
- the compassion within each us cannot be polluted
- the false programming within us can only be pure in a relative way
- elements underlie/create the forms ; compassion elements create/underlie compassion forms ; it the quality which is important
- what is not pure is easy to see, even if it all we can see
- to purify it at the root - compassion is the essence/energy/form of deeper nature
power of humility
- nothing is as humble as innocence
- it is simple earthly and accessible
- it cannot be tainted ; otherwise it would no longer exist
- it not hidden in temple yet is protected by all those who treasure it
- without it the sacred would not be sacred ; the inconceivable not inconceivable
- yet it is so simple and we all know it
- there is no ritual or religion which has exclusive claim to it
- innocence is not of the false programming elements yet any element which has it is purified at the root
- and vice versa
- it is the ground floor because nothing is as humble as innocence
the appearance of compassion
- compassion as essence can appear as energy and as form
- if it appears as energy, it has the qualities of being pure and unstained as well as quality of purifying
- it is unchanging and therefore not created by any other causes
- like the sun light is just there and the qualities of it remains unchanging
- it was not born of any false programming causes and therefore not subject to its effects
- false programming like artificial light. if it begins it also must fade. There many different versions of it
- unlike artificial light, sunlight is always present,. Unlike false programming energy, it is present even at night
- if sunlight cannot be separated from our nature, then the forms and energy of it also cannot be separated
- if there is form there is energy ; form cannot be separated from its energy
- forms are ever changing but its energy need not be
- artificial light cannot remain unchanging. no outer technology or power can change its relative nature
- compassion as form merely reflect its energy, which is just there, unchanging and unceasing like sunlight
- just as how compassion appear as energy is not subject to how false programming appear as energy, how it appears as form is same
- compassion as essence can appear as energy and as form

the sphere of compassion
- compassion is everywhere and so this sphere is everywhere
- it often can seem different or reverse of ordinary sphere, like a different root which creates seemingly same branch
- it the result which upon reflection we know it compassion. It does not mean that it what we want or opposite of what we not want
- the energy of it is same, whether here now past then future there. The wisdom of it is what is profound.
- it knows how to get things done within compassion, but may or may not be what we expect
- knowing compassion is our primal instinct. Everyone knows to recognize it especially as a feeling
- its wisdom may seem zig zag, especially to those who know too much
- it not have definite size place or image, but it can appear as place with appearance.
- everything is equal within, like childhood play ground
- there not a place time it cannot access as it is of different basis
- those within the sphere may seem foolish and naïve yet they seem to have different experience and reasons for their actions
- it can take one into the darkest of the canyon within compassion and we would be awed by its wisdom
- to show us that compassion is everywhere and so this sphere is everywhere
the transformation of compassion
- the root can be transformed into compassion
- same root remains and need not be replaced
- the transformed root need not take credit for the above changes which follows
- within compassion root, branches may renew or be replaced, but the root remains the same – there need not be destruction for a new world
- false programming is the program of the root, the energy which underlies the forms of the tree
- without transformation from deeper source, the new branch merely reflect the same, again and again – the continuous wheel of false programming
- once its root energy is transformed, the new branch merely reflect the same, again and again – the continuous wheel of compassion
- if elements makes up the energy of the root, then compassion becomes the energy which makes up the root
- without transforming the root, the wave remains same quality even if changed into another wave
- the paradigm easy to understand – the root can be transformed into compassion
compassion as essence
- compassion as essence is beyond energy and form
- if it appears as energy, it can be seen as energy ; if it appears as form, it can be seen as form
- if it is seen as energy, it has the qualities of sun and its light which has been there before the beginning and after the end
- it did not come from the same source as false program energy and form yet it can coexist with them
- the energy of compassion has its own sphere ; within it the elements of essence function as one energy within space
- that space is not separated from the qualities of five elements and/or elements not separated from space
- that whatever arise from essence is not separated from ground and what cease is also not a separate energy/form
- unlike false programming where form and energy are divided ; within compassion they function as trinity
– the energy and form of compassion are inseparable as the essence of compassion – but any form or energy are relative and so not the ground essence
- any power and qualities of energy/form come from the essence, and so in that way it cannot be said to be the same
- for those realized compassion as essence, they see they are not energy nor the form and don’t need them as basis
- this is because compassion as essence is beyond energy and form

