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Chewpi Travel


Unknown Track - Unknown Artist
00:00 / 00:00

future to past

this last week of summer break

many will look back 

why don't we take another trip

across the world

city to city

nation to nation

factual fictions

put your own name/photos etc. in there

and use it as matrix

for our future

to link back

we will begin/end the journey

from three places

they travel different ways

different times/conditions

yet they cross paths same cities

imagine future 

grandchildren asking 

sharing website from distant past

when you also their generation

making them all laugh 

"were you really there  ...?!"

pick your own places

complete them in the future

and from there

send compassion to our own past/future

- narrator

Tour #1




Southern California




Central Taiwan

Tour #2


Central Taiwan


Kyoto, Japan



Tour #3


Northern Arizona


Four Corners


Copper Canyon



tour #2


south  france (your place)

90's (your time)

(your name) met e.g.

 (mrs and/or mr  hey buster ) at a festival

at an old  french seaside cafe

she was singing karaoke

with her friend 

by the way she talk

(your name) can tell

she speaks fluent french

she talk of the ancient village

near by

where she grew up ...


Tour #2

copper canyon

the tour guide and /or translator

who the tour guide depends on who is translating

(your photo)

Tour #1

mountains, kyoto

"this ancient temple attracts world wide ...

and so it is this five star resort

and its interior garden

as the star chef bows

guest toasts sake

"domo aligato ..."

Tour #3


hafai adai 


The annual festival of local hawaiians who honors their ancient heritage from across the sea 


Tour #1

Central Taiwan

five star hotel

speaker bows and reads from book





- 胡大師 


”yin yang


reverse yin not yang

empty yang not yin“

- Master Hu


after translation

guests rise to applaud

Tour #2


taylor swift concert

featuring dancers from guam

the tour guide may

also perform a song on stage

with the translator

Timeless Compassion


(your place)


(your time) 


A Message of Good Health



At present. we are writing this and at present, we are reading this; different time but the same present 



And  if we are reading this one year from now etc., it is still in the eternal present moment 






And if we are reading this  ten and/or twenty/thirty/forty/fifty  years from and/or before  this present moment… may you look back to this moment and say  


“parle vu fransue?!”

Tour #3

mountains, kyoto

central japan

"this ancient temple attracts world wide ...

and so it is this five star resort ...

and its interior garden

only further enhances the influential artistic rendering of colloquial japan to the experience of our honored  guests"

as the star chef bows

after translation

guests rise to  bow

"domo aligato ..."

Tour #3



Central Taiwan

mountain resort 

speaker bows and reads from book






​- 胡大師

empty non body

"ying yang wisdom root

chi strong body soft

body strong chi soft"

- master hu 

after translation

guests rise to applaud


Timeless Compassion


the present is not sustained by inner past/future

we no need them because what we have is 

self contained joy over flowing

sending compassion as a united beacon to our past/future

this PVF beacon needed minimal  and yet shines just as bright

and is therefore among the most abundant

if there a song represent it "the falling (drifting) flower"

 enough is enough ; we only want to give/help  ...

​and that the best beacon

a little paradox

that they receiving compassion from within what perhaps be one of most confusing times  in our history ...

if we can't stop laughing for ... continuous days/years

free and accessible anytime anywhere ...

then it no get better than this

they will call us as a large population

"the purifiers"

they want be here the way we are all here now ...

light absorbs not the dark

darkness absorbs not the light

we co-created chewpiland

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