summer 1992
outward bound montana
group gather final night
each given sheet paper to pass around
write down what each want to say ...
chu simple wrote same on all 10
"you are the smartest and nicest person i know"
then, to surprise
instructor ask each to read the ten comments they received
out loud
after about four rounds ...
they ask why same comments repeating ...?
we'll start the matrix from here

getting stuck in lightening storm at top of mountain peak
cover ourselves together under a large tarp
that was the root memory of 1992 outwardbound in montana
it was warm - we all waiting for storm to pass
huddled up together
chaos within compassion
montana outwardbound
that evening
they each had a dream that seem to last years ...
everyone all had same dream where they are the person who liberated their world
everyone they see is the great spirit in disguise
when awake within dream
they came to understand it
then when return to ordinary world
the world look same
but it now feels funny forever
they smile at eachother

"emptiness is what is between this and nothing"
- gyaphal
chewpi travel
interview with a hopi
"the great spirit the billion
we the million
the enlighten sage the two million"
"it can put every one of us into a personal dream at night
it can do same at day"
"maybe every one you met there
were all one being ..."
chewey bows with honor and respect

chewpi travel
portland, oregon
intern with blake at a firm
chatting over lunch
"it like people cutting in line
out here, even an old lady can call him back"
- chu
"that is why we are the standard bearers of democracy for the world"
- chris blake
chu and the classmates bow with honor and respect

interview with dakinni
the power of beauty
its essence is empty
its nature is radiant clarity
and its energy is unceasing
- lady tsogyal
at root
the source energy
then female/male
chewey and classmates bow with honor and respect
sedona 1993 was very interesting experience
met some interesting people
also when visited hopiland first time
in script
this all parallel realities next to this world
not the fixed past we believe it is
quality compassion the most important

1993 an interesting year
sedona/hopiland in spring
had a vision of dharmadatu in a vision quest
"it all one
here there
past future"
it also a year from which a good start can be made
one them amazon plant journey
felt like taken out
red being very compassion
like tibetan buddhist
tour the universe long time ...
then when return
only 30 minutes had passed
kept saying to myself
wow what compassion
it possible maybe
that 1993 inside chewpi studio
is here with us now
- he opened/glimpsed the timeless
like can we transfer this consciousness to him now from here ?
93 be best year to start over
because nothing was set yet
he just started working small firm sept 92
so a bit of anchor to begin