the wave of compassion
- compassion as energy is the luminosity before the world of form
- it is inseparable from the inconceivable essence, the ground which has no visible wave nor vibration
- it neither is created nor ceases from the ground ; it is just there, along with the ground which neither exist nor not exist
- because the essence of compassion cannot said to exist nor not exist, pure nor not pure ; relative nor absolute ; vibrate nor not vibrate ; compassion as luminosity also has same qualities
- that its vibration is empty / its emptiness can vibrate
- it is therefore unborn and unceasing the way sunlight is not created nor cease relative to artificial light
- yet it can purify the false programming energy the way sunlight brings light to dark
- this luminosity is seen by very few ; only when it makes appearance/manifests can it be seen by outer
- compassion as energy is the luminosity before the world of form
the sphere of compassion (2)
- compassion as sphere is the indivisible union of ground wave and appearance
- for those without realizing of essence, they can only see the wave and appearance
- for those without perception of the wave, they can only see the appearance as similar to their form
- those who can see the form can consider themselves fortunate
- those who can link with energy of compassion can consider themselves very good fortune
- as a sphere / the world of compassion, it is beyond the elements which makes up false programming sphere
- it is only here as benefit to others as the essence is not of this world and neither are its manifestations
- because it has compassion as essence as basis, the sphere does not cease with the relative/illusory kayas ; its luminosity returns to the essence
- whereas false programming energy and form ceases once its basis is no more
- those who can see energy of compassion can be purified by the world of compassion
- those who can see the essence of compassion will have a new basis
- with the new basis, they will gradually have three bodies – essence/energy/physical – rather than two
- under false programming, the two memory bodies cannot merge ; without emptiness, they remain divided
- whereas the triple body of compassion cannot not merge as one sphere
- compassion as sphere is the indivisible union of ground wave and appearance
the body of compassion (1)
- the body of compassion has a basis which has no relationship to the false programming basis
- it stands on a different ground
- as inner movement, the energy body of compassion cannot be defined ; “there is no actual border”
- because its subject is the essence and so its object has nature of emptiness - empty luminosity
- to separate out the separable, once essence/ground is realized, it is not difficult to distinguish between the body of essence and the trapping of memory body wave
- that it the wisdom essence which brings out the unevenness to be purified naturally
- “in evenness, the occurrence of unevenness is arising from evenness space”
- one with realization of ground can see memory body wave as separate from compassion wave – that seeing itself is sufficient to transform / clear the old wave
- the body of compassion has a basis which has no relationship to the false programming basis

the code of compassion
- codes of compassion have different basis from other codes
- patterns / codes inherent within the program are what determines the inner movements
- codes which has defined boundary and direction creates appearance which has boundary and direction
- codes without boundary or direction can also have same appearance and movements
- the difference is that one is not subject to the other ; same plant different quality of root
- the codes within compassion sphere have different programming potential
- its basis has no relationship to the other programming basis – “not even a single atom”
- codes of compassion have different basis from other codes

"The continuous wheel of eternity"
there are two simultaneous realities
this one and that one
this our sambogakaya
those who are here
very fortunate
the 64 hexagrams (tai chi)
is made from the inter mixing of
the 8 trigrams
the sub atomic
wuchi world/dimenasion
gotta get past the 64 skandhas to get to ground floor
the eight quantum energies /waves
there a ninth wave
fong chi
so it an upgrade
can also code it differently
9 trigrams and 81 compassion skandhas
thus become reversible
you get the point
New Matrix (9)

the township of poop is oceanside
the poop beach a popular local park
before feel like someone else in control
and so cant change the programming
now feel it own programming world
- chupi
and we can change everything
you at the top here
- la lady
if fulfill everyone wants - high tech etc.
then they get bored without compassion
within compassion
the body is ceaselessly transforming
that the nature of compassion
what if one an old person ?
the part within compassion will ceaselessly transform
may sound impossible
compassion's motivation is compassion
billion to million
we can and will ceaseless improve
high tech medicine can give perfect body
but not the satisfaction
ultimate medicine ceaselessly transforms
there is no end to the spontaneous presence
do it not for oneself
but for those who needs it other worlds
to do that we need to ceaselessly transform to expand the presence / joy
this is our sambogakaya now ?
then we can begin the work?
before we had to respect their worlds
and share joy
but they dont have same qualities as people here
this possible in few worlds
we have the reverse wave here
no one passes and they can change shape
entire body can stay erotic yet without the desire
united small circle
been here before they heard of columbus
the upgrade here is the program skills writer gained
relative to page 9 / chewpi.asia/2013
we in different earth/sky ?
they see us as center ?
as formless relative to them yet exist ?
they can feel us now in their present ?
they look to us for help ?
to us in 2020 ...? !
they dont have what we have
we didnt know until look back
this is precious
like outward bound
didnt know how much stronger until after backpack off and run a mile
8-31-88 day grandpa lin passed in LA
had arrived from hawaii - visiting college friend chris with college friend nick
- not know until frank greets at airport
that be good year to start over
now i know more about him
chewpiland productions
uw , seattle
eating with abugee at master and mrs hu restaurant
john fell sleep
entered a dream
went to law school / lawyer/chewpiland/pvf vision
woke up 15 minutes later
remember everything to 2020
jim already been through
they look at him
he smiles
if they have reason/purpose meaningful to stay
they can
no go to law school
it may been future calling
but already been through/gained experience and the skills
start chewpiland
use actor as writer disguise
e.g. sheila from flagstaff
avoid the fame
gather phil and dave as helpers
the airball teammates actors
they already be waiting
why waste law school years and have them disperse
there no internet yet
so it be something else
if they all been through it
then they all just want help
he too young but has support of this future
cant repeat the past ? no
but we can change how it influence us present
and into the future
even if it means a new past/future in a new earth/heaven
the buck stops here
- airball 1988
this reverse world
weakness is strength
yet strength remains same
because there is no one here
everybody is here
reverse world is based on a paradox
that why it is forever dead / eternal empty
"image within imageless
form within formless"
- tao te ching
because it has no form there is form
they arise from spontaneously present

airball post game party
sheila and phil dancing
difference this now vs. previous stop
people here feel content and non seeking
signs/qualities of advanced civilization
no conditions placed upon us
the inner/outer body we see is different
not just in a relative way
it a new heaven/earth/body
if there any activity
ideal there no inner effort no ideation
it just happens like walking
we can do now is get ready
any route is possible
once they become that sphere
they dont need drive back to return to nw
"if enter 7th
others get pulled into 6d"
- 2004 notes
maybe by time we gather
we/they know where we going
so we ready
do this one for the road
that once upon a time
we were here ...
"going away party"
also to say we hope to see you again
future to us
we not here
but you are
make the most of it
only your circle can
exit has own timing
like 1978 taiwan flight
the last scene before waking
from dream
most influence how we interpret
from the eye of the storm
the heart of the darkness
we send all joy ...
if we can do it
- and we can
they/we will have a content bottom
it an opportunity we should use
writer's message to future is
we know this is an illusion/vision/dream
and that you/i are/am there/here
we both aware of each other and both spheres
it not about waking up
there a time and it need no effort
we only need know what need
we entered the middle zone
between that/this
we and us
so it very friendly
some came from them /us there
some from where we were there
maybe this the ... meeting point/day ?
cedar mesa there a place
where ... chewey and villagers send us off
it nearer to top
you get that feeling the ancient ones
gather and say bye as we hike beyond that point
then we feel alone again
it like walk in and they all laughing and playing
then walk out and not remember
look back sees only barren land

in reverse world
zhu ren zhang
is humble flute player
he so good at it
yet he never brags ...
that how script begins
a group friends NW
drove into cedar mesa
years later
they all remembered that they spent years inside the world of ancients
only to emerge hour later into same canyon
without conscious memory of it
because it didnt register in their 3d bodies
yet their 6d memory "cannot fail"
it the world of joy 1850 bc
years later
they gather again
drive back in search of this place/people
buddha butt lady
once we get to beacon #1
chewey will talk about his memory that night lost
the scene takes us to 2005
and upon exiting
seem to remember the villagers etc.
a scene down below canyon
film in hopiland
karlie stands there like model posing
that when they know the villagers are here
villagers running home in line
they say rain is coming
and they need umbrella
designing / upgrading program from future century
chewpiland world wide web
to the writer home
they are simulation of this home in future
same essence ; different surroundings
a private retreat cabin
we were here in 20th century
the people all here 22nd/1850bc
this body/world is a simulation
replicant to those inside it
writer future the player
chewey still here
so it can be old young
weak strong
any shape possible within same form/hologram
they have not the emotions of humans
they dont get upset or disappointed
they can be old they can be young
- la lady
this is good news
that means we've established the setting
and we can return to enjoy this moment at anytime
The wise are impartial; They see the people as straw dogs. The space between heaven and Earth is like a bellows. The shape changes but not the form;
- tao te ching
hologram like bellows
form within space
there a point where the two meet
the wise and the people/simulated
we call it exit
they call it entry
the 3d of this journey yet to change
the house/people same even if we journey across 5d universe
like 85 return to taiwan
there that feeling which will repeat
and the 3d will change
that feeling walking out plane
(vs.walking in 1978)
first link with feel of the old culture
then few days later
taichung/zhong xiao
walking back into old neighborhood
trust your feeling
that how i feel now
like returning to taiwan
long flight ...
feel the change of energy as plane/ship approach
waiting for 3d to change as plane/ship lands/docks ...
remember airport bus back to taipei
whole bus felt with joy
just want to smile
this a good place to begin
if airport was euphoria
return to zhong xiao was profound
walk back on ground ...
same spirit which never left
reunited with the new body ...
so we had to take the long journey
return to where we begin
been away for like a lifetime
"better to do nothing than something"
patience the advise those talk to regularly
as destination approach/feeling
there will be change in 3d ?
once that veil /curtain lifts
perhaps the ship docked ?
people waiting
abugee ?!
ultimately the home must include the people
1850 bc
it a formality - the journey to take
symbolic way of dropping the vision body
once zhu ren zhang returns
he is a nicer person

the more bored try to be
the less bored
- the boring society
"i am so bored
i am so bored ..."
as they look at ground walking into the convention
i am more bored than you !
- contestant #1
"no ... i am more bored than you"
- #2 speaks proudly
not to be outdone
most bored grandkid trikster contest
to the essence world
this not real
to the energy / physical world
the essence world is real
the wedding is other parallel present
we a shift away from entering anytime anytown
once ceremony begins
this vision dissolves
you may see a new body
a new synergy energy/form
a new heaven and earth synergy
until you walk up the altar
this vision remains
one goes east
so one goes west
they can never be separated
the same element
different formations
we can go both ways
at the same time
only when we merge as one
will that flame be seen
it would make things easy
there a ceremony
which is more of a lawyer ... ?
who the more of a liar ... ?
zhu ren zhang 21st century
who brags but cant play flute
zhu ren zhang 1850 bc
who tells others he not play the flute , just a beginner waiting to learn ...
when he the legend of the flute
the character inspired by 18th century japan go master
hiroyuki misagawa
as pro never been defeated
like chess grandmaster
he started to lose to everyone
go to tournaments just to lose first round
making others feel good
- he tells his students
it neither dissolution nor creation
it not like that
that skandhas logic/language
the dharma body is inconceivable to the skandhas
this sambigakaya is reverse
same characters/alphabets
but different use
if we go west there is east
but it not that

"you know how there is energy body ?
you know how there is physical body "
well, it not that"
drum roll
audience laugh
there one 7d with three 6ds (worlds of compassion)
the form the energy the formless
each 6ds with 3/4/5 d s
if we in 21st century
most we can go back to and be comfortable be mid 20th century
go to 18th century
no toilets in most parts world
so if in 25th century
most back they can go is early 21st
they need communicate in an instant
technology they can barely adopt
our understanding of body they cant accept/agree
they in quantum and beyond
we not using the reources
but if they content here
with what is here
then they can enjoy 25th century and/or anywhere even more
"each person here has own pureland"
"you own it"
like own real estate
we create our bodies here
we balance it ourself
can become young old male female
images just pre-programs
what about 21st century i see now ?
they just memories
waiting be replaced
as 5d like we inside water
that flow of the new energy body wave
the new 3d yet to upload
john chu the designer
"the world of compassion"
compassion body
the body changes according to program
not to the amount of time spent within
oldest player here may maintain a young body
can appear as weak and/or strong
young and/or old etc.
but if appear as strong
it not because the weak got stronger
nothing is impure nor pure
in other words - the body is from code
there is no birth sickness aging death necessary
it cannot be found
we the chief here
matriarchy - she the boss
we the protector
the old world is no more
the new world may look as it
but 1985 is no more
it can look/feel 20 years old body
but old body/flesh is no more
there is no age classifications to different forms of beings here
"image they project"
the legendary kung fu novel is a tale read by multiple / three worlds same time/space
we each have own character to share/middle with our parallel
everything can be new in this field
and so can never really know what is to come
in dream/vision
different 4/5/6 ds rotate
different reference points
yet same space
that space is 1850 bc
it the ground of everything
and so has shape
but space not of the form
it is more intelligent
and more compassion
if quantum physics appear in 15th century tibet/hopi
they would use another reference point
another language
calling it dharmadatu
center of universe
there a world not made with hands
has equal compassion every corner
compassion is kind
compassion is generous
gifted us a land/estate
a space of our own
this house was built by hands in 20th century
here ... it is a house not made with hands, eternal in the heavens."
this samboga field different from others
they all have same ground of compassion
it cannot be seen/ destroyed
- like quantum space
yet the content is based on each designer
like own art within same class
different websites within worldwide web
ours called reverse world for a reason
andrew's eternal heaven filled with millions christians
ours only several thousand
like hopis today
if hopi returning home from flagstaff
sleeping inside bus
dreamed of being in a parallel world called 21st century
there also hopis
same land but "they cant see the energy field" so they all like ..."cant do anything about everything"
- the chewpiland hopi
we can have the body code
or we can enter the no body code and then return to body code
there only this screen/moment
we can enter their body fields without losing our body code
the hopi from chewpiland
the hopi from 1850 bc
they both parallel to hopis from 21st
1850 is reverse
so it be the world which 21st dreams of needing their teach/help with their english literacy
- it the only way to learn
in vision we cant change memory of what happened but can change its effects on present
we cant change the people and conditions of 1985 but can recreate the qualities of it
we not in control yet we can influence quality of it - this world of compassion

"caged/free range/flying chickens
tale of crow which can shapeshift into flying chicken
tale of a great shaman who can shapeshift into ravine
is the same story of the chicken which became the shaman
- chicken shaman
the story teller
only in our synergy can we have the desired effect
it a funny synergy
yet a good one
only if we combine our power
this next generation will be bigger than us
we the preview/preparing/paving trail
they all have the link to 1850 bc
guardians enter first to clear path
1989 / 1985/ 1975 etc. are parallel worlds
not the sequentially/already happened
what we see was that memory
there are infinite number/possibilities
quantum state not subject to that memory
"i dont know what you meant by quantum state , but yea ... (white) island ... that place is of the mind"
mid 90's
1850 bc
jim and i traveled together
cedar mesa
visited him in paris france
that how i know fransue
want to hear the tales from each country outstanding
it the reverse world of france
chewpiland productions
pg - 13
La Parle Vu Fransue
in reverse world
the poop heaven is a place within
a space within timeless
- poop hero
as inner
if we start with poop
there be no need of body
- poop museum theme
as inner
poop is not cold
poop is not hot
poop is soft yet not liquid
inner poop has no outer smell
just a word
pg - 13 way of strengthen inner circles
we to honor and respect this place which calls itself ... the poop heaven
villages here not named after people
the very humble village
is near
the most humble village
that their names here
how know they local is by their name
if has poop in it they likely the poop people
they never arrogant because they all remember their humble beginnings
poop museum located in the township of poop
the town actually named itself after its founder dougless poop
founder and ceo of poop inc.
specializing in quantum technologies
the poop foundation
is one of largest in the world

starring abugee as ... mr douglass poop
PVF, Edelweiss
Every morning you greet me
Small and white clean and bright
You look happy to meet me
Blossom of snow, may you bloom and grow
Bloom and grow forever
Edelweiss, PVF
Bless my homeland forever ..."
- the elegant song
chewpiland audience rise to sing
in french - ready?
"PVF, Edelweiss
Chaque matin tu me salue
Petit et blanc propre et lumineux
Tu as l'air heureux de me rencontrer
Fleur de neige, puisse-tu fleurir et grandir
Fleurir et grandir pour toujours
Edelweiss, PVF
Bénis ma patrie pour toujours ..."
- chewpiland audience look so touched by the french
the most humble man in hopiland contest
culture center holds prestigious contest
the most humble in hopiland contest
you dont have be hopi or a man
but you are inside hopiland
competition attract international audience
"i am the most humble hopi man in town and you all know it !"
- contestant #1
from frist mesa
"you not even as humble as my grandpa
how you be more humble than me ?!"
- constant #2 second mesa
the one who stands below prevails/gets the respect
it the most humble contest
the most bored contest
you win we lose contest
we bow with honor and respect
usually even in good hexagrams there a imperfection among the 6 lines
teaches us how to elevate the weakness even with strength etc.
hexagram called humility is the only exception - all 6 lines are favorable and there only praise of the humble
The New Matrix (8)
there two spheres
memory body wave/compassion wave
memory body form/compassion form
as inner movement
is it possible ... for the elements to be as fluid as water ?
that it tangible wave
it one compassion element which can simultaneously firm soft moist air etc.
the sense faculties/five elements
they divided / separable from eachother
it one element so nothing rise/cease
just intermingling of one element
from unified field the trinity force
it one element so the circles not obstruct eachother
as inner
if sky is above poop
then there is an inner body
- the poop yogi
there place/space
the place cannot be destroyed
"other places not have the center"
- la lady
even they go forever
forever means there not forever
they inside the merry go around
timeless dont mean no time
it no mean time either
if there is time
there always this time
it no mean no merry go around
it no mean merry go around
always going around
yet not moving from same space
not moving from same space
yet always moving the world is
"not a single atom" means the sphere of compassion not subject to any wave
any patterns any atom of inner movement
jim's arrival may have marked a new era

my name is howl tu
why is my name howl to ?
because when i was born
the name howl tu
people ask why this is called howl tu makes empty room laugh ?
i tell them
i am a comedian and sometimes the room is empty
my advertising is
howl tu make empty room laugh
that is , of course, unless you show up
A New Era

this space our own
there no one at bottom of it
in the new script
"we to reinvent ourselves into the new physical"
- mic
the new language reflect the new energy
two ways same time
one plus/minus one is not two/zero
there only one
the synergy is called
mic the one taught me the basis of energy
"he is very humble"- leroy
"all of them is same being"
- calvin on hopis visit seattle
we all trust him/her
he sent tony andrew, mei, la lady , adrian, ms t etc. to help
i am the messenger/helper
dominic is a woman
- la lady
mother earth ; hopis matriarchy
why write it ?
she/he may not want to settle
- la lady
mic our first foremost choice
wife/partner/roommate etc.
we offer it with sincerity and respect
then after that there no misunderstanding
- john
then it is wise to let her know
the reverse movie
in reverse hopi world
the american culture center
last of the americans
like hopi culture center in forward world surrounded by 21st century culture
the america culture center
surrounded by ancient hopi world
seeks to preserve last of its heritage
the museum features oars used on columbus ship in discovering the hopis
- the most humble hopi
quantum compassion
newton compassion
-that same compassion
two different realm/spheres
compassion as space as compassion
compassion as form as compassion
compassion as energy as compassion
that same compassion
space form energy
if universe moves right ,skandhas patterns left
if circular it square
when universe is square it circular
so whatever we see with our senses
we cannot see the other 99% that our science has measured
"what we call empty space is actually dark matter"
there a field - you call it something e.g. akashic field
we call it compassion - it just a word
every word has compassion flow
e.g. poop - everyone has master own reverse word
for benefit of the world
the team of everyone gathers
The Field of Compassion
"Dharmadhātu: The Unique Absolute; the Ultimate cause of the elements; Realm of Ideas."
- synonyms of the absolute
4 pillars of foundation
writer can only speak of the air temple pillar
but he can write about the other three pillars of chewpiland
they each own circle with same circumference
the circle of compassion
we can teach/share what we have learned
e.g. how chewey became more fluid and earthly
how he improved english year by year
but we cant really teach gifts we born with
e.g. sense of humor
how we can sense the current and follow/use it
to our own advantage
it helps you with everything ...
it an art - comedy writing of fong chi
there a feel and touch
we can say it just comes
and it always new
it the result - people still reading old writings
a new 4d field independent of old
they only look same - the words
so it not a quantum mind
because that be limited idea
if our 3d body can be like that
then it be just as new
non body be like non ideas
fresh and new
so if we can learn the other schools
they can learn our art too
the reverse movie
funny yogis ?
- chewey
they are yogis who are also funny
very advanced they are
they hide their humor from outsiders
- gyaphal
you mean they pretend to be not funny when funny ?
- chewey
and vice versa
- gyaphal
in the reverse world
poop is top
and sky bottom
that is ...
relative to the forward world
but in the reverse world
it the other way too
- the poop yogi speakth
as he reads from the old text from taiwan
the students listens attentively
meditating deeply into its meanings ...
as the poop yogi continues
"the poop people are proud people"
in script
we use buddha butt lady as leader
each sambogakaya there a leader
conquerer of vision
and a retinue of few who can see it
if they can reverse the movement sambogakaya
they can reverse nirmanakaya
"the art of using it makes each sambogakaya distinct "
- western buddha
we to study this
the root mythology (ground floor rules) can be changed if inside a new matrix
- western buddha harry
e.g. quantum different than newton
nothing created/destroyed because energy never die - they simply change shape
if have own field
then it like old house buy
we can re-write/remodel its energy/code
same background of trees mountains etc.
two ways circle same time
- downward slope one way path
vs. flat slope circular path
one need blackout to return to top
the other starts over new spiral
flat slope circular one way vs.
flat slope circular free two ways
one goes only one direction in spiral - up or down ; the other has option
two ways but only one at time vs.
two ways same time
one goes one or the other way
using both directions to advantage
the other is neither coming nor going
it has no relationship to the sphere of going/coming
one has to make effort to move
the other rides on the other current
we export reverse current
the other compassion fields
that what they need
they the ones who take in refugees - people who need refuge
we the poop world
the humble people are reverse
that why there not many here
a united small circle
if they rank us as compassion field/pureland
we tell others we the bottom
praise other fields and their people as being superior
if they ask us what our place is like ?
we say we poop they heaven
our language is using others in reverse so we not stuck in their words when we visit
the word curse in reverse world means blessing
no body is equated with abundance not death and word death means regeneration in reverse world 1900's
whereas word bonsai is a rising force in japanese - in reverse taiwan it downward direction
they play with words here before linking with the one way downward slope
so they not get pulled by its code

the poop auctioneer
the legendary kung fu novel
pg - 13
21st century
to pay $10,000 reward for any information
"ask audience if anyone knows/seen the very old french lady ?
been 326 years since her diary
"is there no one ...?"
just as about to give up ...
a dude in the back slowly stands up ...
the poop auction
the poop auctioner :
$1000 for the holy bison poop
do i hear a $1000 ?
many stands up
do i hear $2000 ?
do i hear $10,000 ?
$10,000 ? ... is there no one ...?
- the poop auctioneer
just as about to give up ...
a dude in the back slowly stands up ...
your photo here
"it is by how we respond to our fate which determines our destiny"
- sir walter mathews
the pvf symbol
upper chakras go one way
lower go other
writer first learn silence - emptiness
then he to open to power of beauty
so writer knows how to be empty to receive new ideas
he learning to be empty to receive the passion
he better at one direction than other
it his female circle which needs guidance
he strengthens it - we all score
the pvf shines out
he good at feeling the love
but yet at expressing the physical
emptiness remains unchanged
(unmoved from dharmakaya)
we allow to flow through/enter a different inner world of female energy
"to know it you must enter it"
emptiness and passion is beauty
that is androgynous
this own sacred space
everyone talk to is part of self
that why "you the chief"
and why it so quiet peaceful
there no self there no others
this place your own
before you share with others
they dont have power here
- la lady
from sambogakaya
then manifest body into other spheres/worlds
the entire sphere is the sambogakaya/body place
"you should learn how to use it"
we are very lucky to be given this space
like dream
if we see someone here it just a story telling us a message so we understand the past
they not here in this sambogakaya
- not in that way
sambogakaya is said to be uninterrupted
it not unchanging like dharmakaya
but always here the presence
in script
the star beings gather at university
teresa now at the white island
someone very old can have same 3d body as anyone
the 3d part is easy; they have mastery over 5d
the dark energy never exhaust
it the youthful 4d personality they want improve
e.g. be a goofy 200 years old lady
it just mastery over physical, most of the advanced civilizations can do it
unless they coming from earth level 2
teresa among the new students
the simple earth people
we marvel at the beautiful old ladies here
some over 500 years old
they can shapeshifter into any form we know
they can simulate our memory wave to meet us in ways we comfortable
these things comes with knowledge
it the happiness we all seek
- ET
the star beings who a shapeshifter
teresa remembers him when young
he took another form - they very close friendship
ET introduces teresa to the new world
first inside a vision in which she sees the new yet remains within the old
gradually she ready to let go, crossing into it
once inside, although she still sees same 3d
she knows she is in new world
they like billion to her million
yet they all equal as friends
she trusts this star being
in script
they can just appear spontaneously to the fortunate ones
to our world
it cannot be explained by newton science
to their world
they dont know how to explain to us
like Q of star trek
from their continuum it ordinary
from ours
we dont know yet how to explain it
it like big foot as nirmanakaya
zhu ren zhang flute melody
if you see it you will believe it
pvf 1900's
under japan occupation
if they raise arms say bonsai bonsai to honor emperor
taiwan villagers must follow
and no laugh or ...
japan culture demands respect
it not polite to fart in meeting
when it happens it often the subordinates (fart catchers - おならを捕まえる人 taiwanese calls them)
who takes the blame ...
"sumi masen ... it was i who farted ..."
- bows
even though it the minister who loudly farted
and subordinate far away
the guests suppose to act along
"riecht gut!"
- general smith
the translator :
" Ī nioi ...!
("smells good ... !")
the parties remains professional
this important meeting to discuss better trade relations
"your counterpart
mr zhu ren zhang
is a well known flute musician who once played nba
in the parallel world
we need you to act his role
a friend of zhu ren zhang in counter world
"but i cannot play the flute ...
and dont have his offense skills"
you wont need to
you will only need to pretend you do
where is zhu ren zhang ?
- john chu
you have yet to meet him
but have felt his presence
he is looking forward to meet you
he will take your role
and you his
you two not be seen same time
- jessica
john chu lets go of the 3/4/5d to zhu ren zhang - the vision maker
and enters zhu ren zhang's 3/4/5d
the world of tantra
this vision body / place just code/reference ; a 3d suit/shell
complimented by 4d thought/center
and 5d binary energy
we to see it as a shell with memory
which we can enter/exit ; wear/disrobe
not as something flesh continued from past/into future we stuck with
the reason "it dont feel right" because we still view it as flesh and not as a shell/tool
the fong chi finals ; part 2 is this year
the no fear laughing clan
clown chief name is no laugh
only no one has made no laugh laugh
at the last semi finals
no laugh burst out laughed so loud
people could hear a mile away
that only time anyone has seen no laugh laugh in a no laughing contest
"no one teammate is no body
they from team named "the most humble"
useless is the captain's name
they will try to make us laugh with the these names. we should get used to see the names as ordinary respectful names"
- fong chi scout lady
teammates nod
this is chewpiland
we all fine here
this place/space ?
our future pre programmed it
to create the optimal environment
then it forgets itself ; enters game
and returns to this
the final place where we alone
yet we can return anytime
like arrived tacoma but listening to taiwan news believing it still taiwan outside
the others we talk to
they can be another being / sambogakaya
using the image to meet us
the vision body/place is just a 3d shell
one of many multiverse of body/place
this your personal retreat
it a place to experience and try new things
we are protected here
the rules here just suggestions
"it is soft/not press upon us"
the hippies world/rules
we use same memory we link compassion
"then i be that person who is your mother"
- la lady
“Creation takes place out of five elements and it also dissolves in the elements. The five elements are the supreme Brahman alone, and is beyond the elements ...r"
to know elements - see it from within
where five elements take place
taichi is movements of the 64 patterns
and where elements dissolves into
wuchi is movements of 8 root patterns
numbers can also be divided 3 9 81 etc.
study the energy/code of the elements
at root there three forces/qualities
yin/yang/empty ; forward/reverse/both
the 9th is like the joker card
the poop island is an island named after its discovery by the poop people
it looks like a ... floating in endless sea
whichever direction look from island
east west north/ past future past
the sea/wave is endless
teresa arrived in the township of the poop
she was greeted by jessica
the mayor/chief
this matriarchy
"one could just visualize japan
and be there"
- raja buffet
chewpiland productions
the motoshojus
pg - 13
90's seijo setagaya ; suburn tokyo
place a good vibe
near midnightwe drinking shoju
every time i say motoshoju ?! they laugh
her sister restaurant
romi teaching john english
"iwashi ..."
she points to a certain type of fish
chu pauses
flips open the japanese dictionary
as they all watch
he finds the word
reads it in japanese
"shindane iwashi ..."
(dead fish)
the room broke out laughing
they no english ; me no japanese
humor transcends culture
we will start the pvf japan show from this scene
if do for self preservation
it expire-able even if forever
eventually wont fit in the world
it not fit them anymore
where they go ?
like merovegean in movie matrix
forever wanting to go beyond with self preservation
the conscious ocean of samsara
the dark ocean of compassion
if to further compassion
then more and more
everywhere compassion go the world welcomes and needed - even if it not fit in
if there compassion as purpose
compassion is the purpose
life never gets without purpose and/or compassion
that what keeps future passion
like the oracle circle in matrix
coming from parallel world
john chu switch place with zhu ren zhang
he now in shambhalla
zhu ren zhang in 21st century
"you dont have to perform the flute
but you must have the look of confidence to be an actor for zhu ren zhang
your melody may never be
but his melody
"place our souls in ecstasy"
- jessica
tour guide
but i am just a humble beginner waiting to learn
- john chu
well, i suggest you take this job
there a award ceremony upcoming
musician of the year
you may have to give speech
you must have the look of confidence
sandra bu will present the award
- jessica
i will practice most diligently
- john chu
and you also play in nba
we will surround you with nba stars
but you must walk talk with the same confidence as them
zhu ren zhang apologizes to the defender before scoring
but you dont have to trash talk unless playing
- jess
i will practice most diligently
- john chu
bows with honor and respect
zhu ren zhang the rainbow body
when he speaks flute the presence is
when he talks basketball the humor is
he has own sambogakaya/own pureland
in a place of no place - akanishitha
if they could all enter ; they all be here
Cada hombre lega en sí mismo una fuerza más poderosa que el destino de su destino ...
- roberto
the gardener
sí señor walter mathews lo dijo
- the outstanding staff
hidden lake - chu may not speak spanish
but he hears them speaking it
and at nays cafe ...
they always laughing in spanish
not knowing that john the customer
may not speak spanish ...
oye te ves más joven
- mr chee
no eres la primera persona que me dice eso hoy
- mrs chee
también le dije que hoy
- jessica
si ...
- john
this sambogakaya the reference point
this last stop between formless/form
beyond this there is no link to past
only the memory
what unique is this can link into past worlds
if just one person
then it just a road to exit
but if they return to help
we each specialists in different corners
then maybe we can change/use it
many bodies/same place
so the limits to potential is lifted
we each have own place
same time/space
the poop town bakery
aka the poop bakery
is located close to the poop train station
a historic monument named after the town of the poop
the zhong xiao village
quantum weirdness is understatement

in 90's
starring jason as frank
emily as mindy
the root sisters inc.
ginseng perfume/cologn
they models for
if the root sisters inc. and staff
arise again with same products
then their modeling wont be just an act
"smells good"
that the commercial
征服包括新地方和新人 無法克服笑的誘惑
reverse is homeward bound
zhu ren zhang returns to 1850 bc
he the clown chief there
the clowns fight eachother by trying to make other laugh
those tribes that can make more laughter consumes the smaller tribes